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Everything posted by Electroflux

  1. I have to get on top of all these mad threads
  2. Sorry about the title, it's hard to get anyone to read anything if it doesn't have some sort of degrading title about the game. This is my idea for space combat. For everyone out there, myself and everyone in my guild that is already bored of this game, here is one idea that will redeem all of our boredom and impress everyone. Space Wars Elaborate idea - Main objective is to infiltrate the others capital ship. Once you dock there, you have certain objectives in which you have to destroy sections of the ship, which eventually leads you to the "core" where you can destroy it and claim victory for your faction. But before you can do that, you have to fly to your capital ship as if you were going to Ilum and find your ship for your specific character and board it. Once you are able to start flying, it gives you a free roam with certain restrictions on how far you can go out until it tells you you need to get back in bounds. You can't typically just fly right to their capital ship and do your work, you need to fight your way there. So your entire faction must capture or destroy significant areas before you can progress onto the capital ship, such as smaller destroyers and what not. After you claim or destroy these ships, that leaves you a route to attack the capital ship. You aren't required to destroy all the capitals ships turrets but it would help your cause as you're not getting blasted 24/7. One thing you have to do is take down it's shields. When the shields are down that leaves you an opportunity to board the ship and do your bidding on it. Destroy it, control the complete area. Some specifics - For the people that are in the situation where they're losing control or have lost their capital ship, they must reclaim the area. Instead of going into the PvP zone by flying to their capital ship, they automatically start on their ship to go to battle. That way you aren't too demoralized by getting your capital ship destroyed and you don't lose anything for it getting destroyed, the enemy just gets valor and commendations. So you go through the same process as they did by destroying your capital ship as you are going to do to their ship. Condensed idea - Actual idea 1. Start on capital ship 2. Control/destroy objectives (major/minor ships protecting the capital ship) 3. Optional: Destroy the capital ships turrets 4. Destroy the shield generator or wear out the shields of the capital ships by damage 5. Infiltrate the ship through the docking bay 6. Fight inside the ship by controlling points on your way to the bridge or core in attempt to destroy it. 7. Capital ship is destroyed. Attackers 1. Your ship is destroyed so you must reclaim the area 2. Control objectives and go through the same process as the enemy did to destroy your capital ship 3. Destroy their capital ship, gain valor/commendations and claim victory for your faction Defenders 1. Defend your objectives 2. Defend your capital ship Some more notes - Remember that the current space combat system already in place has these functions. You have the flight controls down, you have specific areas of the ship in which you can target and all you need to add is the multiplayer aspect and free flying. For people that don't have enough players and their faction is underpopulated where they can never defend or reclaim their ship, you would get a cap on the pvp zone in terms of players so one can typically never outnumber the other. You have to queue for this zone. Without the queue, you can expect too many people to be here so only a set number of players can participate or you can shard the area, separate the pvp zones from each other which will allow more players to join. Also, if it gets too bad and you just cannot control the area anymore, after a week of not controlling you get a 25% damage buff. This will share the victory between each factions. When you control the area, you gain valor/commendations. If you lose the area, you gain a significant less amount of valor/commendations then you would if you won but at least it keeps you participating. Your ship is based off of how much you've upgraded it. You can customize your ship in game already and that can apply to this PvP zone. This will make you survive against each other better, more missiles and what not. Also, missiles wouldn't be able to lock on player ships unless you get 8-10 seconds of lock on. There should be countermeasures against missiles in PvP too, so you aren't getting blown up 24/7. Final comments - This is a really poorly thought out idea by me but I thought I could share it. Space combat in this game is really lacking and with the Star Wars universe and lore, you could make a game that's completely innovated and unbelievable except your typical MMO norm. If Space Combat was built this way, it would blow most peoples minds, I would guarantee it. Of course Bioware could think of a more specific plot to all of this, more then I could so it would sound more appealing then what it is. The developers seem to forget that this is an MMO and with the current things in place in game already, it's hard to believe that. This will add a huge MMO aspect to this game. Anyone have anymore ideas or input that could be added to this? I really want Bioware to know about these things because I can guarantee you it would shock everyone that plays MMORPGs if something like this was in place.
  3. Other then the obvious crappy dark side vendor which gives nothing useful. I'm a dark side consular and I've seen other dark side consulars but the only thing that makes you look different is your choice of a red lightsaber and a messed up face. If I go full dark side I should be able to get gear that makes me look significantly different then my light side partners. People keep saying "well, it gives you black gear" and blah blah. I have yet to see any level 50 consulars in black gear, instead they all look like copycats of each other wearing the champion gear
  4. The best part about the consular story is the end.
  5. How am I supposed to get into any groups when my server consists of 85% Sorcerer's? Is it possible? Should I be willing to endure the agony to go through just to play a Sorcerer? Does your server seem to have less Sorcs and could you recommend one? I want to play one, but I'm worried.
