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Posts posted by theITfactor

  1. I was looking for some combat logs for galactic starfighter in my combat log folder, but there doesn't seem to be any. Am I missing something or is combat logging not currently a feature for GSF?


    I'd like to get a GSF section added to TORParse but I can't do that without combat logging of some sort enabled for it. If it is not yet a feature, I hope it is something that will be added down the line.

  2. Currently, bosses in the new operation "Dread Palace" would appear to have the same "IDs" across all difficulty modes - 16man and 8man, story and hard mode, in combat logs. This makes parsing the logs and determining which mode the log is for much more difficult than it would be if the bosses were given unique identifiers from mode to mode like every other operation and flashpoint in the game.


    If you could please change their IDs to be unique it would be much appreciated, otherwise people like myself who have created parsing software like TORParse will be forced to code additional methods for detecting and determining the operation challenge mode.

  3. Currently, bosses in the new operation "Dread Palace" would appear to have the same "IDs" across all difficulty modes - 16man and 8man, story and hard mode, in combat logs. This makes parsing the logs and determining which mode the log is for much more difficult than it would be if the bosses were given unique identifiers from mode to mode like every other operation and flashpoint in the game.


    If you could please change their IDs to be unique it would be much appreciated, otherwise people like myself who have created parsing software like TORParse will be forced to code additional methods for detecting and determining the operation challenge mode.

  4. Here's what my guild does:


    We all stack up on the tank around one corner in preparation for the first beam, as soon as someone sees Corruptor, they either call out "move" or "stay." We call out "move" if we need to move around the corner to safety, and "stay" if our current position is fine.


    After the initial laser, all you have to do is move around the corner each time, since Corruptor moves around in a clockwise pattern and thus you will always be safe if you go to where the laser just fired.


    I hope this helps!



  5. I'm pleased to announce the launch of TORParse's official TeamSpeak voice server!


    Whether you want to raid with your guild, pvp in a social setting, or just chat it up and meet new people, everyone is more than welcome on the server.


    If your guild/group is interested in having a permanent channel on the server, feel free to contact me and we can set something up. We look forward to chatting with you!


    Server Information:

    Hostname/Address: ts.torparse.com




  6. Hey all, Hayward here. James has graciously passed on the reigns to myself and BigBlockhead to continue development of TORParse. We look forward to adding new features and continuing to make TORParse the premier SWTOR combat log parsing service.
  7. I checked today and the tooltips are switched now.


    Conqueror Relic of Elemental Transcendence lists the damage as "elemental tech damage" while Conqueror Relic of Dark Radiance lists the damage as "internal Force damage."


    As a Watchman Sentinel, wouldn't I want elemental damage because Cauterize is listed as "elemental damage?" Or should I go with Dark Radiance because I don't want tech damage?


    Very confusing.

  8. Looking for someone able to craft Advanced Might Amoring 27 (will provide mats!)


    Also looking to buy Advanced Deft Mod 27/will provide mats for that too.


    Whisper Hayward in-game (Republic side) or send me some in-game mail.

  9. 2,500


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