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Everything posted by complexxLT

  1. What I instantly spotted in beta is that damage happens before animation just after you click the skill (IA). I naturally assumed it will be fixed asap.
  2. Are there any official news on this, besides that it's "under active investigation"?
  3. "Surnames" in this game are for identifying alts. That's it.
  4. @OP Are you kidding me? You want to have same surname as your friends? How about be in the same guild instead? What's the point of the surname if everyone can use it? You and your friends make a good legacy name and your'e all known and whatever, then I take same surname and troll your legacy. Working as intended I say and if it will change - then it will be the biggest crap about legacy names.
  5. You can force it in Catalyst Control Center (for AMD cards) and its equivalent for NVIDIA cards.
  6. Not getting this bug, but I'd hate when you complete all of the objectives including bonus ones and still have to fly around for one and a half minutes or so for mission to end..
  7. If they manage to fix it before the "free" month runs out, I guess no harm will be done for the future of this game. They mentioned there's multiple problems discussed here, with different potential solutions. I'd like them to release fix by fix, to show that they are taking action and change the mood of the forums. Also taking it step by step lowers a risk to introduce bunch of new bugs when attempting to fix everything at once.
  8. Well there is plenty of action @lvl 30. Some people have a job you know?
  9. Does everything posted in first post applies to weapon professions as well? For example Armstech? (prefix system in particular?)
  10. So animations depend on instance servers, it seems something is wrong with the engine concept, like server waiting for command, giving response to client and only then issuing the animation (when animation should initiate on client instantly and sync data with server in background, or something like that?)
  11. But it is game braking. It's just not everyone consciously perceives what's wrong with the game and why they don't enjoy it. They just quit because it doesn't play right.
  12. I guess this is why some of my ex wow guildies described their beta experience as "controlling a wooden character under the pap"?
  13. This. When I played IA in beta I was somewhat irritated by the backstab.. it felt nothing like instant ability.
  14. I wonder does bioware look at topics that don't have hundred pages? :?
  15. Hi, I really like the idea of reverse engineering and gaining better versions of equipment. In fact I like it so much that I suggest to change the way you acquire new recipes when leveling crafting. I am talking only about recipes acquired from crafting trainer. Instead of just going and learning them from you trainer, why not to make a system of item trees where you discover new recipes while leveling up your crafting. You would start from some base items which would fork into more items and so on and so on. You would climb the crafting tree by making different items to acquire different type of higher tier recipes while crafting and not just make most cheap item in every skill segment to get to max skill.
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