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Posts posted by Furiel

  1. That's very interesting. I heal it a lot and have never encountered it. The only bug I am aware of is a bubble landing inside the shield and damaging it. I'll run it later on to see if i encounter it.


    I've seen the lignthning land in the bubble if the SC tank a) goes under a shield himself, b) dies, c) jumps back on SC too early or d) gets too close to the shield while circling. D has gotten us once or twice because I usually do a wide circle around and have clipped the FB bubble when it's in front on occasion with the first one and the SC bubble when it's on the front or side part way through my trip around because I wasn't paying close enough attention.

  2. This is stuff that were problems for us when we were learning the fights...


    T&Z - Fearful is incredibly important for DPS to not get. The previous poster is incorrect about it being 25M from Zorn, it actually goes out 25m from where Toth lands, so if Toth lands at a point closer to the DPS than Zorn they may get it. So DPS needs to hang between 28-29m and next to the wall to give as much room for error as possible. It's also helpful to bring Zorn up the canyon a hair further than Toth to give extra wiggle room.

    Have people designated to call jumps. We usually call at X2% when a jump is about to occur so DPS can double check position, etc and know to look for fearful. If they get it ahve a ranged DPS swap sides.

    Also on the initial rush have any melee on Toth wait until after his first leap to avoid that AoE, and any ranged and the healer should loop around and speeder up and swing wide past where the zorn DPS is to avoid it. Toth's AOE leaps damage out to 25m, so any ranged on Toth can avoid that damage by staying outside of 25m and really help out the healers.


    FB&SC - SC needs to have the 2 best DPS on it so it always hits the even percentages first, and you need to make sure you hit each of those even %s within 45 sec because if you get a second double destruction per phase the lightning gets funky and will probably land on your SC DPS.

    Even though your best DPS will be on SC you want FB to die first. We split 2 and 2 on each full time then when SC gets below 20% we swap 1 DPS to FB so he dies first, then we finish SC. This is because the soft-enrage on FB is much more painful than SC's is and more likely to cause a wipe if SC dies first.

    Make sure the SC tank that is circling during the shield phases does NOT hug SC to try to DPS him while circling, if he stays right next to him he will get around too fast and be out of position when that phase ends. On my shadow I hug the wall around the outside then give a wide berth on the back and then I"m usually 75% around when the phase is over and force speed gets me the last bit in a second.


    Vorgoth - Assign 2 ranged to CC the slow walking droids when they get in range so they don't blow anyone up, then burn them down during the defusal phases.

    Assign the DPS not on CC duty to interrupt Cleave, have the tank interrupt overload on the probes. Cleave getting through is not ideal but can be healed through if happens occasionally. Overload getting through means people are getting KBed, probably into an active mine, and dieing.

    The turrets by Vorgoth that spawn part way through CANNOT be CCed in HM. Have everyone on the far side of Vorgoth and when they spawn burn down the front 2 before going back to Vorgoth, if everyone is on the far side the back 2 will be out of range and can be cleaned up once he's dead.


    Kephess - yeah, I won't discuss him because he's his own special kind of hell and there are not enough dolls for me to point to all the spots he's touched me.


    For us the mechanics weren't hard, ironically it's was low DPS causing us to wipe to enrages. But low DPS is normal while learning fights. IMO it's better to wipe to enrage than to wipe because you can't execute a mechanic right. DPS can be fixed, stupid can't. So tell them to concentrate on the mechanics first and as they get more comfortable with those the DPS will rise naturally as people figure out the timings on certain attacks, CDs, relic and adrenal usage, etc.

  3. He had one valid argument about the timing of initiating aggro.


    If you don't use force pull or any other longer range, you have slightly more time to turn an AOE happy boss away from the group before he lets loose and causes unnecessary raid damage.


    Since a large number of boss fight areas give you lots of room to work with, I'm still pretty sure you could just approach from a different angle to both use force pull and keep team out of AOE opening attacks in most cases.


    Other than than, nobody is going to convince him that force pull doesn't meet his internal definition of a taunt. So, no point arguing it anymore.


