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Posts posted by Daxun

  1. I'd be happy with just the different colored rated gear to show our "progression" if it wasn't set up the way it is.


    As it is, there's no point in even buying/wearing a rated piece until you're 2200 and have the entire set. I won't be running around with red boots and gloves while the rest of my armor is blue :/


    How hard would it have been to create 3 different colored rated sets? Full set of each color at maybe 1600, 2000, 2200...


    It's not a crit/heavy damage video, but shows off some Vanguard utility.


    1st part is all Huttball. Running the ball, being aware, and using the tools we Vanguards have.

    2nd part (about 3:45 in) is all about healer lock down and crowd control (voidstar)


    Thx again to Giradda the Hutt pvpers. Especially you healers!

  3. Rated gear doesn't even have mods. The idea being that you pull the mods from your unrated WH gear to put in. So... the single reason to buy it is color/prestige.


    Scenario : You reach 1800 rating. You can purchase rated boots and gloves. To use them (have the mods to put in them) you have to already have unrated boots and gloves. Why would you choose to swap in those 2 different colored pieces? And not just minor color difference. Were talking blue to red for VG.


    And does BW anticipate that everyone will be 2200 rated? The reality is everyone will not, and my hunch is that instead of being all color mismatched a lot of rated gear is going to be sitting in the bank. Of course rated gear may be moot anyways with the addition of being able to put full pvp mods in crit crafted gear :/

  4. Again, I'm all for rated being different and I understand it compelling us to work towards it. I'm just saying as it is now no rating is going to matter to me except 2200 because i'm not gonna wear red boots/gloves with my blue chest/head/pants. I'll eventually get to 2200 and have a full red set, but what about the guy that doesn't. He's stuck running around with half blue half red (or w/e colors your class' gear is) because he can only maintain a 2k rating? What's his motivation to even keep playing in the rated system?


    perhaps the rated gear should be the same color as unrated but a different model. Just different enough so that people know you're wearing rated gear, but not so different that it looks waaaay off with your unrated pieces.

  5. Let me preface this by saying I'm all for the way rated armor is gonna be handled in 1.2. I like the idea that it's gonna be a cosmetic "perk" and not a stat boost/advantage.



    I just got off the PTS and noticed that all the pieces have different ratings (1600 - 2200 i believe) required to wear them. I know, you might think this is perfectly normal... Well it would be if they gave any sort of stat bonus. You would purchase and wear pieces as you go to get the stat increase.


    As it is now, why in the world would i wear ANY piece of different colored rated gear until I was 2200 and could purchase the entire set? And Force forbid, what if you're unable to crack the 2200 rating? Why would i, a vanguard, want to run around with rated red boots and gloves to go with all my unrated gear that is blue?


    And I know someone is gonna say "use the match to chest until you get the rated chest..." Well if that even works on rated pvp gear it would defeat the purpose of rated gear being a diff color in the first place wouldn't it?


    Maybe this wasn't thought out too well. Maybe there should have been entire different color armor sets for 2 or 3 tiers of rating, 1600, 2000, 2200, etc, that could be purchased with just your rating score and perhaps a few rated comms.


    Just my 2 cents. I thought we were trying to fix the mixmatched armor look :confused:

  6. Here is something I don't get:

    i read that in the patchnotes, and several lines above (or under), i read they want to reduce the entrance difficulty for pvers into pvp...???


    Why can any pver come into pvp and get the stuff basically for free, while I will most likely never have the chance to see the new operation? It's not that i would particulary enjoy it (which is why i don't participate), but at least seeing every bossfight and the cutscenes once would be great for 15 bucks a month.


    The logic behind this eludes me so far. Does anybody care enough to enlighten me on that one?


    I am 100% for bridging the PVP gear gap. I like the competition.


    But you raise a valid point. Being a hardcore PVPer I don't PVE hardly ever, but i'd like to see the stuff. Just like that hardcore PVEer would like to be competitive in PVP. Good question.



    Well after giving it a little thought I think it's as simple as we need the PVEer who likes to PVP to have robust PVP. They don't need us in their PVE guild that already has people waiting in line to run the HMs and OPs and such. Sad but true i guess :(

  7. Don´t solo que then form a premade but then again youre solo queing so you don´t have any friends it´s when people like you leave wzs we usually start winning. You´re just expecting that people should carry you and while leaving isn´t penalized we have to suffer people like you.


    I love when habitual quitters leave and we start winning. I make sure to let them know in /1 that we appreciated them getting out of our WZ so that we could get to work.


    Unfortunately 1.2 is only delivering on half of the promise that quitters will be penalized.


    They only get a debuff if they leave a rated WZ, and the debuff only prevents them from entering another rated WZ. So even the rated quitters can play around in the regular WZs until the debuff wears off then quit that one to queue back into rated! lovely

  8. Root is the reason a lot of people don't think their resolve "works"


    Now others may actually have issues with resolve, i'm not saying that's not true, but far and wide I think root is the main culprit.


    You are right though. It should be added to the resolve system

  9. Not every Legacy ability is a Heroic ability.

    I think you can use the unlock buffs from other classes anytime, for example.


    I think this is correct. I haven't been on the test server, but this is what i understood form the guild summit. That only the heroic legacy abilities are going to be tied to your heroic moment/companion. May be mistaken tho :)


    Hopefully someone can put this to rest.

