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Posts posted by Furiel

  1. Isn't it always the healers fault? :eek:


    *ducks* ...


    No seriously ... Tanks and or Healers should be the group leaders since they both have certain perspectives on "battle field awareness". NEVER DPS (and I am primarily a DPS player).




    Nah, SOME DPS can be group leaders, but not all of them. I'm primarily a DPS player, Gunnery Commando main, and I am also our guild raid leader, so I have to give fight explanations, etc. so I always make sure to learn all the fights from all perspectives, at least in general, so I can let everyone know what to expect, and let them figure out how best to manage it. I so the same in all the HM FPs so if I'm in there with someone who doesn't know what to do I can tell them.


    Sadly tho stupid isn't restricted just to GF, but to PuGging in general. Last night I went to do CtS on my shadow tank and had to deal with a gunslinger who didn't understand the concept of letting the tank start a fight, using his deaggro, or on fight right before the last boss with the 4 golds he ran into range and dropped flyby on all 4 immediately, then once I had aggro established he ran to the elevator and STOOD THERE DOING NOTHING until he got called out by the healer, at which point he decided to stand there and hit his auto-attack skill until everything was dead. I was not the group leader or i would have kicked him then and there for that stunt. And of course he ran in and aggroed Kovic as soon as the door was open and locked out the other DPS. I tried to stand there and let him die, until he deaggroed and the healer, who was keepign him alive, grabbed Kovic, at which point I grabbed him and we finished. The healer and other DPS were awesome, so I didn't want ot leave because of them, but that jagoff made my list of players to put on ignore on all toons.

  2. On the other hand, sentinels/marauders are better than most other dps classes, but that does not mean other classes are not viable in WZs. Except mercenaries/commandos. I kinda feel bad for them.


    I know, how about making Demolition Round for Gunnery commandos base 5k damage, auto-crits if the target has ANY stacks of Grav Vortex on them, and does the same amount of damage to anyone within 10m of the target. I mean, that's basically how smash works, take a 1 GCD to setup with a leap usually, would do about the same amount of damage to the same area, is instant, has a 15 sec CD and would make Commandos and Mercs desirable in PvP. And it wouldn't be OP at all as this thread clearly demonstrates...



  3. Then you're doing something wrong, since the DG Relic of Boundless Ages effectively gives 134 Power (when used on CD) which out weighs the 66 Cunning + 27 Crit that the Matrix Cube gives.


    I could be wrong on this, but I thought that the sims do NOT account for on-use power gains like the BA relic, just the static power on it, so you would see a DPS loss because of that in sim, but in actual practice as long as you use it like you should you would see a DPS increase. I'm not 100% on that though as I haven't done much with SimC in ToR because it doesn't work for my main char (commando).


    But it is 100% true that the 2 DG relics are BiS and there is a ton of math on these forums and also over at sithwarrior.com to back that up.

  4. Both still proc. VS can actually proc the relic as any damage gives the relic an opportunity to proc.


    I use the Dread Guard of Boundless Ages (Power buff) and the Internal Damage proccing relic. They're currently BiS for PvE Smugglers. Don't bother with the passive bonuses, especially the matrix cube, as the power buff and proc surpass that of any passive relic. Just make sure to keep the power relic on CD unless you're saving it for burst phases to get its full benefit.


    As a Tech user, as stated above, you want to use the Internal or Kinetic relic as they will benefit from your stats. Choose the Internal as it will do more damage than the Kinetic because of the armor bypass. Kinetic proc is only BiS for Gunnery Commandos due to Grav Round and their passive armor pen from their ammo cell.


    Kinetic is also BiS for Scrapper Scoundrels due to the armor pen buff granted with Flechette Round. So those 2 specs are Kinetic, every other tech using class is Internal.

  5. You can use your spare warzone comms to buy WH gear and pull the enhances out of them and RE them for molecular stabilizers which will sell for 125-200k each depending on your server. Other than that there is no direct use in PVP for it that I'm aware of.
  6. Commando is by far the weakest class when it comes to both damage and healing.


    This is so far from being true this has to be a troll post.


    I've leveled at least 1 of each republic class to 50 so my summary would be like this...


    Smuggler - best story, survivability varies by spec, scoundrel has decent survivability due to access to heals, stealth and CC, Gunslinger less so due to lack of a humanoid CC, no heals and no healing companion until late game

    Jedi Knight - 2nd best story, mediocre survivability because of good DPS, but lack CC and healing companion til late

    Jedi Consular - 3rd best story, good survivability because of early healing companion and tools like stealth, CC and heals depending on the spec you play

    Trooper - Worst story (still good, just not as good as the others IMO), great survivability due to getting healing companion early, heavy armor and either CC or tanking abilities depending on spec


    Story quality is totally my opinion, and I'm sure some would disagree with my rankings. All the stories are good, this was just my rankings of which one I liked the best.

  7. Consider using a damage proc relic. You will be mostly focused on a single target boss damage in PvE, so you that relic is pretty decent. Which damage type however? I cannot say. Some go for energy, others go for Internal.