  6. Bioware, it is impossible for our guild to complete EV. We tried 4 times last night and each time we had some sort of strange bug making it incomplete-able. The first time, one of our dps got mind trapped into oblivion. He could see us but not the boss, so that was one dps down where we definitely needed. So, we died on the boss. Second time, the boss just disappeared because apparently he doesn't know what to do when the tank is in the mind trap and he doesn't have a target. Third time, some chunks in the floor were missing, even though they were supposed to be there. Eventually, as he smashed the floor in we all plummeted to the ground and died in an improper mechanical manner. Fourth time, people actually ended up DISAPPEARING from the entire operation and after a certain amount of time, they just died. Sometimes they come out of the mind trap and fall to the floor. It blows my mind that these things aren't fixed. See, I'm a PvPer and since PvP is atrociously borked in this game, I tried to run with the guild just for fun. Not even PvE players should be satisfied with these game-breaking bugs. We just stopped trying out of pure frustration. How do these things get overlooked, not only by Bioware themselves, but during the extensive beta test? I don't get how you expect us to complete this when we literally can't. It just isn't functioning, at all.
  7. How is Balance for PvP? How should I build him? I'm just worried because I might be making a huge change from my pretty good spec, infiltration. However, since I'm 50 now and I'm undergeared, I just get picked off so easy as Infiltration and I'm too squishy. A sorc can force lightning me and get me down 1/4hp just on that channel alone. I would like to try Balance but I need a pretty good build.
  8. Who are you to determine that this is a PvE centric game? It has PvP in it, therefore it isn't a PvE centric game.
  9. People must play extremely slow then. I had a level 29 commando, 26 guardian, 14 marauder, 20 sorcerer, 26 juggernaut, 18 operative and some other various sages I attempted to level and now this level 50 jedi shadow. I can honestly say after all of that, I felt like I took my precious time. Ilum on my server has more 50's then Coruscant has people leveling.
  10. Yet another person who didn't read the thread. Instead of posting something that a bunch of others have already posted in this thread, maybe YOU should have actually read it and realized that I am willing to wait.
  11. If I'm buying a Toyota, I'm pretty sure I know I'm buying a Toyota, because I am... buying... a Toyota. I would buy a BMW if I wanted one, but why would I buy a Toyota if I wanted a BMW? I don't get it. Ha ha, you got me. Oohhh, good one.
  12. How about implementing more impressive landscapes and graphics like that instead?
  13. Okay, so I got a legacy title that means nothing and I'm getting XP that means nothing. I'm not being rewarded in any way as of now, therefore release it with a "proper" working condition, not just some fluff they decided to add later. Just because it's there, doesn't mean it's proper.
  14. Okay, cool. So, release Legacy in a proper working form and improve on it later. Don't release it in a completely useless form and improve on it later. At least give me something I can work with when the game is released.
  15. Yes? We as in my guild? Like I posted in my thread...
  16. Exactly, like I said, we're giving it a longer chance but we've all been dissatisfied with many things.
  17. I understand that. But they released an unfinished "product." If they add something later in full, like the new operation for example, then that makes sense, but they put something into the game to let us know about it for later, when realistically at that point I might not even care.
  18. Why should I? I'm allowed to come on the forums and express my concerns and opinions about the game in which Bioware should obviously care for. If they want to be a good business, then get some insight by people like me and make it that way. I still respect Bioware by addressing things quickly, like the Ability Delay, which is a huge issue.
  19. How did I race to max level? If anything, I did it extremely slowly.
  20. You just don't understand. I'm not trying to bash the game so stop trying to bash me. I'm just saying that if you were intending to make something obviously epic, then you should have done it before the game was released. I would have enjoyed a full-fledged legacy when i got this game, but I can expect myself to care a lot less when it does get fully released.
  21. Did you even read the thread? I said I'm giving them time and also points as to what I expected to be fixed on release and should be fixed also with some insight from players in-game versus the forums. I just don't get people like you.
  22. But yet you are compelled to come into a thread, that you obviously don't care about and tell me that you don't care about why I'm leaving. We aren't so different, are we?
  23. In case you didn't read anything past the title, I posted reasons why I don't like this game and reasons that should matter and gain attention. I just noticed the post about Ability Delay which is superb and at least it has got attention.
  24. Bioware should care and if they don't, then shame on them. I'm definitely not the first person that's been dissatisfied with the game.
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