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Posts posted by Furiel

  1. I have 2 characters on my account that are flagged for a name change due to server merges that I cannot successfully rename. I have found new names that the system will accept and it will show on the character select screen that the name has been changed. Then when I login with that character the name will revert back to the old name with a bunch of numbers after it. And I logout and the character is back to the old name and still flagged for rename.

    I tried to rename them on the character select screen, then logout of the game and log back in as was suggested in an older thread, and that didn't help either. I still have my free character rename through the site but I'd rather not spend that on a forced name change, plus that would still leave me with the issue on a second character.

  2. I have 4 kingpin kills and the sniper to visit yet tonight then I'll be golden and I already have guildies lined up to help with them all so barring some unplanned event I'll finish tonight. And I have a ton of token saved up too so I'm expecting to be able to cap rep again once the weekly cap resets and I MIGHT still have some tokens left over for a second week.
  3. You think it's fail because you are looking at Treek the wrong way. She's designed to be a bonus for high level players who are leveling alts to make it easier, hence the legacy level requirement. I would have killed to have had a healer comp while leveling my Guardian or Slinger at level 10, instead I had to wait until chapter 2. Now Treek fills that gap so come level 10 you always have the option of having a healer and/or tank at your side no matter what your first companion was originally.
  4. Gunnery Commando/Arsenal Mercenary is ridiculously easy to play. Spam Grav Round, hit full auto, demo round and high impact bolt when off cooldown. Use mortar volley for groups of weak mobs. It doesn't get much easier than that.


    The lack of cover requirements makes them easier to play than smuggler/agent as the cover mechanic can take a little getting used IMO.

  5. I agree.


    this game doesn't need the "one button raid monkeys " which blizzard produced.


    however it would be nice to be able to macro a message with a ability for the group/ops to see. this was a "standard' raid mechanic in eq2 for aa and a few other abilities.


    That's what i would like for macros too. I just want the ability to be able to link specific abilities to an announcement in chat. Like when I'm tanking and using a cooldown I'd like to be able to tell the healers automatically. Would make PUG raiding with no voice chat much easier. Same thing with things like Inspiration.


    I would like mouseover macros at some point as well to make healing easier with those still linked to 1 ability as well, but asking for either feels like wishing for the moon most days.

  6. If you play smart even at 14 you should be able to solo most or all of it if your gear is decent. The Mando's come in pairs so sic Khem on 1 and Whirlwind the other then keep Khem healed and add dps and stuns when you can. Reupp the whirlwind on the second mando if it drops off and the other isn't dead. It'll be a slow fight but should be easily winnable.


    Kregg can probably be soloed as well that level if you use some LoS and dont' forget about your heroic moment (I think you have that by 14).

  7. There is no shortage of tanks, there is a shortage of tanks willing to run in a PuG.




    I won't tank in a PuG anymore. Been through too much BS with stupid people over the years that I keep my tanks reserved for guildies and runs with other friends. On the off chance I need gear on my tank I do it the old fashioned way...save up the comms on my healer or DPS, buy the piece I want with them then legacy transfer the mods. My tank still gets geared and I don't have to practically have an aneurism because people can't follow simple instructions like don't have the DPS pull the next 2 groups simultaneously while the healer is AFK.

  8. As people have said they are all completely viable and they all play different, but each one also has their little niche due to their mechanics that can make 1 situationally better than another but those situations are rare and none of them are so far out of balance to make a significant difference either.


    Having healed with both Sage and Trooper in ops I would say I personally prefer Sage but that's a playstyle thing, not because I think they are better. I have always gravitated toward healers that have damage prevention as one of their primary healing aspects (EQ2-Shaman, WoW-Disc priest, SWTOR-Sage) so I am biased, but not so much so as to say that they are better. Just my particular taste in healers.

  9. Commando/Powertech

    - For all the reasons listed before plus PT animations just look so much more Bounty Hunterish than the merc ones IMO. And the Assault Cannon is just awesome.