    I can't think of ANY bosses that AOE on pull, they all wait at least 5 seconds, most more, before they do their first AoE. And if you can't get in position and turned starting at 30m using Force Speed then you are probably doing it wrong.


    And that extra 5k+ threat you can get during your run to position can be a great help, especially on bosses like tanks where DPS can't hold back a little to let aggro be established, and all it does it push back Project by maybe a half second at most since the boss will aggro around 25m and you can't attack til 10m, so might as well do something in that bit of time closing to build threat.

  4. I think a debuffing class would be an awesome idea. However, a pure CC class would not fit into the pve aspect of the game currently, because there is more than enough CC from other classes. New operations would have to be designed to fit the strengths of a CC class to make them viable in pve. One of the ideas I thought of was to make an additional two mastery classes for each advanced class, one specializing in the use of buffs, debuffs, pets, and the other specializing in pure damage, healing, or tanking.


    They had alot of these niche roles in EQ2 and those brought in their own issues. I actually played the debuffing class in EQ2, the Brigand, and while it made me desirable for raiding there were alot of drawbacks as well. Give a class a bunch of debuff utility that means you have to take something from them, usually that's going to be their DPS. Early on in EQ2 I actually got kicked from raids quite a bit because my DPS "wasn't enough" because people didn't understand that while my DPS was mediocre at best, I made everyone else 10% better, which more than made up for me putting up only 75% of the DPS compared to the pure DPS classes. However those were usually 24 person raids. So adding 10% to 20 people was a substantive bonus. Do that here and it's much less effective. Like a 4 person FP group, if 1 person is making the tank and healer 10% better, but they are 25% less than the other DPS then you lose performance. Spin that into raids, it's more of a bonus in 16 than 8 person ops. but you'd still see the benefit there. But that leads to the second issue...pigeonholing.


    Right now as things stand you can clear all content generally speaking without being speciific outside of their trinity roles of Tank, DPS and heals. If you start adding niche roles like debuffer, etc, suddenly you start seeing those roles become "mandatory" in some people's eyes for certain content. Just for arguement's sake lets say they make Tactic's VGs a debuffing class. Do you really want to see people standing around on fleet spamming this "LF 2 DPS, 1 Heal, 1 Tcts VG for HM TFB"? Because that is what will happen inevitably. Niche roles become mandatory in some players eyes, and slowly the developers start to feel the same, so content gets balanced with the expectation that the niche will be filled and it becomes a self-fullfilling prophecy of niche roles that are supposed to be optional are now mandatory due to the content being designed/balanced around their presence. And it gets worse and worse until you have only a handful of configurations that will work for given content and while that works for most HC ops guilds, it cripples casual raiding who are the majority of your raiding player base. And alienating large chunks of your player base is never a good idea...

  5. If you are talking about for selling then all the main attribute ones. Willpower, strength etc


    If your talking about for yourself. Then go for as much Power as you can. You will find by the time you are 50 and have most of the operation gear that you have maxed out your main stat and everytime you add to it the returns diminish. Power is not capped, so if you are like me and are playing a Inquistitor you will swap out all your Willpower/endurance augments for Power/endurance onces for added DPS.


    If you want to be playing suboptimally then yes, use the power ones. For pretty much all DPS and healers you want to use the main attribute augments, which is why they sell the best. Diminishing returns for your main stat don't start really hitting hard currently until somewhere around 6000, so at that point the power augments would be better, but since it's impossible with current gear to get even halfway to that point stacking your main stat with augments is optimal for DPS and healers.

  6. You need to discover those schematics through reverse engineering the unlettered mod and hoping the RNG loves you. Just like getting the blue and purple schematics for the ones you can get from your trainer, some of the mods/armorings you pull from BH/Campaign/DG level gear can be RE'ed for schematics as well as mol stabs, etc.
  7. No, you're not. 600 Shield rating puts you at just over 46% Shield chance pre-KW. The only way to get 50% Shield chance pre-KW is to stack *more* than what you get tangentially (re: using Shield augs and/or the PvP shield passive relic).


    That surprises me, I'm in the mid-400s right now on shield rating (I'm still gearing up I've only been 50 w/ him for about a month) and am at nearly 43% without KW up. I kinda assumed the last 125-150 points would net more than a 3-4% increase for us, but I will readily admit you would know better than I.


