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Posts posted by Ketchum

  1. I endorse this idea wholeheartedly. This seriously NEEDS to be in game. I mean, running Talos around the fleet without a shirt or pants is fun, but when I have to clothe him again it makes me feel sad. I see no reason this shouldn't be in game.


    I will use it on EVERY human male crew member and character I have.

  2. That's my article - many thanks for the bump/repost over here.


    Let me know what you guys think about it - I want to do a follow up piece eventually when SGRs actually start getting implemented so would be good to get feedback.


    It's a great article! I love it, and the more attention this gets, the better.


    Although you say "There are almost 400 posts in the thread about SGRs on the official SWTOR forum, " Do you mean this topic? If so, this thread has over 4,000 posts and it's only the seventh incarnation. I may be mistaken, it wouldn't be the first time.

  3. Hello all!


    This is my first post here, or rather anywhere in these forums.


    I've been following this topic for a long while. And there is quite a bit of reading to be done just to catch up after being gone a few days without reading this thread. It makes even me, an avid reader of just about anything with the written(or typed) word, start feeling TL;DR about it. Which is a good thing for this issue I would like to think.


    I'm 30 years old, half-white, and straight (So that makes me almost the demographic that most companies look for, right?). And I really would love to have the option to actually roleplay a same gender romance to my heart's content. I have a Male trooper that may not quite be as straight as his dialogue options make him be, I don't really know yet, since I didn't get the option to flirt and see where that went. And don't get me started on my Fat Twi'lek male smuggler. He actually would be flirting with everything that moves, whether it is on two legs, or more, hairy, hairless, or mechanical. Sometimes it's all about the flirt.


    I'm glad that such a community exists, and is very active and passionate about what should be a basic civil right, and what should be included in a game that is made by a company who has been seen in the past to be very LGBT friendly.


    That being said, I do hope to someday in game have a (or is an an? IF I say the letters, its an, if I say the words, its a. Hmm...) SGR as a male trooper with a character not unlike how I mysteriously ended up with Mr. Alenko in ME3. "Bro's to the end!" And then suddenly, in a slightly intimate moment, I find out that he likes my Commander Shepard. "It just feels right, doesn't it?" Well, yeah, after romancing an alien woman, and Miranda....yes, yes it does.


    And for the few characters that I have that are women, having the option to have a(n) SGR would be nice as well. I guess I just dislike the limitations forced upon me in games that have the roleplaying aspect to them, be they online or single player. When I play as a character whom I don't name after myself, I don't mind whatever gender romance they have, as long as it is a nice story (or side story, as it were).


    Well, now that I'm done posting, I'm going to continue lurking. Just thought I would show my support for this, and perhaps to ask, "Can we please have a little more clarity on this issue please?" Even mumbling into a microphone and posting it on youtube would be a step up!


    That is awesome! You are the kind of straight guy that I like, and I truly wish more were like you :D

  4. I already wrote GLAAD and they said they were looking into it. There's only so much they can do, which is why it's good that you're also hitting BW on all fronts. I also need to get my letter writing on one of these days! Maybe when my sub ends this week...


    After all, that which does not bend, breaks :cool:

  5. Which begs the million credit question we've been asking this whole time: Why haven't they put it in yet? They have every green light possible, yet they still falter. It's a mystery of life and our society has been established for the soul purpose of uncovering it!
  6. I'm not opposed to romancing the opposite gender in this game just for the fun of it, but it's all only for the fun of it. Like I'm teasing my companion, only to shove them out an airlock after I get max affection with them.


    That said, some of the OGRomances are pretty damn creepy. Take Nadia for the Consular. She's barely out of her teens, and she feels so much younger than that. I wouldn't romance her if she gave me free purple crystals. Same with Ashara for Inquisitors.

  7. Sounds more like a "we have no idea because we haven't even discussed it yet" to me. "We will let you know when we confirm whether we are confirming this. Or not." Please. :rolleyes: Not sure why BW-Austin is so afraid of "the gays" after all the success BW-Edmonton has had with being an inclusive developer and building a relationship with this part of the community but enough is enough. If BW-Austin want to continue building a reputation of exclusion and discrimination fine, I'll just go elsewhere.


    I'm pretty much giving up on BW-Austin at this point. They've made what should have been a complete non-issue and the content simply included from the start into a mountain of an issue that requires contacting LGBT groups just to get a confirmation that they don't have any confirmations. Ridiculous.


    It could be a condescending message, yes. They could just be trying to brush us off. After all you guys have done, they should know that they won't get rid of us that easily. Since the game began, BioWare has been terrified of displeasing their customers, that's why they give in to every demand made on these forums. They know any answer they give us will be met with outrage, so they're trying to play it as carefully as possible. They are afraid of us. It's unfortunate that this is what it's come to in regards to BW's first step into the MMO world. Maybe if they try again they'll learn that they can't please everyone and just stick to whatever they stand for (same sex relationships being one of them) and not what gives them the most money.

  8. Copying and pasting this from the Story and Lore thread:


    Well, this is..interesting. I just got this reply via email.



    I guess that's a yes? Not very helpful and sure as Hades not a clear answer. It's an answer true, but it's about as clear as mud. :mad:


    We need clarity BW-Austin. Not a murky answer to the press.


    Why they won't come out and say a peep to us escapes me. I still don't count this an official answer, just a blurb to quiet the media. A clear answer would be one given to the players on the ToR forums and/or site, from a developer or other current representative of the company.


    I'm still going to keep right on truckin' though. Get those mails off to GLAAD. I'll let you know if I get any more updates.


    That's a very intriguing answer. Neither a yes or a no, but it tells us that they are indeed doing something about it, but in reality "soon" in the game business can mean anytime between now and the end of the game. BW has been very neglecting in this subject, but by the tone of that message it doesn't seem like it would be a no. Regardless, hearing this has given me the slightest degree of hope. Let's see if they don't betray that by thinking they can appease us with another "soon" and neglect us again for another year.

  9. I'm playing Sith now, but my mains for most of the game have been Republic. I'm just trying to get through all the class stories. It's true though, that all the classes on Empire had are more interesting than some on Republic, like, Trooper is the last class I'd want to play because it looks so boring. Same with Smuggler. The highest one I leveled was in his 20's, and I only got him that far because I was playing alongside my boyfriend. Whereas Bounty Hunter and Agent are some of the funnest classes I've played.


    It's all perspective, though. Play what you like. That's the best thing about this game. Not one class is better than the other.

  10. I sent a FB message to GLAAD to show my support:


    I heard there's support to be garnered for BioWare's game, The old Republic and their refusal to supply any information regarding the same gender storylines that were supposed to be implemented by now. I want to throw in my voice, saying it's important to me and many others and I have no faith that BioWare themselves will contend with our pleas, so I'm asking you, no, begging you, please help us "persuade" them to tell us the truth! Sincerely your's, angry gay guy.


    Yay us!

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