    - Again for the reasons given for the previously plus force lift looks cooler than whirlwind IMO.



    - In my head the gunslinger just fits the Han Solo model far more than the Scoundrel does and likewise the stealth, etc of the operative fits in with Imperial Intelligence better to me than the Sniper.


    The one weakness of this setup is that you will lack a tank on the Republic side if that is important to you. If you do want a tank on each side then I would flip the Sage/Assassin to Shadow/Sorcerer as Shadow tanks are pretty awesome and there is nowhere in the story it doesn't fit, plus the Sorc can do DPS with lightning for the cool animations.

  10. This is an issue that occurs mostly solo now since 2.0 it seems. They changed the pushback talent in 2.0 so it give 5% less pushback defense, which now means that there are times that if you take damage while you are doing FA that the pushback will be enough to clip off the third tick. It should be pretty much a non-issue in FPs and Ops because of course you shouldn't be tanking, but when solo it's annoying.
  11. I agree entirely with your last two bullets. What exactly is a damage prevention model though? Do strongs actually hit harder than elites? I get the feeling that during soloing they don't, but obviously that isn't what we are talking about here. I know a lot of elites have cast time or channeled abilities that can be interrupted, is this what would reduce their damage below the strongs?


    Sorry if any of my questions are dumb, just trying to get a better grasp on what is doing the most damage, and what this model is you speak of.


    What he means by damage prevention model is tailoring your kill order and CCs in such a way to minimize the damage done to the group, especially the tank, thereby increasing group survivability, etc.


    And as for the rest and how it all works, elites do more damage than strongs, it's just that the ratio or mob damage to mob HPs make it the smart move generally to kill weakest to strongest. I don't remember the numbers but I think it's something like a strong mob does 25% less damage than an elite, but the elite has twice as many HPs. So just to use some completely made up numbers to illustrate the point...


    Say you have 1 strong and 1 elite in the group, takes 10 seconds to kill the strong and 20 to kill the elite, 30 seconds total fight time no matter what order. Elite does 400 dps, so at 25% less the stong will do 300 dps.


    If you kill the elite first that's 400 dps for 20 seconds - 8000 damage taken, then the strong dies so that's another 300 dps for 30 seconds - 9000 damage taken for a total of 17000 damage in 30 seconds.


    Conversely if you kill the strong first that's 300 dps for 10 second - 3000 dps, then the elite dies so that's another 400 dps for 30 seconds - 12000 damage taken for a total of 15000 damage in 30 seconds.


    So by killing the strong first you prevent 2000 damage from being taken by the tank. And that in a nutshell is the damage prevention model. CC the strongest when possible and kill the weak first to minimize incoming damage and reduce the likelihood of deaths and wipes.

  12. State of the CM - honestly not much major has changed since 1.2 for the CM. Commandos got an interrupt and they nerfed cryo nade range from 30 to 10m. Those are the only real changes that have been made that I can think of that really have any effect on the CM.


    Kolto Bomb still does not smart heal. No patch notes on it and I don't think they would stealth change something like that, nor have I observered it doing so.


    Priorities and ammo usage hasn't really changed for me at least. However CM is my rarely used OS so there may be more nuanced changes I have noticed.


    ROTHC is seeing some changes with increased survivability CDs for the trooper as already mentioned, nothing really has been learned though about what, if any changes to CM. For the most part we are still where we were at 1.2, able to heal the content, very strong ST healers but weak AoE.

  13. I used to have the same problem with pulling aggro during the DR/HiB part of my first time through the rotation myself. I've gotten into the habit of using Diversion during the GCD of DR before I hit HiB and that seems to help alot. Occasionally the boss will maybe take a step toward me before he turns back, but since I started doing that I can't remember the last time I face tanked a boss in a guild raid unless there was a dead tank.
  14. You should trade Accuracy DIRECTLY for Surge without affecting your other stats. If your bonus damage is going down you're grabbing the wrong enhancement.


    And no offense intended, but you're probably being carried in TFB HM.


    To the OP: I found that this rotation increased my DPS.


