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Everything posted by FragRockKnuckles

  1. Like many others I have been very excited with the whole development of this MMO and now that it is finally here I just can't believe it that I have to keep pinching myself. Our gaming community has enjoyed playing Star Wars games for over 10 years and many of us were brought together by it and have remained friends ever since. Since news of SWTOR and the beta testing some of our old time members have returned and we are all playing again just like in the old days. Long may this continue and we hope to make many new friends here but this cannot go without saying a big thank you to Bioware, EA and LucasArts of whom this would not have been possible. From all at FraggleRock Gaming Community a big thank you! Saying that, here are some things that I look forward to seeing in future updates: Duel spec Guild bank Playing as a Wookie Gear customization (equivalent to transmogrify in wow) Costs of certain skills and changes reduced
  2. Beechawowa! The long wait is over. It is finally here. Thank you everyone. WOOT!
  3. Come on be fair...moving your mouse anywhere other than over the login should mean that you get an exclusive vendor toy.
  4. I have my surfboard ready for the next wave.
  5. Ok while we wait for the next wave we can all do the "Mexican Wave" *throws both arms in the air...
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