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Everything posted by gnetikjakhammer

  1. Not at all. Japanese developers have proven themselves time and time again. Western developers like here in america have gotten lazy and try to oversell the littlest things just so they can take a shortcut to the bank. Oh "4th pillar to the mmo industry" this and that by including people reading off a script. Pssh please, if I wanted to see this I could watch a cartoon or tv show. Don't believe me? Just play the game....EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO needs to be a cutscene or voice acted nonsense. So much so, that the rest of the game suffers. PVP? a joke...Game world? linear and could be done in an offline single player rpg...Community? Non existent unless you have a 2+ heroic or flashpoint quest that needs to be done.
  2. This was probably a bigger letdown than final fantasy 14. I'd honestly rather play that game daily than sub another month into swtor. The biggest point I agree 200% with is how they OVERKILLED with the voice acting. Sure, it's an excellent idea for the main story, but I don't need to have a 5 minute conversation just to be told to go kill 5 guys for a side quest. Oh and not the mention the INCREADIBLY lazy way they just attached staged/bonus objectives to seemingly almost every quest. I don't even want to play anymore because what should be a simple task has now turned into "wait around in this area farming what we ask of you". I dread picking up new quests because I know that 1 little item I need to go pick up is gonna turn into a 3-4 stage bonus where I end up grinding 60 mobs. I can't believe this entire community just paid for the check that bioware cashed to overpaid actors/celebrities.
  3. well I guess a big part of it would be that there's this awful feeling of anti-social coldness on my server(lord prevan republic side). If it's not a 2+ or more heroic or flashpoint, there's almost no communication whatsoever.
  4. well not mine then, and I even go a step further and say this is a common attitude amongst people who play this game because for whatever reason, they have some grudge from playing wow, and they generally become angry mmo-ers.
  5. The game is great, and it's a WONDERFUL experience. However what's up with this elitist, i'm better than you, if you're not in my small group of friends then you're just someone who needs to go back to wow kind of attitude this community is oozing every second??? They're also WAY overly sensitive. With these people, they're so trigger-happy with the ignore button feature, it's almost like they WANT this to be a single player game, and other players are just getting in their way.
  6. LOL @ GETTING LIKES ON FACEBOOK. see this is why i dont join that garbage site. You get sucked in, and instead of worrying about real world issues, you worry about getting likes and comments by people you never see in person. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! facebook is the downfall of america.
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