    2x Grav Round > Full Auto (with or without proc) > Grav Round > HIB > Demo Round > Grav Round til ANYTHING is off cooldown (Whether procced or not)


    It's a matter of luck, but sometimes you'll get the proc on FA within your first 2 Grav Rounds; even if you don't, you can get one on the third or further ones, and every extra Full Auto is more DPS. Full Auto is at least 30% of your DPS when done properly, so don't wait for the proc to cast it.


    Don't rely on Noxxic. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't rely on Noxxic. If you want to know why, look at their ridiculous Vanguard tanking opening rotation - it's a COMPLETE waste of potential ammo regeneration and doesn't grab aggro immediately like a tank needs to. I realize we're talking Commandos here, but Noxxic is NOT reliable for rotations.


    EDIT: In case anyone is curious as to what I'm referring... http://www.noxxic.com/swtor/pve/trooper/vanguard/shield-specialist/tanking-rotation-and-cooldowns


    Personally I like to open up with FA if I'm already in position because it is our best DPS/Ammo skill and the sooner I get to reuse it the more DPS I get.


    And as far as Noxxic goes, yeah, as I've told my guildies, Noxxic is toxic. It'll pollute your mind. It's where bad players go to get worse.

  15. Agreed with all points except #6. Keep in mind this patch was released on Tuesday... in software development like this it takes at least a week to scratch one's ***... It doesn't surprise me they don't have a response yet, they are probably still trying to figure out what (if anything) went wrong and figuring out the best way to fix it.


    Mechanics discussion aside, I anticipate this will be fixed within a month, but yea... it shouldn't have happened in the first place... that is why they need to test these things /before/ releaseing them. not just QA patch notes, but look at the greater implications.


    It's basic customer service, it takes 1 minute to put up a post that says the change was in the patch notes, we see that this has been unpopular and are checking to see if this is functioning as designed and if it is analyzing the impact of this change and will update you as our anlysis continues.


    See that's not that hard, takes a moment to do and promises nothing but calms the player base...but they won't even do that and the aggrivation of the players builds.

  16. Several things have become abundantly clear in this thread...


    1) the only people who seem to be for this change are a bunch of ultra-elitists folks from world/server first guilds, and there are only a handful of them who are very vocal

    2) those same people are by their own admission trolling because apparently they have nothing better to do

    3) these same people also have no potential financial issues by virtue of their playstyle and guild

    4) the vast majority of the posters between all the threads on this subject are extremely displeased with the change and there are people voting with their wallets, and those in that displeased majority run the gamut from server/world first progression players who also have no financial issues but see the negative impact, to those more casual players who will have a significant gameplay impact due to this change

    5) there are guilds who have suspended raiding (including my own by request of my guildmates, I wanted to continue but was outvoted)

    6) BW doesn't seem to care because they refuse to say anything on the subject

  17. In addition to being atrociously spaced, this point is fallacious on its face. WOW and others like it might have ridiculous repair costs for better gear, however by no means can it be accurately claimed that / EVERY/ game has this mechanic.


    WoW's "ridiculous" repair costs are also well compensated for by the addition of the guild perks in Cata that give guild above a certain, fairly easily atainable level an additional 10% of all coin rewards that goes directly into the guild bank which for the majority of guilds mostly or completely subsidizes said repair costs as well. So anyone trying to argue that high repair costs are part and parcel to end game raiding, your example fails due to the above.

  18. I don't think that's the case: tons of people are saying that being 70/80 or 110/120 costs them more than 15k.


    Yet I've got all Dread Guard except for 3 Enhancements and 2 Armourings and it only costs me 5.4k/wipe.


    That's got to be a bug.


    I'm full campaign with DG relics and a couple 63 mods/enhances. Monday night after our raid I repaired, I know I did because I always do and I remember making a joke with one of my guildies about how he'd cost me 4k credits because he made a stupid mistake and got us wiped once on farm content. Actual cost was a litlte less, like 3800ish but I was jokin around so I rounded it up.


