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Everything posted by Bugjuice

  1. Yeah well my unsub hits BioWare, EA and Lucas Arts for three would-be loyal subscriptions of 45$ a month, and unless they start catering to someone besides spacebar' grinders, thousands of dollars over the period of time we would have played the game. So much for being a "different" MMO. We're going to go try out The Secret World, Guild Wars II and TERA now... not to mention we'll be playing Diablo III of course.
  2. "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players" "in appreciation for your support and loyalty." Quitting the game months ago makes you supportive, loyal and valued. Playing the game since before open beta and following BioWare's advice makes you a secondary priority. Epic fail customer management :s
  3. The patch is excellent, as far as bug fixes and improvements overall go, but this stuff should have been in at launch. Now it's nothing but credit sinks and incentive to reroll for the level 50 "I play one toon at a time and BioWare says I'm a special snowflake" crowd.
  4. The legacy system and free month are stopgaps to try to convince the level 50 spacebar crowd not to leave.
  5. BioWare knew endgame was weak. They knew people were burning out quick. They told us to reroll to put off endgame until they could deploy stuff like LFG. Patch 1.2 should be called "Please reroll while we make more content" patch, because that's what legacy is. It's a bunch of credit sinks and unlocks for level 50 characters. I am absolutely revolted at being treated like a second-class customer despite having played since beta. For my loyalty, my money, and my naivity in listening to BioWare's advice, and enjoying the game, they then give me a big "F.U." in an effort to keep disloyal PVP'ers and raiding WoW-kids happy.
  6. How about: "In a desperate attempt to avoid more people burning out and unsubbing from lack of endgame content now that Diablo III, The Secret World, TERA and Guild Wars II are coming out, we've decided to give those who have already experienced the magic of The Old Republic a second round with an alt through the legacy patch, for one month free. We would also like to take this opportunity to slap many of our MOST loyal customers in the face - primarily those who love Star Wars and our game so much that they are playing through all the character stories - and LoL at them as we wonder what they were thinking when they believed us when we told them to reroll."
  7. Played since beta. Submitted probably a hundred reports and ideas for improvement. Spent hundreds of hours in SWTOR. Have a myriad of valid reasons for why I don't have a level 50. Yet apparently I'm not h4rdc0r3 enough for BioWare to appreciate me as a customer. But WoW-kids spacebar'ing their way through the whole game, and quitting when they reach endgame. Yup, they qualify. I understand BioWare, I do... it's a numbers game. Gits like me who are well off and only play casually are a much steadier source of income for you, and one that doesn't need to be catered to at all - because we already love Star Wars and MMOs. I love the game, but it is sorely lacking in many areas. The legacy system is nothing but a credit sink, and all the content in it is for people who have already reached max level. Not to mention it's useless to anyone who already has 8 characters on a server. And the UI customization? No extra bars... what's the point? E-mail me when you put an LFG in the game, and learn to treat loyal customers better than the kids who jump from game to game with their allowance money. Don't worry. I'll find the door myself. /unsubscribe
  8. It isn't about the money. It's the fact that this amounts to a slap in the face for people who have played from the beginning, or for months, and for a myriad of completely legitimate reasons, including BioWare's own advice, have not made level 50. Way to piss off some of your most loyal and well-to-do customers :-\
  9. I'm stupid. I voted before reading the descriptions. My nervous system seems to have a mind of it's own, and I clicked before I really thought about it. I thought PvPvE meant that these two things would be balanced in terms of gear, meaning expertise etc. I would LOVE to see PvPvE in SWTOR. As a PVE player, Wintergrasp in WoW was one of a few PVP games I enjoyed. It would be nice to have such an arena that catered to both strengths, and where you didn't simply have to faceroll people by picking whatever spec is the most powerful at the moment, and pimping it out with gear that no casual player has a hope in hell of getting. Wintergrasp was the big equalizer. EDIT: Also this game, and the servers, have such an obvious leaning towards Empire side, that without equalizing it, openworld PVP wouldn't really work anyway. Empire would dominate just as is the case now in warzones.
  10. What I personally don't understand about movement & camera, is why the dang thing suddenly, and only on some characters, begins to move my character when I let go of the left mouse button as I pan the camera... It's not so much "auto center camera" as it is moving my character into the direction that I moved the camera... which is really, really annoying.
  11. With every single character I made (I have 20 ) I created them, wrote down the appereance slider numbers I wanted for them, looked at them extensively in-game, as well as how the character models moved... then went back to the creation screen and made improvements. If you really care about your character's appereance... why did you choose traits you hate to begin with? I mean, it's fairly obvious that lighting and camera angles and such will be different in game most of the time spent playing. Especially when viewed in low graphic detail.
  12. I have yet to come across a single 'ninja' or companion needer. Though I suspect as time goes on, it will become more commonplace, as people "wise up" (or down?), and the trend spreads through disgruntled players who reckon they may as well do the same. And why are people rolling need on stuff for companions at level 50, where playing with companions as substitutes is basically off the table?
  13. Why respec or dual spec? Just re-roll. Levelling is easy enough, and even fun. If they start allowing dual specs, then that will ensure strict adherence to the hated MMORPG-trinity. Otherwise content will not be challenging, and half the specs out there, will hardly be used.
  14. They've said this time and again in the forum. In the launcher. On twitter. Facebook. In online magazines. It's not BioWare's fault that people have the attention span of a fruit fly
  15. Well maybe it's higher on Coruscant because there are more people, plus Coruscant is much larger, so it has more room for players. If you click on the map you can see how many instances there are, and you can even phase over to them manually.
  16. Except nobody has paid for Early Access - and chaos is to be expected at any MMORPG launch. Some people just have a huge sense of entitlement and whine "me, me, me". We are ALL frustrated by queues. BioWare knows this, and thus it's something they are working on. It's weird, but you would think MMORPG players had more patience...
  17. Other MMORPGs had an easier launch, because they didn't have a fraction of the playerbase that SWTOR has apparently already amassed, and we're not even done with early access yet. WoW launched with 400k players, for example, and still had queues and servers going belly up constantly. Indications are that SWTOR is launching with several millions of players.
  18. Planets are instanced into groups of ~100 players each to prevent having to spawncamp etc. These instances will likely be removed a few months into launch.
  19. You really think they are not watching? You really think they are not paying attention? You really think they will not roll out more servers? My *only* complaint is that they didn't roll out enough EU servers in the first few days to allow people to scatter, instead of gather on servers with prelaunch guilds, because what inevitably happens is more and more guildmembers get access and *have to* roll on those realms, because their guilds are there.
  20. Queues now are shrinking and shrinking and shrinking... And it will get better, at least til the 20th, at which point they may grow again for a day or two, but things will even out eventually. This is WHY there is a staggered launch.
  21. Running against a wall for two hours Just kidding. Anyway, we are still in pre-launch mode, and balancing servers is a very, very tricky business. You have to balance the prelaunch guilds, early accessers, factions, total server pop, and so on. It's better than people queue now and roll different servers when they are deployed, than queues continue to be a problem throughout the game's existence.
  22. Who cares? Anyone who makes a dash for 50 is no doubt spacing their way through the dialogue. Doesn't sound like much fun to me. This is a story driven MMORPG, not "Endgame is 99%"
  23. Game doesn't launch until December 20th. You still have time to get your physical copy as well. In any case, I wish you luck And hey, many of us who have been playing TORcrack for the last 3 days are now stuck in queues, so we're no better off
  24. I understand that servers are a fine balancing act... but considering we are still in preorder setup... it seems obvious there aren't nearly enough servers for launch.
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