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Posts posted by oJebuso

  1. I'm going to wait until 2.1 comes out and see what happens. If it comes out with only cartel market related features then I'm probably going to stop playing. I always told myself that if a content patch comes out with only cartel market "content" then I'm done. Isn't this what a subscription fee is for to begin with?
  2. If day/night and weather is implemented in an immersive way that means during random times of the day it is much harder to see anything. See EQ when you actually can't see in the nIght if you didn't have night vision. That's why in WoW your visibility is just as good at the night as day, but of course then you've to ask why have a night cycle if you see exactly as well in the night as day?


    Similarly stuff like rain/snow actually obscured vision significantly in EQ so you'd probably walk into your doom and die because you can't see well (especially if it was in night), and that wasn't very fun, so we end up with modern weather where you see exactly as well in the rain as clear sky. And then the same question comes up again, why have weather if it has no effect?


    Immersion. It's still WAY better than static, never changing environments.

  3. When Makeb was first announced last summer they advertised a lot of things in the same video (new lvl 55 cap, Cathar race, and new space missions). Many people thought that meant the new expansion would include Makeb, a new level cap, new space missions, and a new race. However, they never explicitly said said any of it would be in the expansion. For example, those space missions are now the Heroic space missions (minus the one where we fly through a space station; I'm hoping that's in the expansion). So basically, they showed off a lot of new stuff at once and everyone thought we'd get it in the same package, when reality is we aren't.

    Thats really shady, bordering on false advertising imo.

  4. So I paid for an expansion which advertises the Cathar as a playable race and that's not good enough? I have to buy the *********** race on top of the expansion to get it? Please tell me I'm understanding this incorrectly.


    edit: I can't find anything about the race on the expansion info sheet, though I could have SWORN that was a feature of the expansion.

  5. After reading the, "Hoth Accounts Threatened by GM", thread, I think something needs to be said to Bioware even if it angers some people. SWTOR customer service needs to actually do their job before they come on this forum and publicly chastise players who have honestly submitted customer service tickets. JovethGonzelez, there is absolutely no excuse for your despicable conduct of prematurely painting players as liars before an internal investigation was even completed that found them to be telling the truth. Your customer service team did the same thing to me when I voiced a customer service complaint and they gave me the same lame excuse that I was wrong because they could find no record of the incident in the game logs. It makes me wonder how many other players have been wronged in this same fashion by customer service. It is now quite apparent that either the customer service team is incapable performing an adequate search of the logs or the logs are incapable of recording the necessary information. Either way, you have a serious problem that needs to be fixed immediately.


    It was their word against biowares, how is some cut & paste screenshot of a chat log allegedly made by a bioware csr evidence against them being able to do their jobs?


    This is the internet, people make stuff up, get a clue

  6. great video of you popping cooldowns and bursting sages/commandos/gunslinger who were engaged with someone else, you should show the parts right after when you run away and hide i feel thats your greatest strenght. Also the quality of your opponents is outstanding, wish i had thought to let an uncloaked scoundrel stand behind me waiting for back blast to get off cooldown. overall its the best 10 minutes of killing lesser players with cooldowns ive ever seen.


    So he played the class the way it was designed to be played?


    Man, some people on these forums really don't have a clue do they...

  7. has anyone played GW2 yet?


    If you had you wouldnt be thinking its a saving grace. A good time filler at best but in no way will it be a full-time MMO for most people.




    Seriously, GW2 feels like an action adventure MMO, more than an RPG. The only thing really fun about GW2 is the WvWvW, other than that its pretty mediocre at best.

  8. I like how people complain about x class being overpowered, while completely ignoring the fact that expertise has been changed significantly :confused:


    Instead of nerd raging over x class that just kicked your *** in a warzone, perhaps consider other possibilities first

  9. This is an Elitest attitude. I can beat, so i am better than you. its not for you to make that determination, Story mode is just that story mode. bioware is telling a story not everybody likes to devote 200% to being the masters of a video game. they like to play causally, so why is your right to deny them content that they pay for?


    Do you honestly want no challenge?


    This is what I don't understand about MMO players. If something isn't conquered right away they start to cry about it's difficulty. I would be truly mad if this new (really enjoyable imo) operation offered no additional challenge to players. That is what kills progression, and when you have no progression, you have no game.


    If Denova went down as easily as EV or KP, then what is the point of raiding in this game? Challenge yourself for once. The instance drops rakata and black hole gear for a reason.

  10. How long do you think it should take to conceptualize, design, document, develop, prototype, create art work, program, test, debug, re-test, and deploy a major software update?


    A long time. That was kind of my point. This patch has been planned for a long time, the actual new content is probably good to go. It's been in testing for a long time, they're holding it back for resubs.


    Hell, that's what I'd do.

  11. I love posts from people who have never done anything more complicated with a computer than to watch **** and play games. Get a clue about coding and development on a massive scale, then come back to crying about it.


    I'll bet you have a massive wealth of knowledge on the subject. :rolleyes:


    Let's be honest here, Bioware/EA are the freaking kings of DLC, it's pretty obvious this patch is going to be released right after the 3 month subs roll around.


    It's not rushed, it's calculated.

  12. And I'm sure everyone cares and BW will release a rushed patch that breaks more than it fixes JUST so you won't leave us! The nerve of these people...


    Rushed patch? Come on man, really?


    1.2 has been in development since Jan 19 at the latest....by my count that's almost three months, and that's being generous since all of these features have undoubtedly been in development longer.

  13. I just think they were extremely abused. No a person could not find a group unless he had a cookie cutter build and follows a strict rotation. If you did not have this perfect build plus marco you were called a nub and laughed at "want moar nub qq" it breeds a type of being elite and discourages other game play. For too long we the player's suffered under it's great domination and now it's gone.


    So when I want to progress through a nightmare mode operation and we keep hitting enrage timers cause one or two of our dps have no clue what they're doing, I just have to deal with it so they can continue to suck it up in any group they play with? Cause they want to run a sub optimal spec with a sub optimal rotation?


    Makes no sense to me.

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