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Everything posted by Darcedge

  1. Appreciate it, when I first put it up I thought I made a mistake doing it but then quite a few of you came on here laughing and sharing stories and it ended up doing what I intended. Hurray to you for reading whole thing and seeing it for what it was.
  2. I laughed...so hard when I read that my gut is still hurting. You are my kind of tank and when they open server transfers I am coming to your server and expect a G-Invite!
  3. HAHAHA, dude I have like tears in my eyes after reading this lol.
  4. That's too bad you stopped there, I didn't start getting really funny till I started comparing BHs in pvp to Alligator snapping turtles, but you stopped reading there so...
  5. I sooo want to see a tank rant bud..do it!!
  6. Appreciate it man, I doubt I will be doing another of these since some people have taken serious offense to it even though it was just meant for light hearted fun. I don't really just let maruders die, that was strictly for comedic relief, I heal everyone no matter what they do or how many HPs they have when we start.
  7. lol, he probably didn't pop one cooldown either huh or use a potion at least?
  8. Just so these replies don't take a serious turn for the flameworthy. This whole thread is simply a fun way to look at something. This thread was made for brevity only. I am not really saying all these things to people I group with, it is simply a thread for fun and that's it. I tried to make it painfully obvious with the way I wrote it but clearly some people's sarcasm meter is brokeen. I'll say again. Strictly a thread for fun, if you wanna flame go right ahead if it pleases you.
  9. Hear ye, Hear ye, /start rant I decided to post this because for some odd reason that seems to escape me, lots of DPS and Tanks have got it in their mind that the reason they died to an enrage on HK 47 (that they expect to live through??) or a wipe on some random EV encounter..usually trash mobs, they seem to think it's allways the healer's fault. Now don't get me wrong, they don't come out and say we wiped because of the healers cause believe me they would get an earful, but they have that snide comment afterwards, something along the lines of "Man, I popped my cooldown too", or "Man, another 2k on my repair bill". So let's just clear the air right now all you tanks and DPS, the unOfficial guide to healing your rear ends. Lets just start with the tanks. First off...if I see an assasin tank with his/her 22k hit points and "chance" to shield block damage I will usually say my guild needs me or my friend needs help with his class quest on Voss (Always Voss by the way). Reason being is although you have an insane amount of hit points your damage reduction is like a wet paper bag with a 25 pound dumbell tossed into it from 20 feet up. Don't get me wrong, BW gave you guys a tree so of course you think 'Hey..I can tank like Darth Maul!!!", yeah o.k, just be sure to be maxxed biochem with your 2 minute rakata medpack on hotkey or else you might be in trouble. Now, I must say...I have a secret love affair for Powertechs. 1. I am a merc and it's strictly a BH badarse thing. 2. I worship the ground powertechs walk on because of..drumroll..AOE TANKING. I never have to worry about that annoying non elite in false emp popping away at me while i'm healing the PT from tanking 6 mobs at the same time while the DPS is off in their own world looking at rainbow colors and flashing pew pew lightsabers or whatever. Range Deeps, don't even get me started, more on you guys next. I would reroll a PT in a heartbeat just so I can DFA and pounce on dudes like a mountain lion, rawr rawr. Not to mention, I just want to grapple poor saps into the acid in Huttball, I swear I would camp out right by the pool and just stand there like an angler fish, or an alligator snapping turtle..little difference. But..I heart Powertechs!! Now on to the Juggies. Look, I like how some of you take pride in your tanking, I really do, Force leap, turn around, force choke, turn around force push into pit, yada yada yada pew pew pew. Only problem is you guys seem to forget one fundamental of tanking. You know, the one where you tank the 1 gold elite droid, while 3 silvers and 4 weaks pound the heck out of me and you're screaming, why is my health dropping so fast, why you no keep me topped off? Ya, i realize your aoe skills are lacking but maybe you need to go back and play Final Fantasy 10. Ya, Tidus had a lil skill in there where he would slide around on skates and tag like 7 mobs to kill them and such. I don't need you to focus fire one gold while the mindless zombie dps shoots their entire action bar onto the one gold, if they pull aggro from you and die a few times then those tracer missiles and orbital strikes will stay on cooldown a bit longer..maybe. In other words, good job Juggs, I like your ingenuity but let's stick to fundamentals. CC