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Posts posted by oJebuso

  1. not going to happen, I will not be strong armed by "sales tactics" in order to spend more money, if you want it to sell make it a price that people will pay and keep it there! making it expensive and offering "sales" makes me feel like you are trying to push customers into impulse buys, which raises red flags for me and your company as a whole.

    Those evil companies putting their products on sale.


    Totally absurd, I mean, NOBODY does this EVER. How can they be such bullies!?

  2. considering this is something that will make them money, it will prolly happen


    however, if everyone is abel to spam all the rare crystals they want (even if they are bound), that will likely reduce the price of the crystals, which is not desirable for those that spent extra time during the event to be able to sell them later for a good price.


    also, this will lead to people not doing event on multiple characters, which reduces the time sink factor BW loves so much (cuz we all love to do dailies to pay for repair bills and augment installations)


    How would this make them more money?


    How would it be more common if you had to be there for that one time event before f2p happened. So what if your alts get to use the crystals, you still worked for it.


    Also, time sinks are an MMO thing, not a Bioware thing.....

  3. The core of the game is the class quest plus the planet quests (including Heroics), this is the core.


    PVP and PVE are an essential part of the game, but are not the core game.

    Flashpoints, Feekly missions and Dailies are the next step away from the core, not considered essential, but highly important.


    Everything else is dressing, enjoyable and fun maybe, but dressing all the same, and nowhere near being considered the Core game.


    This doesn't mean I disagree with what you want, just stating what the core game is.


    "PvE and PvP are essential parts of the game"


    "Essential parts of the game =/= Core"



  4. Yep.


    Because I've certainly never seen any other game release bugs. And no other type of software releases bugs, either.


    So horrible. These stop me from playing the game, I can't even log in. Never-mind enjoy anything.



    These are blatant, widespread, totally obvious, and very annoying bugs that should have never made it out the door. I don't know how anyone could have missed them.

  5. The issue is that there are a lot of subs who have been with this game since it launched. Players who paid for a physical copy of the game, stuck it out through the massive sub die off last year, paid a sub to play on a deserted server while they waited for merges to occur, paid a sub while f2p was in dev, paid a sub while the CM was in dev, and kept right on paying. And they're starting to feel like their loyalty has been taken advantage of. I don't blame them.


    It's been pretty loud and clear what subs wanted all along.


    1) The bolster bugs fixed

    2) PvP endgame gear that is a different model than PvE gear

    3) Shadow/ Assasin Tank survivability issues fixed in the new Operations content (fyi they're getting randomly one shotted at %85 health)

    4) Mission and reputation rewards that are on par with CM items

    5) bug fixes to RotHC crafting & additional updates to the crafting system in general

    6) QoL improvements through the legacy system

    7) NEW WZ's/ FP's/ OP's/ SPACE/ Events/ Companions ~ anything that isn't just another daily

    8) & new features that don't have a CM element involved.


    Overall.....something worthwhile to do ingame besides grind credits to purchase CM items from the GTN.


    Isn't the next big patch supposed to implement a new weekly event, and two new flashpoints?


    I agree with the PvP issues for sure, those are probably my biggest gripe about the game overall.

  6. I agree, to a point.


    If you are subscribing to a service that you are completely dissatisfied with, then by all means, drop the service. But if you are only dissatisfied with some aspects of the service, wouldn't it be a valid option to see if you can't get those aspects improved and thus improve your experience with that service?


    Those subscribers who proceed to express their dissatisfaction in calm, collected fashions are attempting to make the game better by pointing out what they don't like about the game. Those that flame the game and rant and rave agressively are just seeking attention and should (in my opinion) simply be ignored.

    Unfortunately most of the criticism on these boards aren't constructive in any way.

  7. I look at it this way: I've been subbed for a long time, the only thing that has changed for me is that I now get 5 bucks back to save for things like name changes or buy cool looking gear shells. Paid 10 bucks for an expansion that has good entertainment/dollar value. I've been given another 5 bucks worth of coins on top of my monthly bonus of 600 coins which would equal a free name change this month, which I just received complimentary like a week or two ago. My Cathar unlock was basically included with my sub when it was released due to the monthly grant.


    I do not feel ripped off in the slightest as a subscriber. If anything my enjoyment has increased with the latest changes. I can't honestly understand the folks that say BioWare is milking subscribers through the market, because they're not.


    I guess basically what I'm trying to say is that it is worthwhile to be a subscriber to this game if you enjoy it.

  8. God..cry some more why don't ya?


    It was a perfectly legitimate thing to be upset about. I'd be kind of mad too if the character I've been playing for well over a couple days game time had its story spoiled.


    I agree with whoever said they should add a prompt when clicking the quest letting you know that the scene will contain spoilers.

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