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Posts posted by theITfactor

  1. I tried to create an account on your site and never got the activation email. I then made another account with a different email address and user name but I didnt get an email for that one either. Checked the spam folder on both. I also looked on your site for a contact email but didnt see anything. Sorry if this is the wrong place or if you are not the right person but I couldnt find any other way to contact a site admin.


    Try using an email address from a well-known email service like Gmail, Yahoo, Microsoft, etc.

  2. With Torhead and Ask Mr. Robot shut down, we made a replacement database so the community can still embed SWTOR tooltips on their personal websites, blogs, guild pages, etc.


    Instructions to enable them on your site can be found here: http://torcommunity.com/tooltips


    Currently we support all Items and Schematics, and will be adding support for Missions, NPCs, and Abilities in the near future.


    You can even use a special config setting to automatically find replace old embedded Torhead links with new TORCommunity ones! Just add "override": true to the configuration.


    Here's an example page that uses the new tooltips and here's a screenshot of them in use.


    You can find the links to embed the tooltips by searching the TORCommunity Items Database (Alpha).



  3. We have a new Overall Achievements Leaderboard that you can submit your achievement scores to directly (no more waiting for weeks for someone to go through the forum posts and updating them by hand!)


    Current Overall Achievement Leaderboards


    To submit your scores, go HERE and fill out the form. Be sure to use Imgur to host your verification screenshot (and copy the direct link).


    You can also use our more detailed Achievement Tracker to send your scores to the Leaderboards.


    If you'd like to become an "achievement verifier" and help us confirm achievement scores are accurate then please send me a message.



  4. Some time ago (or perhaps a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away), fan sites received some great support from the SWTOR developers. We had constant contact with the community representative, usually via emails, and we also had a dedicated Twitter account which I believe was called SWTORFanSites. The latter has diminished completely, and so has contact with the SWTOR team.


    There are two posts stickied in this sub-forum from Hillary Nicole, one of which calls out to fan sites. I have sent her a message, but to no avail. I've not had a reply, and I've been told that fan sites and guilds are no longer her portfolio. If that's the case, those stickied posts need to go.


    I'd like to know where the support for fan sites has gone off to, and who the community contact is. If it's Eric, he needs to start responding to emails.


    If any other fan site owners are having the same issue, please let me know. I'm intrigued as to whether it's just us, or if others have been left out in the cold as well.


    Hillary no longer works for Bioware. I would recommend emailing Tait Watson or Eric Musco instead.

  5. http://torcommunity.com/tools/skills/


    We've made a Combat Proficiency Builder / Discipline Calculator that lets you share your builds and embed them on your own websites/forums/blogs!


    Feedback is appreciated - please let us know if you find any bugs!


    The builder was created by Yusi and Hayward for TORCommunity, with help from swtor_potato and swtor_miner in obtaining the skill icons. Graphics were based off of in-game screenshots (we tried to make it look very similar to how it does in-game).



  6. http://torcommunity.com/tools/skills/


    We've made a Combat Proficiency Builder / Discipline Calculator that lets you share your builds and embed them on your own websites/forums/blogs!


    Feedback is appreciated - please let us know if you find any bugs!


    The builder was created by Yusi and Hayward for TORCommunity, with help from swtor_potato and swtor_miner in obtaining the skill icons. Graphics were based off of in-game screenshots (we tried to make it look very similar to how it does in-game).



  7. Hey guys, Hayward here - I haven't posted yet in this thread yet but wanted to make a few comments about things people have been posting and have brought to my attention.


    First off, the current system is hardcoded with HTML, and requires manual updates. We're developing a database-based replacement system that will allow guild/raid team leaders to create and manage their own rosters, including alts of main roster toons. These mains and alts would ONLY be able to be registered to one raid team, thus this would allow us to use alts on progression runs, without having to worry that they were also running with other progression teams.


    Screenshots would then be able to be submitted via form and the boss clear would be added to a submission queue, where a whole team of reviewers (including many GMs from the server) would be capable of approving it or denying it. Once approved, it would automatically be added to the database listing.


    We've got a lot of other features we're working on with TORCommunity so this will take a few weeks. In the meantime, please give feedback but understand this is a trial concept and we may still need to work out the kinks as we go. We're trying to do what makes the most sense but is also the easiest to maintain, so finding that balance may not happen immediately.


    Hope that clears things up!

    - Hayward

  8. Nice job. One thing to note is that crafted (186 from vendor schematics), Comm, and Token gear don't always have the same stat combinations (as I found out last night when I got my first 192 token, an earpiece, and went to replace my crafted 186 one). I made a pretty exhaustive list of earpieces and implants, since they are harder to "reposition" if you are trying to keep a fairly consistent stat allocation, but I don't have any convenient way showing it. But there are combinations of crafted/comm gear that doesn't exist in token pieces. :(


    A very good point to note. The guide only focuses on the operations and PvP gear vendors, but there are definitely other crafted/dropped options and combos available.

  9. Hey all! We made an Operations Loot list for you to see what bosses drop which pieces of gear, where you can pickup some rare Operations mounts and pets, what crafting material yields you can expect from each boss, and more!


    You can view it here: http://torcommunity.com/guides/operations/operations-loot-list


    Feedback is appreciated! If you see any errors please let us know :)

  10. Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Kills

    Class - Sentinel

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - Hayward

    Record - 82



    Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Killing Blows

    Class - Sentinel

    Rank - 1

    Toon name - Hayward

    Record - 19



    Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Damage Per Second

    Class - Sentinel

    Rank - 4

    Toon name - Hayward

    Record - 2050.72



    Gametype - Warzones

    Section - Overall Damage

    Class - Sentinel

    Rank - 3

    Toon name - Hayward

    Record - 1420830


  11. Here's two screenshots of the same cross from two different player perspectives, the moment before it turns red.


    Hayward (right arm part of the cross): http://i.imgur.com/vmcS3JM.jpg

    Lock (left arm part of the cross): http://i.imgur.com/7cJIqxE.jpg


    If you look at Hayward and his cross group, all three of them appear to be in the exact dead center of the right arm of their cross, however if you look at them from Lock's perspective, they all look shifted far to the side, on the edge or out of the cross.


    Now if we look at Lock's group, Lock is in the cross from his perspective, but Oblivion is outside to the left. However from Hayward's perspective, Oblivion is barely in the cross and Lock and Xyzan are outside of it.


    The three people who took damage were Lock (full death), Xyzan (50%), and Oblivion (50%).

  12. We're almost done integrating TORParse into TORCommunity. When that's done we'll add automatic Advanced Class/Discipline detection and Log View for parses.


    We'd get it done faster but everyone on the team has full time jobs outside of SWTOR so it's tough to get things done quickly ;)

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