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Everything posted by Coeru

  1. I think to see a hailstorm of sorts (devs could have alot of fun playing with that one) but for a barrage of hail or icecles to fall out of the sky (perhaps meteors as well would work better) That would be much better and funner and not break cannon with light side using lightning.
  2. Sometimes we all look like clones esp in PVP where everyone has the same exact gear and no variation whatsoever. It seems ot be simple to add this new crew skill to biochemists. In another game i use to play I saw this used quite well where there are so many dyes you can make your character look different even when everyone has the same gear. It would be nice if there was a way to change your color of armour to not be a clone. If dyes wont work here well it seems there has to be a way to do it, by visiting a bard or a tailor who will change your colors for a small fee. Also please PLEASE let us change out hair or color at least. It seems every sage has my hair/color and armour now and I want to change it.
  3. I just want to point out that although some people leave on their own some people take so long to load that it boots them, it happens alot to my friend, by the time she loads it's booted her cuz it took so long to load. If they place a penalty for leavimg a warzone, its not fair to those people who want to fight but who get booted for taking longer than a min to load '9get dc'd etc). My advice is to wait till later to do a warzone if it makes you mad, i go to have fun, when its starts being no fun, i leave and go back later. I use to think people were just leaving on porpose till I saw people leaving towards the end of a winning warzone, i mean who would leave on purpose if we got it bagged? I think its a loading issue alot of the time.
  4. Its definately the actor who played Elam Garak
  5. Its people like you <Andryah > who post because you only love to read your words over and over. Whenever anyone has trouble only people like you have to comment to tell then how stupid you think they are or how if anyone struggled with anything, its all because they can't play their class and your the expert. In case you didnt know not every class is the same in this game, maybe you need to know how to play or go back to wow please. I am obviously not alone in this, and in case you didnt know not every mob drops loot, even at level 50 the loot is laughable. If I get 200 credits off a mob cuz I killed it in 10 seconds rather than 30, that somehow makes it less fun? Get a life.
  6. I agree with the OP, this is especially true at level 50. I have a healing spec traited sage and if the pull isnt perfect its a wipe, I get sick of the repair bills. So sick I figured since I will die at least once between the boss and me I just run the gauntlet and die at the end to not have to fight throuigh the grey semi elite mobs. When we get a pather joining a fight, my companion usually (not always but usually) dies because I cant keep up the heals, esp if its a gold mob that we got flung to as well. I understand some fights should be challenging, but save it for the end, combat just takes way too long for my class who has no specs for dps. Nadia works good but again with light armour she can't take a beating. I got no prob with fighting 4 or 4 regular mobs at a time, its the gold and silver in every mob i pull that annoy me when I solo. SWTOR could introduce a difficulty slider. but in some games i saw this in, while it made alot of people happy (those who love every fight to challenge them and make them sweat) it didnt seem to fix i all together. I have died so much in this game its not even funny. Yea sure some people may laugh cuz i am a healer not realizing my biggest heals have VERY long inductions, by the time i cast them, my companion is dead and me soon to follow. For now I will run to the end, die and fight till they make it more enjoyable for us who dont prefer to spend an hour or more on a single mission because fighting so many mobs takes forever for certain classes . For *me* it ceases to be fun when every fight makes you work hard like that. Sometimes I just want to fight with my companion not heal us for our lives. I am leveling my Trooper and smuggler next so we will see how those classes compare to my squishy sage. For not being level 50 doing solo missions make me hate my healer less and less each day, and i use to love her while leveling. Not so much now. My tropper I am loving, she heals, and has crazy dps. I love it. Healer? meh, needs work.
  7. Can you buy recipes from the trainer? You said you got recipes from the trainer and wasnt sure if you meant all the default recipes that appear when you train thay skill. Also my skill Artifice stopped advancing at 60 on the receipe that came with the skill. it only advances when i use blue or higher recipes. Is that a bug or as intended?
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