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Posts posted by oJebuso

  1. While this is true, in my experience people who self-identify as "roleplayers" typically consider RP a collaborative activity, while folks who make their way through a solo RPG often view character and immersion as simply part of playing the game rather than "role-play" per se. I personally don't know anyone (that I'm aware of) who considers him/herself a roleplayer because "I played Mass Effect."


    As always, YMMV.


    From what I've seen, most people who RP alone, do so because most group RP in my experience is pretty cringe worthy.


    But you're right, ymmv. Everyone is different.

  2. Mm. You want to play the dictionary definition game? Sure.


    From m-w.com as well:




    1. to act out the role of

    2. to represent in action


    Neither of those definitions require other people to be present, do they?


    If you think solo roleplay is egocentric, I think you have the wrong idea of what roleplaying is in a video game. You RP in RPGs. There's millions of solo RPGs in which you, well, roleplay. On your own. Without anyone else present.


    So, m-w has 2 definitions for egocentric:


    1. having or regarding the self or the individual as the center of all things:

    2. having little or no regard for interests, beliefs, or attitudes other than one's own; self-centered


    I see no evidence that the solo RPer regards himself or herself as the center of all things. I mean, unless you think all roleplaying is about being the center of all things.


    ... for the record, it isn't. Just sayin'. For my money, if you're RPing on your own, it kinda demonstrated that you don't care about being the center of attention. You know, since no one else is there....


    ☐ Not rekt ☑ Rekt

  3. It's entirely self-focused, with no input from another person. It's tantamount to staring at oneself in a mirror and saying "Dayum, I am hot!! Tell me, self, have you ever seen such a hottie in your life?"


    Lol, the entire point of role playing is to briefly take on a new persona, which can be anything you want it to be. It doesn't mean that you believe it to be true to yourself, so stop throwing words around that you clearly don't understand. It is not narcissistic.

  4. Lol it was just an example. The point I was trying to make was that there has never been repercussions and most likely never will be. It's hard to police an exploit if you are trying to keep it hush hush like they've been doing since launch.

    Call me crazy but I think it's pretty simple to look at people achievements.

  5. This is an mmo. Trying to keep hush-hush on an exploit won't and has never worked. Better to acknowledge it to let players know its being worked on and also keep everyone on the same playing field for the small few who have no idea about the exploit.


    Also for OP, them taking action against everyone who has used this more recent exploit is a joke since this has and most-likely never will happen. The most recent one in fact was something a player just found out as to why others were getting bolstered better than others. Due to playing this game is beta and naturally playing the rail-system space game at least once, I naturally was getting bolstered better than others without knowing why. There are plenty of players that have my same back-story which is why trying to take action against someone who didn't even know is laughable.


    There's no way you couldn't know what you were doing with the ops exploit. It was literally free gear and quite a few guilds on bastion bought a lockout to get minmaxed minus set bonus. It's quite cute that I'm being told mad cus bad :rolleyes:

  6. you know who throws temper tantrums whenever they don't get their way no matter what inconveniance it might be for anyone else?




    fact is that the SW:TOR devs have ALWAYs been more or less inactive during the christmas and new years week. and this has always delayed things. we NEVER get a patch during the mid december to mid january period.


    I don't know anyone who gets 4 weeks of holidays at this time of the year.


    Ah, the "entitled" argument. For when the apologists have nothing better to say in defense.

  7. The thing that concerns me is that they claim to still be trying to asses what the cause is when I've been yelling at them since day 1 what the causes are. YOUR COMPLEX ANIMATIONS DO NOT WORK WELL ON YOUR CURRENT GAME ENGINE. EITHER MAKE LESS COMPLEX ANIMATIONS OR REPLACE THE ENGINE, YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE!!


    It annoys me to no end when people think you can just replace a game engine.

  8. We can all agree that posting something, like Eric did, is better than complete silence. The sad and embarrassing thing is that he doesn't have any more information than we do. It's like the devs at BuyerBeware are giving him the finger, too.


    I can't wait until President Obama addresses this. Sanctions, people. Sanctions.

    Agreed. Eric is doing the best with what he has... which is not much, unfortunately.

  9. You see this is why they can't have a proper rapport with us, damn them if they talk and damn them if they don't.


    We were already pretty annoyed that they were not talking to us, so now they are telling us it is because they are still working on it and have not forgotten about us.

    It's pretty reasonable to be annoyed when you wait 4 weeks and the response you are given is "we still don't know what is causing the problem" (aka we haven't even started on a fix).


    It's actually pretty unacceptable, it's a very big issue and the lack of progress is pretty ridiculous.

  10. Big difference between FOTM mentality and those who simply do not enjoy the disciplines/class even with proper knowledge/experience therefore there is no long a reason to adapt. Only real reason I'm still using mine is because it is the one class I hate least at the moment...and because it's been my main toon/class since beta.


    But yeah, probably 80% FOTM mentality.


    The spec most definitely requires tuning if not a minor overhaul and the Devs do know how little most of us hardcore marauders/sentinels are impressed if not in contempt for what's it's been transformed into. Just keep in mind that they have a LOT to fix with such a rushed release most of which are very major issues that directly affect the game and gameplay, meaning that the 24 disciplines that will require their undivided attention will simply have to wait their turn.


    Fair enough, but like you said most people are just FOTM players.

  11. We grown to love this system cause of the indepth and the possibility of overpoweredness.

    And honestly nobody is asking for perfect balance, just combat those cheaters more.

    Um, what? I can honestly say you are the first person I've ever seen who feels this way....


    ah well this is my conclusion and people may disagree, but I am usually right about those things.

    Sorry, but no.

  12. I think some people are being a little ridiculous in regard to the disciplines, or perhaps just do not understand it. The whole point of disciplines is to make balance easier to achieve by removing hybrid specs (which BioWare has always tried to avoid since they break balance ie Dotsmash). Everyone played cookie cutter specs in PvP/PvE already anyway (so if your argument is that it dumbs down the game, save it), disciplines literally changes nothing. People still get to play the same specs/roles regardless.
  13. So the CE code is inside the little metal tin that contains the game CDs, right?


    Is that also "sealed" in some way, or would there be no way to tell if the metal box had been opened already before?

    First pic is the metal case, there was no shrinkwrap or any sealing whatsoever if I remember correctly. The only sealing on the box was the round stickers on the outside in pic 2.




  14. I happened to still have the box laying around, went and checked to see if I had more than one code and I did not. I had only a product registration code on a paper insert inside of the metal collectors case. So to be honest, it is likely a scam if you are only purchasing the product code. I highly doubt anyone would buy a collectors, hold on to it for 2 years without using the code, and then be willing to part with only the code instead of the whole package.


    The only way in my eyes to verify whether or not the code has been used, is if the plastic sheath around the box has not had the clear round stickers removed from the top and bottom. There is absolutely no shrink wrap involved with the packaging.

  15. I played ESO for six hours. It was terrible. The more I played it, the less I liked it. Sorry, but I jettisoned ESO and gave the account to my brother. Didn't even make it to the OPvP zerg area.


    That said, ESO will probably make a dent on PvE servers. I don't see it impacting PvP Servers much.


    I think you might have that backwards, the PvP in SWTOR is a snoozefest. The OPvP in ESO is actually really good, and actually works well. I would be surprised if this game doesn't lose a big chunk of PvPers.

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