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Everything posted by Hendar

  1. Yeah a rough estimate on when to expect it would be nice at least.
  2. Disappointed we didn't see chat bubbles in 1.3... Not sure what that means for my sub really, can't be arsed to RP without chat bubbles. It's fine 1 on 1 but when you're in a room with 20 other people...
  3. Isn't HK-51 more like HK-50 from KOTOR 2? I think HK-51 was supposed to be in KOTOR 2 even but the content was removed. So it isn't really HK-47 at all really, just another assassin droid? Or is it HK-47 in an upgraded chassis? I suppose we'll see but I was under the impression that it wasn't HK-47 at all and just some other droid.
  4. To be honest, it is over explained BUT in the end it's up to you how much you read up about it. If you want to keep it mysterious you don't have to read the slur of lore out there. I think most of the EU is intended for hardcore fans, a lot of franchises has stuff like this where everything is over explained. So Star Wars is hardly unique in that aspect. The biggest difference is that there is a lot more on Star Wars than most franchises so it's very widespread. It's all over the place and very easy to look up, one thing that bugged me is that all the characters from the movies. Even ones just standing in the background has a book or a comic book written about them. It's too centred around the movies all the time. It's like every angle in the movies has been explored in some way. Leave Luke, Vader and all those characters alone and do something new instead... Which has thankfully happened recently but seriously not enough.
  5. tbh since almost every Star Wars games has you play a good guy. Sometimes with a non-canon 'dark' side ending it's nice to see the other side of the coin for once. It's mainly why I prefer the Empire, though even in SWG I preferred the Empire over the Rebels. They just seem to have all the cool stuff and like I said it's fun to get a look at how the other side is for once. I do wonder sometimes about certain quests, where the Republic nearly comes off as relentless foes. Like the space mission where you're doing the escort? It just seems weird that the Republic would throw so much resources at it, I can't imagine the Rebels or the Republic during the clone wars doing something similar other than send one Jedi or something after them. Some stuff makes more sense it seems when you play as a Sith on the Empire side, not sure why but the Bounty Hunter feels like it doesn't belong in some of the quests. I suppose it depends on how you play the Bounty Hunter though. Anyway, I don't see either side as evil or good. It seems to me that both sides are so huge and inflated that you have evil and good on both sides. What I do notice is that both sides have different ideals, it's almost like two different political opposites or countries with different cultures. Since a lot of the Imperial citizens seem content with the way life is over in the Empire. So I don't get why you think it's evil. It's sort of like saying communism is evil, it's just a different way of life or political ideal that they follow. You will always have bad apples on both sides, the Sith Empire in SWTOR is way different from the Empire during the GCW era.
  6. I didn't really get to try it out, since I have been so busy RL but I would have liked to, I think it's a nice touch. It seemed like fun and the rewards are an added bonus. Doing these now and then would be great, I'd like to see some sort of holiday event with some casual mini-games. It would be a nice touch, could do something that involves the Hutts so both sides can participate.
  7. Not sure if Pod Racing was present during this era but KOTOR did have Swoop Racing, I think they should add that. It was a lot of fun, if they do it similar to space or the N64 game Podracing where you have parts and build up a solid vehicle with a certain mass you race and compete against others for better parts or other vehicles. That would be brilliant. TBH very surprised it hasn't been brought up at all, same goes with costumes that is in nearly all the MMO's these days.
  8. I quite like them, the Trooper one looks great. The helmet reminds me of the Darktroopers and I quite like the sorcerer set. BH one looks great too!
  9. I know we don't have stats yet but it would be quite nice if you could export a document of the guild listing to your computer. Several games have this, mainly used for PvP stats and guild listing on forums. I'd like to see this added in SWTOR, especially if you're considering adding guild stats (PvP etc) but also because it's a really handy way to keep track of all your members if you have a big guild.
  10. More control of your companion would be nice, as it is now they just follow you around but being able to tell them to stay put at least would be a wonderful addition.
  11. Need these badly please, it's unbearable without it. It's especially difficult when I can't see other people shouting for heals either. Since I have to focus my attention on what's going on in the battle. I can't keep up with the chat as well. Ontop of that, RP is a mangled mess of spam. I love being on chat channels and see what people are talking about but I can't. Because if I have it on the same channel as the normal /say the normal speech gets overwhelmed by the general and trade chat. With chat bubbles all that goes away, since I can keep up with RP and look at the general chat as well.
  12. I thought adding some more features like exporting the guild listing and guild stats (class etc amount) would be a great feature to see in the future. Since many guilds and communities use forums, it's a nice way to keep a guild members listing updated. What do you guys think? We had something similar in SWG, I think it carried over PvP stats and so on as well. Some communities had ranking sites where people would post over the stats from their guilds for some competitive fun.
  13. Ontop of it being ugly it's really laggy, not to mention on the RP server a few people used it for griefing.
  14. I have a suggestion, add not being able to use speeders on the fleet. Not only does it cause a lot of lag but it doesn't make it very RP friendly when you have two guys on a speeder ontop of the table you're RPing at. Just screams griefing.
  15. Too many threads in one forum, we badly need server forums.
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