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Posts posted by Ketchum

  1. I'm against damage meters. This game was always meant for fun, not numbers.


    If damage meters are put in then you'll most definitely see people getting kicked from groups left and right for not doing 100k DPS, and next thing you know they'll be kicking healers for not doing their share of damage when they're not healing or tanks for holding aggro but just not killing things fast enough. Things like this breed morons. Bioware knows this, which is why they left them out in the first place.

  2. Plus, we're also about 1000 years before Naboo is discovered, so no Gundans will be making it into this game unless they do a maHOOOsive retcon to the SW universe!


    I recall Naboo was mentioned in a quest once on Hutta, but that was in the beta and I haven't made an IA since. It was positively Naboo, but whether it's still there or not i don't know.


    That said, I'd love it if Naboo came up in a future expansion.

  3. call me crazy but why not go do them ? they pay cash and occasionally an "orange" + drops + commendations.


    In addition to the bug where you can't abandon them, they also don't show up on your map, so they could be anywhere. Also, they're pretty much all bonus quests, which I imagine can't be finished without having the main quest as well. The quests are null, impotent, useless.

  4. I've mistakenly bought an offhand as well... I was wondering why no comparison to my current saber was showing up but I placed it as a bug. The thumbnail looked cool so I got it to check it out. It's times like that I wish they had a commendation refund, but oh well. I got 5k credits for it.
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