Tag, tag some more, make sure healer isn't getting pew pew then force choke your way to victory as you see fit. Also, you guys have a damage cooldown or 2....just saying. DPS. Let's start with marauders and get this out the way now...I don't like you guys. I mean I really don't like you guys. I played one in BETA up to level 17 and realized they are the most squishiest melee class I have seen in my life, I mean a mob could fart behind them and take off about half your life. Since on some fights minus enrage timers (I have no choice but to keep you alive for that) it is actually more heat (I almost said mana..bah) efficient to just let you die and scrape you off the floor after the battle. Sure that may not bode well for your repair bill but Unless you buff up on endurance items which I know you say will gimp your dps..but think about it. What's worse, gimping your str and living through the encounter of the fight, or adding str up the ying yang and dying after the first aoe because you either A. Don't wanna move because your channel saber slash is going off, or B. Don't wanna heal up or stand back until you go SPARTA charging back in only to get farted on again. Up to you guys but if I go into a hard mode and see a marauder with 1350 HP or less, yeah you might as well pray your tank is the truth or start knocking out some dailies for money. PT DPS. Now I have only seen one but since you guys have a tank tree to fall back on and usually have more than 1700HP you're ok in my book. BH can do no wrong except for..que next line. Merc/Range DPS. I clustered you all together for the simple fact that you both do the exact same thing. Now, I understand, I leveled as an arsenal merc, I get it..Tracer Missile rules yada yada, pew pew Unload..stacks Rail Shot..hey I got another for you..AGGRO DUMP! Add frikking your 1 minute cooldown aggro dump into your rotation every now and then and maybe you won't get hit for 50% of your life from the boss because you wanted to vent heat and click 9 buttons in succession and yell in party chat "WOW, you see my unload crit!!", uhm, no dummy, we can't see your unload crit, but I can see the 70 heat you put on me trying to keep you from dying because you forgot you had a aggro dump button. Hint, It's yellow and looks like a mountain!! Snipers, You are actually a lil better with this than mercs so I'll cut you some slack. Please merc brothers and sisters, make our class look good, use aggro dump!! I'll wrap this up for now but I could easily go for another 2 pages, instead I'm going to ask for input from my other Healing brothers and sisters out there. What makes you angry about the people you group with? What would you add to the Healing thread? /end rant.
  10. Seriously. Why do people always want to make stuff harder for everyone by default? If you want hard, grab 7 friends and bang your head against the wall on nightmare mode, or even better...grab 15 friends and bang your head against the wall on nightmare. Leave it the way it is, I don't care about Nightmare or anything, I just want to be able to see the raid and the fights and the story. Please if anyone at BW is looking at this please leave the way it is. Sorry If I came off brash but the challenge is there for people who want it, why force it down everyone's throat?
  11. Good point, that one thing won't fix it for good, but at least it will give people incentive to at least attempt pvp weeklys again. It also would give Republic players a higher chance to enter and get valor since they would have a higher chance of getting into multiple Ilums because of lower population. Just a thought, I realize even that probably won't be enough to save Ilum but it's better than the crapfest it is right now.
  12. I read your entire post (not sure why) and I must admit, you have some valid arguments. The main thing they need to do is to make Ilum an instanced battle for objectives, kind of like Wintergrasp for those who are familiar with it. It would be every hour on the hour or something in that regards. It will be a 1:1 ratio with republic to empire. Now if an Imperial player didn't get in the first time, they would be put in a que for the next battle the following hour and so on and so forth. The way Ilum is now I will not even step foot in that entire area. I do the dailies for comms..if that, and move on to something else. As far as your concerns with PVE I disagree. I like the fact that on regular mode a group of level 50s from different guilds can complete it without vent even and obtain some loot, but more importantly, complete it and see all content for the dungeon. Hard mode is there for the people who like more challenge and it rewards much, much better loot than regular. Please keep it this way, I like the fact I can see the normal version of every raid you release in this game from here on out and don't have to be in a raiding guild to do so. Other than that, I agree with a lot you have said.