  10. Like the above person said, you can take the speeder to the pvp zone. Unfortunately it's dead. Used to be fun even if it was a lil broken, but now it's just dead...
  11. yeah, swtor is also just that right now, mostly potential. the way things are going, it's going to be just that for a while :)


    maybe they should release the server code so someone could come up with a private server before they close down. you know, so fanboys can keep swinging their lightsabers of awesomeness :D


    Hey, people played SWG waaaaaaay after its heyday. Up until they finally shut the servers down in Dec last year in anticipation for this game's release.Community was what kept people in that game. That's ALL it had in the end, but it was enough to keep a decent number of loyal people playing.


    Imagine if this game tapped into just a bit of that kind of community and combined it with the great things that they're already doing. Is that too much to hope for?

  12. In my personal opinion the reason we have low population servers is the fact that there are so many servers to choose from. Ive never played an MMO before that has had what seems to be 100+ servers.


    They freaked out when all the servers filled up at headstart launch. It was really something that hadn't been seen in MMOs before, such a huge starting base. They should have known that the load that headstart presented would not be maintained. People didn't even have to fully pay for the game before they were allowed in headstart. Good idea to get people in, but they overreacted by creating too many new servers.


    Now it's time to bite the bullet and do some strategic server merging, and try to balance some of the gross faction imbalance while you're at it. The haters are going to hate either way. They'll say that merging the servers is a sign that the game is dying. We'll all know the truth though, and those of us that are non haters will thank you for it :)

  13. This game has the potential to be everything we wanted SWG to be. Hopefully the devs don't bow to the pressure of the people who would love to turn it into a *** clone w/a Star Wars skin and keep on doing what BW does best. Make awesome, original games.


    I played on Sunrunner myself and loved SWG. I didn't make it very long after the NGE though... SOE killed a little piece of me with that whole ordeal.

  14. Players are not leaving as fast as you think, OP.


    1) Don't believe everything you read on the forums. The majority of the people that come here come to complain. That is the nature of an MMO's open forums. The people that are happily enjoying the game are... happily enjoying the game and could care less to read the complaints on the forums :)


    2) If your server has seemed especially dead the past week or so go look for the missing people on the test server. BW asked for entire high level guilds to play for extended amounts of time on the test server in anticipation for the huge, game changing 1.2. Many answered the call.

  15. I'll leave you guys with this. And hopefully a BW dev takes note. Maybe one of you mods can copy this down and shoot it over. ;)


    Is Star Wars the best movie franchise ever because it's made all that money?


    It's made all that money because it's the best movie franchise ever


    Is BW defined by the fact that they singlehandedly changed the RPG genre?


    They singlehandedly changed the RPG genre because of who they are and how they do things


    Make the best BioWare, Star Wars game you can and people will play it. In droves, and for a long time


    Don't bow to the pressures of the short sighted who would have you make another *** clone just because that's what they're used to. How has that turned out for Rift? A game that started with so much potential...

  16. You seriously care that much about running into me on our server, seeing me pass by every now and again, only to see eachother sporadically in dungeons? Sorry, I'd rather get in the dungeon faster man. I appreciate your sense of community, but really, aside from guilds (which you can just queue together anyway) who cares about seeing other people repeatedly.



    This. This is what's wrong in a nutshell. Everyone just wants their loot and they want it now.


    This idea of instant gratification only compounds and compounds until you can't keep up with the expectation that you've set and next thing you know you're releasing a KUNG FU PANDA expansion... :mad:


    I remember waiting for 2 weeks in SWG to catch the best armorsmith on the server to make my order. This is after it took me 2 weeks to farm the best mats. THAT was the most memorable equipment I've ever "earned" in a game because i had to work for it.


    In this game and others like it I'd make an alt and have them max armorsmith in less than a week then buy the mats on the GTN... what fun is that?

  17. Calling the most successful MMORPG in history terrible is hilarious, it's fine not to like it but give credit where credit is due.


    It has gotten terrible. IMO of course.


    No doubt that it changed the way MMOs are played/made... But not everyone out there thinks it's a change for the best. The game might be wildly popular but there's no community to speak of in it. And no, knowing the names of people who stand around Org/SW with the best, shiniest gear on is not a community.


    Just saying, hope BW does their own thing and doesn't bow to this ridiculous idea that you have to copy everything in that game to be successful. There were tons of MMOs before that game came around and there'll be tons after it's long gone.

  18. Figured I'd give it some months to see how the in-game community stood on my shard....


    And... well.... It's dead Jim.


    Walking around the republic fleet at 11pm GMT.... 4 people there.


    Visit the capital city for either Sith or republic around the same time of day, lucky if the figure reaches double digits. Generally it's around 7-8 people.


    So except for server merging, a cross shard-LFG tool is probably a good idea if the idea is for people to actually be able to access content when they want, rather than having to wait 12-13 hours or more for the single populated time frame on their shard to come around.


    I think they freaked out when all the servers filled up at headstart and just made too many extra servers. Hopefully they know that too and don't try to bandaid it with all kinds of cross server stuff.




    The gaming community might take shots at you for it (its usually a sign that a game is dying) but anyone that has been playing knows the truth. You just freaked a little and made too many servers too fast after the huge success of the headstart.


    This was you guys' first go around and lord knows EA never experienced anything like what happened at headstart with one of their MMOs. Just bite the bullet, take your medicine, etc. Merge the servers.

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