    Tuesday I went and did the gree event and I died once on the heroic because the tank and healer got ganked because they were flagged and the champ came and ate me. After finishing I went to sell the grays/greens and repair, repair cost, just under 11k. For 1 death. Almost 2.5 times what it was the previous night and I know for a fact that my gear was pristine going in.


    If repair costs stay where they are it's completely untennable for any casual guilds to raid regularly because as it stands now in order to be able to afford to raid you need to spend an equal amount of time doing dailies or some other high credit producing process as you spend raiding to be able to afford it. And that's just the repair costs, that does not include consumables, etc. I don't have 10 hours a week to farm cash to be able to afford to go raid for 7 hours a week. And if that is what the new paradigm BW wants then myself and alot of other casual players will be voting with their wallets and find other things to spend their money on.

  19. As the leader of my guild


    I say, run dailies, open a guild bank, deposit credits, help guild out.


    But then again, I trust my guild


    and a few thousand more credits isn't hurting my wallet.



    Does no one realize this was a bug that has now been fixed?


    I'm the raid leader of my guild, and we are a casual guild who runs and enjoys ops. We have no playtime restrictions, and due to my work, school and family activities I have about 10 hours a week to play. Of those 10 hours I spend 7 or so of them either actively raiding, herding the cats prior, or doing admin tasks/etc after. I have just enough time to run SectionX and BH once a week on 2 chars at most. Many of my guildmates have similar schedules which does not alot enough time to do all the dailies required to not slowly go broke without sacrificing family time/school or sleep with the new repair costs.

    Family will not be sacrificed for a game, so that's out. Either will what little chances I get to sleep. And I'm not dropping out of school and forgoing getting my MBA. So more dailies is out of the question. And I'm not going to have us open up further guild bank repairs and expect those who have more time to go do tons of dailies to help fund the repair bills of others, that is not fair to them and I won't exploit my friends like that.

    So we can a) stop raiding (noone in the guild wants to do that)

    b) cut back on raiding and instead of raiding 1 or our raid nights we run dailies as a group to earn $$ (noone wants that either)

    c) we break down all the loot we get for mats and sell the mats to cover our repairs (noone wants that because then we don't gear up, so we can't progress)


    And yes, I'm fully aware they say it was a bug that they fixed...but then I would ask them these questions...

    a) Why was it not announced prior that it was not working as intended to give us warning that they would be going up?

    b) Why did they go up so much? My campaign/DG level main's repair costs went from about 4k per death to close to 11k, that's almost 3x as much.

    c) Why did it take so long for them to fix? Repair costs have been at this level for 6+ months.

    d) How do we know it is actually functioning as intended now?


    It's been over 2 days now and they have said NOTHING on the subject in spite of an avalanche of negative feedback. The longer it stays like this and the longer they ignore all the feedback and say nothing the madder people are going to get and the more likely they are to vote with their wallets and leave. I've got 3 jobs already (work, school and family), leaving repairs at current levels will make me and many others consider ToR a job because we can't do what we want without an EXCESSIVE amount of busy work, and as soon as our leasure activity turns into a job, we find a new leasure activity.

  20. I don't know, the way elextro net apparently works makes me suspicious that the damage of it isn't going to be particularly amazing. If it does enough damage at zero-five stacks (which, let's face it, is more likely to be zero than five in most pve situations, always assuming it even works on bosses with snare immunity in the first place) to make any kind of difference to pve dps, it's going to flat out destroy other players, let alone when stacked to ten.


    I just have this feeling it's going to suck. Against LOLSmash they won't be getting the movement damage increase because leap is virutally instantaneous movement, then they don't have to move so no increased movement damage. And if you start kiting, then guess what...can't cast GR so you aren't building stacks and so your damage is still going to suck.


    Bottom line is that they added some needed escapability/survivability, but without changing our need to continually hard-cast we will still be lackluster at best in PvP and considering the buffs alot of other classes look to be getting we could actually end up even worse comparatively to where we are now come ROTHC.

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