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Posts posted by theITfactor

  1. It helps to have gear. This is the smartest thing someone has said on the JC forums about ranked. *I'm not being sarcastic* But when exactly are the 4's team farming warzones? We're pvp guilds... What do you want us to do lol. Regardless, even if you lose everygame it still takes about a week to get full obroan at this time. I fully understand the frustration of losing in solo queue regs but you just gotta grind through it to get the gear like everyone else, including the people in pvp guilds.




    1. Raider, pls get team together :(

    2. Dany, pls play swotr


    4. Hayward too stronk, him playing any other spec would break PvP.


    My m̶i̶l̶k̶s̶h̶a̶k̶e̶ force sweep brings all the noobs to the yard,

    And they're like

    My spec's better than yours,

    Damn right it's better than yours,

    I can teach you,

    But I have to charge


    My DPS brings all the noobs to the yard,

    And they're like

    We're gonna get farmed,

    Damn right you're gonna get farmed,

    I will farm you,

    But not your tryhards


    But in all seriousness I'll be ready with Combat soon ;) Few more dummy parses to do after we get TORParse back up.


    EDIT: And Caprica you should come back to JC, it's hoppin' for everything else (guild conquest so good) - let's bring back the good old JC kickball times.

  2. Many of the operations bosses in Dread Palace and Dread Fortress seem to have the same ID across all difficulty modes (story, hard, nightmare). This makes it much more difficult to parse combat logs for services like TORParse and Parsec.


    Can the devs please change the IDs so they are unique for each difficulty mode, as they did in older ops and newer flashpoints?


    Example: Dread Master Bestia in Dread Palace has the ID 3273941900591104 on every single difficulty mode, 16man, 8man, story, hard, and nightmare. This makes it a pain to parse. You can't tell simply by looking at the ID whether it is an 8 man story mode, or if the player is attempting 16 man nightmare.


    Older bosses, like Kephess the Undying in Terror from Beyond, for example, have a unique ID for each mode.

    Ex: 2937620191510528 in 8m story, 3013121421606912 in 8m hard, etc. making it super easy to distinguish between fights.


    This is currently breaking the TORParse leaderboards for many of the boss encounters in Dread Fortress and Dread Palace.

  3. Player Name: Hayward

    Server: Jedi Covenant

    Number of Achievement Points: 21595 - http://i.imgur.com/ZFeDZQ8.jpg

    Tab Completions:

    Location: 43%

    Legacy: 71%

    Dailies: 42%

    Galactic Starfighter: 44%

    Flashpoint: 23%

    Operations: 77%

    Space: 100%

    Events: 73%

    Companions: 74%

    Player Vs. Player: 82%

    The number of Legend Reputation ranks achieved: 11 - http://i.imgur.com/Ib3BXFj.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/Ywhr9C1.jpg

  4. Hello Hillary, and congratulations on joining the team at Bioware Austin! I'm Hayward - I currently own and maintain TORParse. I would love to chat with you about a few things related to combat logs and the parsing service we provide that hopefully you can relay to the rest of the team at Bioware Austin. I look forward to meeting you.




  5. Might as well mention it here, when you throw the MD-5 Shock Viper Viroblade with a Juggernaut's saberthrow, for the animation it changes into a lightsaber (which does have the same colour as the crystal that it has modded into it).


    Same thing happens with the Corrupter Blades (looks like you threw a lightsaber instead) - not sure if that's intentional or not.

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