  13. Well, my friend cited the exact same things you did a few weeks ago. Since he has rerolled a Sniper and is now 29. He doesn't plan to play it again until some things get fixed.
  14. The thought of rolling Pub..../shiver. Just kidding, good advice bro.
  15. Why is everyone's answer to every topic to re-roll another character? I was off work for early access and had plenty of time to level my toon and although I like my toon, I would be totally for some kind of barber shop feature where I can change a hairstyle or body type or something along those lines. I can wait for it though, not in a huge hurry for it to be implemented. I just get tired of seeing "re-roll" your toon as an answer for everything. I completed my BH class story as a merc. As much as I would like to try a powertech I am not going through 50 levels of the same exact story just to do so. I am not going through 50 levels of the same exact story to make a DPS merc and a bodyguard merc. I'll just wait for DS or pay the credits to do so.
  16. O.K, i retract my previous post then, I thought only people with active accounts could post on here. I was mistaken I guess. More power to you OP.
  17. Call me crazy, but at this point what is the purpose of posting a (extremely long) review of this game (which you didn't even reach max level) on the official forums. I am to understand everyone reading this has an active SW:TOR account and has at least downloaded and tried the game. Now on Amazon, got it. People will be looking to read before they buy something but on this site what is the point of posting a review from someone who hasn't even reached level 37 on one character, on one faction. Not being a fanboi or anything but If I was reading your review on Amazon and you said you quit after reaching level 36 out of 50 your review would not carry much weight for me personally. Well I don't think on Amazon I would even attempt to read something that long anyway. I just did it this time out of shear curiosity. But you're entitled to your opinion, good luck with whatever game suits you.
  18. I kinda get where the OP is coming from to a point. I for one really like my female Bounty Hunter, I modeled her kind of like my female Renegade Commander Shephard that I played in ME1 and ME2. Now that character I totally got into, It's not quite the same with this toon though, but I wouldn't trade my female Commander Shephard for any other character. Noone even comes close, not even my female Orc Shaman I played for 4 years.
  19. Pretty sure he was just being sarcastic. I laughed so hard when I read his original comment, but I see you are too upset to laugh as well.
  20. That's another point, but I wouldn't want to hinder the group in some hardmodes where you have to be able to kill the boss before enrage or you will get owned. Also, the merc healing tree and damage trees are night and day when it comes to damage. During dailies it takes me over a minute to kill an elite with my tanking pet. As arsenal I can nuke the elite dead before he drops my health to 60%.
  21. The part I bolded seems to be what a lot of people are forgetting. I rolled a Healer because of my 7 real life friends who made a guild I said I would be a Healer for them while they played other classes and specs they liked. On my server there are a ton of Healers. I look for a group sometimes longer than DPS a lot of the times. I would like to be able to say "You guys have a healer already? Cool, let me switch specs and join on in". Instead I sit waiting for a new group or try to find a tank which takes 10 times longer than any other class to fill a group. It seems a lot of people on the forums want to go back to the early EQ days where it could take hours to get your corpse back or hours to find a group. The best thing WoW ever did was remove the tedium from playing mmos and it shows in how much money they have made. Why go backwards in time? DS is going to happen regardless, I for one just hope it happens soon.
  22. 34 Years old And I won't lie. When the game first came out I took 2 weeks off work and had marathon sessions sometimes for 14 straight hours. Now..the only reason I am admitting this is Internet anonymity lol. I play sparingly now tho, logging on to do occasional hardmode and dailies for a couple hours. I am shocked I didn't keel over and have a seizure during early access honestly.
  23. Oh no doubt. I think the fact that in pvp i really only use 4 buttons mostly just makes it so simplistic. But then again Sorcs/Sages depending on spec usually only kill me with 2-3 buttons as well.
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