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Everything posted by Kesrik

  1. Damage is also utility. As a Damage character, all the utility that you try to pick up in the different trees is supposed to help your with one goal: kill people. Survivability talents allow you to deal more damage before you die. Gap closers/openers allow you to have more up time on your target so you can deal more damage. Extra ways of managing your heat allows you to spam more attacks so you can do more damage. Thus, giving up damage to get more "utility" is counter productive.
  2. Kesrik

    Huttball PVP

    We get to act cool by making fun of him, and he gets some extra views on his video. Everyone wins!
  3. I'll get things started: 1) If you queue as a group, you have to re-invite your entire group after every single Warzone. That's right, the game destroys you group as soon as you enter the Warzone. 2) There is no way to permanently toggle off "Requeue for Warzones." You have to manually click off the option at the end of every single Warzone. When combined with the above annoyance, it means that anyone who forgets to click it off might get a warzone queue before everyone is invited back to group, and take it by mistake. 3) The camera snaps back to the forward position as soon as you let go of your left mouse button. This makes running forward while trying to target someone far away behind you almost impossible. 4) The spawn shield in Voidstar keeping you in the spawn room even if they doors break during your spawn time. You end up 20-30 seconds behind everyone else, and have to run all the way up to catch up. 5) Delay on some channeled/AoE ability due to animations. "Sometimes ability activation is slow as hell for some reason. Especially AOE abilities that require you to stand perfectly still are extremely annoying to begin casting." - Fdzzaigl Marginal: 1) Your camera is set to default (super zoomed in) every time you zone into and out of a Warzone. This means you have to manually zoom out every single time. "Not a big deal, just zoom it back out and it takes less than a second to do." - Kryptorchid 2) Lack of a combat log. I'll update the OP with good posts!
  4. Kesrik

    Huttball PVP

    I especially loved the part where he gets the ball, sees some enemies coming, then proceeds to stand in place and rotate (slowly, because he keyboard turns) over and over until he dies. Or when he pops his 25% damage reduction CD (2 minutes) when there is one guy on him while he is at 90% health.
  5. The reverse is also true. It's one thing to do evil things because that's what you are expected/ordered/hired to do. It's something altogether to be evil just because you feel like it, even though everyone around you expects you to be good and noble. Something like a Nazi guard in a concentration camp committing genocide because he is ordered to vs. a Priest in a church molesting kids that trust him just because he wants to.
  6. Kesrik

    Huttball PVP

    I don't get it. Why post a video of a backpedalling clicker?
  7. Especially not in PvP. The top talents in each tree are just too good to pass up.
  8. Let me guess, were you that kid who was always asking people to explain what the hell was so funny?
  9. No tree is "hybrid friendly." If you skip the 31 point talent in any tree, you pretty much gimp yourself for no reason other than to feel special.
  10. When you go "hybrid," you become a non-issue in PvP. You will always almost kill someone. You will always almost survive a fight. You end up not even being mediocre. You become a joke.
  11. Do yourself a favor and take the 31 point talent in the tree that you pick. Hyrbid specs DO NOT WORK.
  12. Why is everyone afraid of the 31 point talent? Did it touch you in naughty places? No, you aren't a special snowflake. No, making a "hybrid" build doesn't make you an innovator. No, hybrid builds aren't effective. No, I don't care Taugrim is recommending a Hybrid spec. That guy was horrible in WoW, and will probably be horrible in TOR.
  13. Sniper burst is downright scary. If I see one in cover, I either close to melee range, or find some LOS.
  14. Ruin and Dara Mactire have premade Warzone groups going pretty much all day long on The Pits.
  15. Kesrik

    Ingame voice chat

    It would honestly be easier for them to provide in game support for the most popular voice chat platform (Ventrilo in this case). Just create an in game interface to control your ventrilo client.
  16. I keep seeing these schizophrenic specs on the forums. Here is the deal: no matter what you are doing, pick a role, and go for it. If you trying to be a tank, spec 31 points into the tank tree and pick up all the survivability talents. If you are trying to be DPS, go 31 points into a DPS tree and pick up all the damage talents. This is true even in PvP. When you hybridize, you end up not having enough damage to actually kill anything, or having enough survivability to actually guard damage. TL;DR - Make up your damn mind, woman!
  17. I don't understand what the point is. You are giving up huge damage (via the awesome talents at the top of the tree) to do . . . damage? Best case scenario, you'll do slightly more damage than simply speccing 31 points into one tree. Even this is a big maybe. The 31 point talents hit extremely hard, and even if your little "combo" works, you'll still be GCD locked. Worst case scenario, you'll do dramatically less damage. Why go hybrid just to gimp yourself?
  18. If you go to http://www.torhead.com and click on the ability details, it tells exactly what effects are applied to a target, including the "debuff category."
  19. "If you believe in yourself anything is possible." -Miley Cyrus
  20. The damage table is as follows: Crit > Shield > Normal Hit This means that with enough crit, shield can possibly be pushed off the damage table.
  21. Really? Name one way to get around it?
  22. Thermal Detonator hits SOOOO HARD. Like amazingly hard.
  23. I agree. I think the smart camera (auto center when running) is the worst thing ever.
  24. You can actually make a BH with skull facepaint and the Joker scars. Looks pretty creepy.
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