    Kinda makes me think I might want to reprioritize my gear acquisition as well and I might pick up a few mods now before I get my last couple enhances since the shield gain I'll be seeing will be fairly small going from 23-27 enhances and I'll probably get more bang for my buck on some defense/absorb mods.

  8. 45% shield chance is enough.


    If only there was a way to stop there, then yeah it would be, but you can't. With current BH/campaign/DG gear you are going to blow WAY past 45% unless you use the End heavy enhances, which will also bring down your def/absorb because they sacrfice a little shield and alot of def/abs just for those few end points. If you use the Bulwark/Bastion mitigation enhances and BH/hazmat impants and ear you're going to end up around 600 shield rating, which will put you at 50% shield or higher pre-KW. Stupid itemization not letting us min/max to the hilt. :mad:

  9. worst class atm, gunnery is total fail, low survivability no utility. Assault specialist, vanguard version is miles ahead. Medic is fine for 15 seconds and then total garbage.


    i would make static barrier at 5 stacks, immune to interrupts and cant be force leaped to. (a mini cover)


    An improvement, but it still wouldn't be enough. That still would require 5 seconds of freecasting to get to that state, then any heavy movement could cause it to drop. It would help, but we still woudln't be desirable because gunslingers would still be doing the same things we do, doing it better and with more utility.

  10. The medpacks are learned from the trainer, the reusable stims are discovered by REing the blue level stims.


    Alternatively find someone who already knows/has it and have them make it for you. The Ratkata reusables are NOT BoP so they are tradeable, but do require 400 Biochem to use so you can't just make them for all your alts.

  11. You'll find healers and tanks alike get alot of crap from everyone else, you know why? Because DPS suck. That's right. We don't need them and they know it.


    As a healer, you'll find getting your pantsu into another guild is very easy.


    DPS suck and are not needed huh? Perhaps we can find some time to sit down and discuss this concept. I'm thinking you should have plenty of free time to talk after you revive because you just died to a bosses enrage...

  12. First and foremost, both are perfectly capable tanks as long as you put the effort in to learn them and gear them. So there is a good chunk of playing what you like that is important.


    I raid regularly with at least 1 VG tank, and I have a 50 Guardian that I recently retired from tank spec.


    As for the general consensus, the VG is generally considered the "easier" of the 2 two play. They have fewer cooldowns which are mediocre whereas the Guardian has some very good defensive cooldowns. However you don't need the cooldowns as much as a VG because the VGs have the most armor mitigation of all of the tank classes.


    VGs have better AOE aggro management IMO because they have more AOEs to use, plus they have both a pull and a leap, whereas Guardians only have a leap. VGs also have more ranged abilities than Guardians, however calling the a "ranged tank" is a misnomer because VGs are most effective at 4m or less just like Guardians and Shadow tanks. ST aggro management both can hold mobs jsut as well, however it's generally considered a bit more difficult to manage resources on a Guardian than a VG because of the way their resources and mechanics work.


    Ultimately both can get the job done and when played well do a great job, so ultimately pick what sounds most attractive to you and get great at it.

  13. For leveling, I would go with the commando over the Vanguard. It has more AOE abilities which will help against the mobs, and has range which is always nice as a bugger. Those things, along with the heals, end up helping you out quite a bit more than what rolling a VG would.


    This and also having concussion round for CC is great. Shadow only has the OOC stealth CC, concussion can be done in-combat to anything but CC immune mobs so having that for when you accidentally (or on purpose) facepull a group you aren't ready for being able to knock out a elite or champ while you clean everything else up can be huge.

    Scoundrel has 2 CCs, but one is an OOC only one like the shadow's that's limited to humanoids only also like the shadow's, and they have the droid CC that can be done anytime, and for me I'd rather have the 1 universal that 2 situational.


    I'd suggest going up Gunnery for your commando if you don't go pure heals because it's bonuses synergize with healing a little better thanks to the charged barrel stacking now effecting advanced medical probe. If you have the full 5 stacks AMP is essentially an instant cast heal while consuming those stacks, so if you need a quick heal in a pinch it's super handy.

