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Posts posted by Daxun

  1. Please BW. All you have to do is look at what things like cross realm LFG, addons, dps meters, etc have done to the community in other games... Don't do that to this awesome game.


    Don't bow to these MMO newcomers who have only experienced 1 terrible MMO (you know what i'm talking about) and think that's the way they all should be.


    Do what you promised us and make the best game possible with an actual, thriving community and awesome Star Wars stories told in that awesome BW way!

  2. If you need a log to tell you that you're doing well then idk what to say...

    If you need a log to tell you that someone isn't at least trying to pull their weight then again, idk what to say...


    I hope the OP is just blowing smoke about addons too. I haven't heard anywhere that BW is considering them, but the day they go live in this game is the day I'll start thinking of putting it down. And I LOVE this game :)

  3. How about against 8 snipers all spread out so the taunt can't affect them all? Is the taunt a debuff to people or a buff to the person taking damage?


    What I'm asking is does the taunt only seem overpowered when considering that the DPS is melee or is it equally effective against ranged DPS?


    Also isn't the rated arena an open area therefore you can't block LOS? Or was that zone just for the testing?


    VGs and PTs have 1 aoe taunt and 1 single target. Both are debuffs to the attacker.

    Guard is a buff to the person taking damage (healer)


    Smart Groups will kill the 4 guarding/taunting tanks quickly. In DPS gear (or even tank gear since def and shield/absorb are about useless in pvp but that's another discussion) we're not that hard to kill. We're no Maud/Sent or bubbled Merc ;)

  4. Of course it's a waste of time, that's the point. It's another treadmill for players to jump on so they don't cancel. The entirety of the endgame is one big timesink. If they don't give you a list of chores to do they think you'll quit so they absolutely mean to waste your time.


    There was a time when finishing a character in an MMO was a possibility. At which point you'd go off and enjoy the endgame (usually open pvp all night every night). Games today aren't like that. They lead us around by the nose until we can't stand it anymore and finally quit paying them to waste our time for us. I really do miss games and developers who were confident in the worlds they created and were happy to let us run around doing our on thing without falling behind the gear curve.




    This makes me nostalgic for SWG :(

  5. I thought it would be cool to roll around with my WH mods in some random "orange" set. I was all for this.


    BUT... I didn't take the crit (augment slot) aspect into mind. Now people who are serious about BIS, whether it be PVE or PVP, will have to get crit crafted armor.


    I /cosign what the majority are saying here. We shouldn't have to earn endgame gear THEN tear it apart and buy crafted items to have the best set up.

  6. Im very excited to see this new system. There is still gear which requires rank (different colours) so there is still prestige associated with skill, except this time people cant QQ that the reason i beat them was because of my gear.




    This right here. The "real pvpers" (for lack of a better phrase) are looking forward to the gap being closed. That way we don't have to hear "must be your gear that makes you so good" crap.


    I know I'm good. I know my team is good. We will not be affected by the gap closing, but we will be proudly wearing our rated colored gear to show our prestige :)

  7. You don't need crazy complex CC and rotations to have skill determine anything, look at League of Legends for example, huge e-sport community and there isn't really a champion that is too complicated.



    WoW is the best MMO pvp on the market right now, people like to flame wow but it's still very balanced and very competitive.


    and no, huge zergs vs another zerg is not competitive pvp ;)


    It's so balanced because they've watered every class down to being cookiecutter. You HAVE to basically spec each class a certain way. No variety. Might as well go play a FPS where there's only tiny differences between each "class" because that's where WOW is now.


    Hopefully BW doesn't get lazy like that and continues to let us have a little bit of freedom with our specs. Lazy = making cookiecutter classes instead of working to balance the game.


    And to the OP, i know someone's probably already said this... But in 1.2 they're retooling the DR on EXP. It will finally no longer be better to mix in PVE gear.

  8. Whats the point having factions in this game when more WZ will be same faction fights and with 1.2 we also get races like Sith smuggler etc...:mad:


    Also color crystals will change...:mad:


    I don't like this mix!


    IMPS were tired of playing each other in Huttball all the time because they decided to roll the hugely overpopulated factoin

    BW loves IMPS

    Now instead of giving people less of a reason to roll empire they have MORE of a reason


    I feel you on the race and color crystal stuff. Starting to feel a lil cookiecutter...


    edit* going back and reading all the responses and... LOL.

    IMPS = this is a good thing, we hate huttball all the time

    REBS = what a terrible idea, now the only thing that was starting to fill the Reb ranks has been taken away

    GJ BW!

  9. As someone that got stuck on a PVE server (followed friends) and only does PVP Ilum was really nice. Even though our server is on the small side and heavily outnumbered by Imps it was still fun to have big back-and-forths every now and again.


    It's dead now and will be totally gone when the "Ilum" daily/weekly gets taken out.


    I run around my PVE server flagged 100% of the time hoping for some open world action. I've never been attacked. Open world pvp has gone the way of Ilum, dead.

  10. And to the people saying that making it "tougher" to pvp on the faction side with a huge imbalance doesn't make sense... It makes plenty of sense and has been done with great success in other games.


    Heck, the reason my guild moved from Empire to Republic very early on on our way overpopulated Empire server is just because we didn't enjoy playing other empire in huttball 90% of the time...


    So yes, people will change factions if the grass is greener to them. They will not, however, if BW keeps making it worthwhile in every aspect to play on the overpopulated side. In fact the people who just happened to roll Republic in the first place will start considering the perks of being Empire and things will probably get worse.

  11. If you watched the guild summit web cast i think it was pretty obvious why the Republic lacks in so many areas that the Empire excels (graphics, armor models, fair pvp (the issues the op talked about)) each time the developers and BW people in charge talked about their "mains" they would say "my sith warrior" "my bounty hunter" "my agent" etc.




    Watching that web cast put so much into perspective for me with the issues I've had about playing Republic. They simply do. not. care. period.


    How bad is it when you can't fix an animation that you've claimed you already fixed (trooper mortar) but you find time to make force choke a heroic ability usable across your alts with the new legacy system... C'mon...

  12. I don't think some of the BHs posting here have played a Trooper extensively. I've got a max lvl of each, and I can tell you that there is definitely a difference. When I go back to my BH it's so much more fluid and responsive.


    That's just overall "feel" of play. In pvp my Trooper is at a pretty significant disadvantage with the stock strike and mortar volley issues. As compared to the BH of course. I watch as people are totally out of my Trooper aoe before it even starts...

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