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Everything posted by oJebuso

  1. http://i.imgur.com/lFtoMxQ.jpg Here ya go. Oh I also noticed this thread doesn't show that we've downed 8 man DP and DF, the main 8 man has both on farm in HM. I have the achievement for palace, but I've never personally killed Brontes so I don't have a screenshot of clearing DF.
  2. Vertere downed 16 Man HM Council http://imgur.com/ZU4mVao wooohooo!
  3. A 66 page troll thread. Nice, 10/10 edit: Scratch that, 67 pages now.
  4. The undercover stuff would be pretty hard to pull off as a pure blooded sith, IMO.
  5. From a story perspective, a Sith Pureblood agent would make no sense at all.
  6. Musco posted a sneak peek for 2.6 saying OP's and Scoundrels are getting a pretty significant DPS increase. So if you enjoy the class I think it would be worth it to keep playing and wait for the buffs.
  7. The 500 Cartel Coins are not free. You have to spend money to get the bonus, which is available at no extra cost. Free =/= No extra cost.
  8. Should definitely add some spoiler tags to pictures like that so people new to the game don't see them.
  9. I've read some pretty foul stuff in General Chat on this server for sure. It does seem a little worse than every server I've been on yet in SWTOR.
  10. What you just described is a very diverse amount of storylines and enemies...... Maybe this game isn't your cup of tea.
  11. This, as far as I know Bioware said VO was the easiest/cheapest part of SWTOR. I don't think it makes as big an impact on developing speed as some people think.
  12. Out of all of the pathetic complaints I have seen on these boards, this is #1.
  13. Thought I read on the sentinel forums the other day that the PvP SA and PvE SA seem to be proccing together, I'll try to find the thread (They had parses confirming the relics proccing). Edit: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=668903&page=2 found it, was an interesting read.
  14. There is already a system in the game that exists to solve the problem. Your quest level turns grey and offers little xp for a reward. How much slower do you want the exp to be?
  15. Seriously dumb argument. "I hate how fast I level, and I also hate how the quest reward turns to zero when I level fast, thus slowing my leveling." :rak_02: .......like, seriously? Are people actually this dense?
  16. Yes, I think as long as the legacy level is higher.
  17. Yeah because I can tell the future and knew you were posting your dumb comment when I was making mine. Get lost.
  18. Rationalize it any way you want, they're selling a single use color dye for $20. That's absolutely nutty, doesn't matter what game you're playing or how much virtual currency said item is worth. It's absurd. Inb4 "you don't have to buy it". That's not the point.
  19. Smuggler with the guild name <I Shoot First>
  20. Lord Vezzik http://imgur.com/L3ahwW8 http://imgur.com/ady4ek7 http://imgur.com/7PO1NUq
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