    Please note, that PvP Power relics are good because they apply power to all your attacks. IF you are using AoE to hit multiple mobs, then power will affect every single mob while a damage proc relic will only hit one of them.


    This. And you want the internal damage proc relic because the internal one is effected by Tech crit as opposed to the energy and elemental ones that go off force crit.


    Also even though the energy and kinetic proc relics show a higher base damage per proc, you still want the internal because that bypasses armor while energy and kinetic do not and gunslingers do not have sufficient armor penetration to offset that damage mitigation.

  8. I have healed this more than once with a 13K tank...with no problems.


    Also dps should know aggro dumps and defensive cooldowns, especially after opening burst. Makes the tanks job way easier especially when they are undergeared compaired to dps.


    That's the thing, even with aggro dumps it's not always enough. For me it's not a problem in FPs because as a gunnery trooper I know my heavy armor will stand up long enough for the tank to taunt back, especially if I use reactive shield and my aggro dump is on CD, and at that point I also know the tank is going to have aggro issues so I go into my slacker rotation because my aggro dump is on a 45sec cooldown and if the gear gap is great enough between me and the tank if I go right back into my normal rotation I'm going to steal aggro again before it's off cooldown and I'd rather risk dieing to enrage than wiping the group because I didn't want to control my dps.

  9. Yeah if everyone is alive in any fight (the entire time) at the enrage timer, then the tank and healer are not to blame that is on dps. Tanks and healer take their share of the blame (rightfully and wrongfully), but everyone alive enrage is not their fault.


    That's not 100% true. Probably 90% of the time it is, but there are also times where the DPS is held back by the tanks lack of threat gen so they have to hold back or peel the mob and die. This is usually only an issue with a tank who's undergeared compared to the DPS, but it does happen.

  10. Quick question: In Combat Technique, I have a chance to heal myself on attack. Some end game relics have a chance to heal extra when an ally is healed. I think you can guess where this question is going: Can my Combat Technique heal proc the relic? And, if so, is it worth getting a heal proc relic, stat-wise?


    My understanding from the reading I've done is that any self heal can proc it, so not just combat technique, but also the heal from tele throw when you have 3 stacks of harnessed shadows. And that because of the additional surviviability those heals give the DG one is definately top 5 best Shadow tank relics, and in the discussion of being one of the BiS relics currently available.

  11. Assault is also generally more bursty, which is also key in warzones. And while Gunnery can put forth a nice 6-10k burst stacking HiB and Demo round to get the most of that burst you need time to set it up with 3 casts of Grav Round, and the likelihood of getting that setup opportunity against any quality PVP opponents without getting interrupted, stunned, eaten by a marauder, etc is virtually nil, so Assault>Gunnery for PVP.


    PvE is the opposite IMO. I don't think there is enough movement bosses to make the lack of mobility a detriment in ops, and in most movement phases on most bosses I can usually find enough time to squeeze in a GR to keep stacks up as well.

  12. Only time I got MVP is a WZ that I recall was on my sage healer, used force speed to get the quick cap on the first node, then stayed there and guarded it all match solo. Noone ever came to try to cap it all match, and the rest of the team failed to cap another node all match so we lost. I got bored part way through and started using noble sacrifice to drop my health then I'd heal myself back up to get the free heals medals.


    Got 6 MVP votes even though I did almost nothing to help us win. Heck I probably hurt the team by not being in the fray healing everyone else.


    Moral of the story, most people don't pay any attention and you ever getting MVP is going to be more due to luck or random chance than your actual contribution to the fight.

  13. I don't see what we can really do besides max out the two alacrity skills and then put 2 points in parallectic stims, and you got one more point to put wherever. Not terribly interesting. The two points spent in alacrity should increase your dps a little bit, I think the effect on ammo regen is minimal.


    I was doing some poking around in our tree and it occured to me this would actually make Incendiary round available in the assault tree. You'd have to lose a point in the medic tree, but a 4/31/11 spec would be possible with IR that may result in a DPS gain. You'd have to sacrifice an extra ammo cell when using recharge cells, or 1% crit for it, but having an instant DoT would be handy for movement phases, and you can get there without completely wasting talent points.

  14. Anyone have any ideas yet about how to spend 5 new talent points, assuming they don't revamp the talent trees?


    I've been dreading this for a long time because the design of the trooper and the different trees is based around the cell you are running, so without them revamping the trees we have basically nothing to spend points on that will increase our DPS. I mean assuming you are running 5/31/5 the only options that aren't a complete waste of points are Soldiers Endurance which MIGHT save your life once a month, and first responder for the alacrity proc, whose actual increase to DPS is argueable because of the effects decreased cast time can have on our ammo regen. It's that or PvP skills...which are again useless to someone who never PvPs. Anyone have any other thoughts or ideas for how to spec in the expansion?

  15. It's probably broke...again. It was broke at launch with the same problem, get letter, no quest and can't enter her apt. By the time BW fixed it after launch most troopers had not only outleveled the quest, but leveled to and through the next story stuff that involved her, so it made the trip back rather disjointed. And subject to ALOT of jokes in our vent since my guild was very trooper heavy at launch.
  16. Depends on your play style.