  14. the ability to heal your factions npcs while someone is trying to defeat them to complete a quest if a grief tactic because it inhibits your progression, what i don't understand is why bioware let gamers do this is beyond me its like they got a development team that's full of griefers to allow this grief tactic


    Stuff like this BW would probably say is "to promote open world PvP". Even though all it does promote open world ganking. I play on a PVE server and every time I have encountered this there is always at least an 8-person operation of flagged players there healing NPCs, running through your AOEs and doing whatever else they can to get you to unintentionally or intentionally flag so they can gank you. If it was 1 or 2 people I wouldn't mind, it's when you start getting numbers like that together and you've basically got 2 choices, die to the NPCs because the players can out-heal your DPS, or die to the gankers because I don't care how good your gear is and what spec you play you got no chance 8v1.

  15. As for healing, they don't have as good AoE heals as Scoundrel/Sage and are the hardest to use of the 3 due to having to manage the ammo mechanic, their heals passive effects also aren't as good as the other 2 healing classes. That being said, I believe they have the best single target healing.


    I disagree on them being the hardest to manage. Ammo is not an overly hard mechanic to manage, to me scoundrel healing is much more difficult because you have 2 resources you have to manage. Energy and Upper Hand, and Energy has the same tiered regen system as troopers do. But that is my opinion, I know some who think it's the easiest thing in the world. Personally I struggle with it.


    Beyond that I agree that Commando healing is great at ST healing. We tank heal like beasts. And if they ever fixed our AoE heal to smartheal instead of just healing the 4 closest to the middle we'd be in a much better place group healing.

  16. Couple different possibilities there that most of the previous posters covered. I know when I tank most HM FPs I usually ignore the normals in a given pack of trash and I only worry about holding the silvers and up because the normals should die so fast any damage they do to the healer should be negligible. Assuming the DPS is not derpy and understand the basic rule of killing weakest to strongest. Sadly this is not usually the case and I usually save my group taunt for those cases when the DPS decides to ingore the weak ones to peel them off the healer and kill them myself. It's possible the tank had the same expectation and your DPS didn't deliver.


    Or the tank was derpy, or worse, everyone but you was derpy.


    Ultimately though it was anything but your fault. You pulled aggro due to your heals, that can happen sometimes due to how spread out the trash is in some areas of them, but it's not anything that can't be managed if players are willing to use their brain for even a second and talk a little. Which seemingly of late fewer and fewer are willing to do.

  17. I never know what people mean when they say "support DPS". What are you talking about?


    Someone who provides steady pressure if not the super burst of other classes? Why not just bring a super burst class. Combat Sentinels have sick burst with Precision Slash, but it's not like their sustained DPS is worthless.


    Do we mean someone who stands on the back lines and nukes from afar while the melee ranged players mix it up? Sniper does that better than we do, since they can't just be leapt to and shut down when they're noticed.


    Do we mean someone who does ok, if not amazing Pyro PT level of DPS, but brings important team utility to the game? Literally every other DPS does it better because our team utility is actually pretty crap. Combat Sent has one of the most amazing PVP buffs in the game (transcendence with 80% movement speed increase), Knights have awe, Smugglers have Flash Grenade and their huge shield, any bubble spec sage worth their salt is putting up 300k Damage 300k healing even when they're mostly focusing on DPS, and Tank Hybrid Shadows have great DPS while being the best solo node guards in the game (you don't see them put up super high numbers because they're guarding offnodes. Put them in the zerg and keep them up and awesome things happen).


    So what is this support class DPS crap I hear? I think it really means second class citizen.


    I think he means the armor reductions GR brings. You know, the ones that never land because you get interrupted, stunlocked and killed as soon as you are noticed.

  18. Please no AC change EVER.


    Your AC is your class. You can't change from a Druid to a Mage in WoW for example, and that's what AC change is.


    I support a true dual-spec option within current ACs and would love that because right now switching between heals and DPS on my commando is a PITA right now, but not AC change. Never AC change. There are enough issues with people not being the right role in the GF or not knowing how to play their current spec/AC, adding the option to change it on a whim would be a total disaster.

  19. Also as far as mod swapping, the devs have admitted that this was not an intended use of the system. They haven't cracked down on it yet, but there's nothing saying they won't. The fact that they still have made no effort to get BoL hilt weapon in the game points to me that they don't intend to allow this forever or they would be seeking to balance it.


    When I first realized this just after the legacy gear came in but before I started doing it I sent in a CS ticket about it to ask if it was an exploit. I did it via ticket because I didn't want to be held responsible for potentially advertising an exploit to the general populace. The response I got was that this was NOT an exploit and that it was a perfectly acceptable use of the gear and mechanics provided. I have a couple copies of that screenshot hanging around just in case, and while the word of CS is unfortunately not gospel as too their long term plans, it gives me a measure of comfort that this is likely around for the long haul and more likely they will balance around going forward.

  20. They had this in EQ2 as well, and while I have suggested it before I still believe strongly in the idea and wholeheartedly support it.


    1 bank tab shared across all legacy toons. Bound items cannot be placed in it, but all BoE, legacy bound and crafting mats can. A legacy bank with a credit pool that can be deposited too and pulled from by all characters on the legacy as well.


    The code for it is already essentially in place in the form of the guild bank code. It would just need some minor modifictions to change the guild flags to legacy flags, change the credit values needed to purchase and add the tab code to the existing personal bank kiosks and ship cargo bays.


    C'mon Bioware, this one is a low cost, high ROI request, make it so!!

  21. Yes, he says it all the friggin time. Ironically it's usually after he shoots someone.



    "Did I mention I'm a pacifist?"


    And every time he does I desperately want to be able to say to him "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."

  22. Can you clarify something for me? I can't tell if:


    1. You wanted to do HM KP, tried to use the Group Finder to queue for it, and ended up in SM KP by mistake?


    2. You wanted to do SM KP, used the Group Finder to queue for it, and ended up in HM KP by mistake?


    They did HM EV

    Then with the same op and without changing the ops challenge mode to SM from HM they queued up for a SM op to get the 10 BHcomms weekly reward, but ended up in KP HM because presetting the ops challenge mode for a premade op overwrites the GF setting.


    And what the OP is asking for and I concur with is that if you queue up for an op through the GF the GF should automatically override whatever the Op leader has the challenge mode set to in their preexisting op and it should be set to SM.

  23. It makes sense to me, then again I've also experienced the same issue doing a PUG OP and after argueing with the leader for 5 minutes I quit the op because the leader would not listen to me and insisted that the fact that the HM symbol was on the door and that we kept getting zoned into HM even though we went in through the GF it didn't matter that he had the op set to HM challenge rating and he refused to change it.


    The TL;DR version of the issue is if the Ops leader sets the operation challenge mode to hard mode, then queues up for an operation via the GF the challenge mode will persist and override the group finder and you will end up in HM EV or HM KP even though you queued up for a SM Op.


    It's really only an issue for premade ops groups that may have done a HM prior, but should still be fixed.

  24. A lot less in depth than developing a legacy system (1.2), a new warzone (1.6), a recurring event and achievement system (1.7), and all the different flashpoints and operations they've churned out so far.


    You think so? The would have to redo all the art and animations for each mood for every single cutscene in the game. I don't even remember how many moods there are, for some reason I want to say 16, but that could easily be wrong. So for every cutscene they would need to redo all the art and animation for the PCs for 16 times each, maybe more if I have the number of moods wrong. Think how many cutscenese there are in the game? Probably 100 just for you class quest alone. So to just include moods in your class quest cutscenes that would require 12,800 cutscenes or more (16 moods * 8 classes * 100 cutscenes). And again, that's just cass quests and I'm willing to bet I am WAY LOW on the number of cutscenes for class quests and moods as well.


    What you are suggesting would take probably 6 months to a year of dedicated development to complete. And during all that time no other minor bugs, game enhancements or new content would be being generated, because they were too busy making sure the happy mood showed up properly.


    Also remember that the mood emotes were added well after launch, IE. well after all of those cutscenes were created, hence why they would all have to be completely redone due to the code base for cutscenese not supporting it currently.

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