    For all intents and purposes, a Gunny Commando and Assault VG are going to be so close damage wise that the only real contributing factors as to which one does more DPS is the player and the fight.


    However, in an Ops setting, the Gunnery Commando brings more to the table in terms of raid benefits. The armor debuff, spot heals if needed, 1 min CC, and a Combat Rez will all come in far more handy than the very...very...slight, if any at all, dps increase of the Assault VG.


    There is all of these factors, the threat dump that was mentioned as well, and finally, there is also the fact that VG Assault is essentially a melee class with a few ranged skills, and there are a number of Ops fights that have a melee penalty, like Toth and Zorn for example.


    If you aren't familiar with the term melee penalty is that there is PBAoE damage done by the boss that melee has to stand in that range doesn't. T&Z have 2 melee penalty mechanics. The fearful mechanic is one which forces all the melee onto Toth, so you can never do that fight on Hard or Nightmare with more than 2 melee DPS, and the other is Toth's stomps that do AoE damage out to 25m. The fight is MUCH easier if you bring 4 ranged DPS simply because the incoming raid damage is significantly decrease, so the healers are less stressed, and as such they will have time to drop a toss some extra DPS, or have the extra resources available to help compensate for any mistakes the tanks or DPS make.


    So to me the clear choice is Gunnery Commando due to the utility and the lack of a melee penalty. Whether I as a Gunner Commando stand at 1m or 29 m my DPS is the same, that same can't be said for an Assault VG.

  17. I like to save Tech Override for an emergency off heal, and I really prefer to save Reserve Powercell for an 8 ammo Full Auto usage. Plasma Grenade just honestly doesn't seem worth it to me, especially since it synergizes with nothing in Gunnery.


    I pretty much always use TO to throw an extra GR in during heavy movement if it looks like my stacks are going to drop off, such as T&Z move phase or if I get the yellow circle of doom on them.


    As for using PG, I use it sparingly but I find times it is quite useful as it does more damage than GR, so on the rare occasion I can't use FA due to impending movement, I don't need to build any stacks and both HiB and DR are down I use it. But like I said, it's sparingly because it's REALLY rare all of those conditions are met.

  18. 1) Health percentages in the focus target frame

    2) A true dual-spec setup with automatic swapping of hotbars and gear

    3) Gunnery Commando/Arsenal Merc rebalanced to be competitive in PvP

    4) Hazmat implants repriced at something more reasonable than 350 BH Comms

    5) A character purge of inactive accounts to free up character names

    6) Paid name changes

    7) Paid server transfers


    This is in order of importance to me, YMMV

  19. It's been a year now and I've kept hoping it would get fixed, but it hasn't so it's time to say something, again. Can you PLEASE fix the resource usage imbalance in the tier 5 scavenging materials. Currently looking through all my crafters the tier 5 scavenging resources are setup so that schematics for levels 41, 43 and 45 all use Electrum and Polyplast, and only level 47 schematics use Neutronium and Amorphous Carbonite. To better illustrate this lets look at my cybertech, and for ease or reading we'll only look at the green recipes.


    At level 41 there are 8 armoring recipes and 8 mod schematics that use Electrum and Polyplast.

    At level 43 there are 8 armoring and 10 earpiece schematics that again use Electrum and Polyplast.

    At level 45 there are 8 armoring and 8 mod schematics that still use Electrum and Polyplast.

    Finally at 47 there are 8 armoring and 10 earpiece schematics that use Neutronium and Amorphous Carbonite.


    So that's a final total of 50 green schematics using Electrum and Polyplast to only 18 using Netronium and Amorphous Carbonite. The numbers obviously get much larger and imbalanced when you add in all of the blue and purple schematics for that tier as well.


    The fix however, is pretty simple and obvious. Change all of the level 45 armoring and mod schematics to use Neutronium and Amorphous Carbonite instead of Electrum and Polyplast and the numbers become balanced and you won't have the glut of Neutronium and AC that most crafters like myself have now while constantly scrambling for Electrum and Polyplast.

  20. Mending relics are only optimal for Shadow/Sin tanks.


    They're quite terrible for healers. Stick with the Dread Guard and EWH Boundless Ages relics.


    As a followup to the question I asked above, I'm trying figure out the why on this and I can only guess that it's the mechanics of it, but if someone could confirm this for me I'd appreciate it...


    So the heal proc relics are bad for healers because they can proc on anyone they have a healing effect on, so the proc may go off on someone who doesn't need it then be down when it would be useful for the tank. And as such because the Shadow/Assassin heal is for themselves only as it procs off combat stance then when the relic procs it will only proc the heal on them, hence why it's such a large survivability upgrade for them. Is that correct or am I misunderstanding the mechanics of how the heal is assigned off that relic?

  21. So what would be the best relics for a Combat Medic Commando now please? I currently use a War Hero Relic of Boundless Ages and a Matrix Cube.


    elite war hero (power) and on use power DG


    What if the EWH is out of easy reach? My CM's valor level is 12, so grinding to 50 valor and getting all the comms is not a quick or simple task. So would the Matrix Cube, the DG heal proc relic or a different non-PVP relic I'm overlooking be the next best option?

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