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Posts posted by Daxun

  1. for BM/columi/rakata(the old gear) the setbonus is linked to the shell

    so you need orange crafted BM/columi/rakata for the setbonus

    for warhero/campaign (the new gear) the set bonus comes with the armoring mods, so can put them in any orange item, except BM/columi/rakata since the shell setbonus will override the armoring setbonus


    ahh, that would explain it

  2. I just took out the mods and armoring from my battlemaster gear and put them in orange gear. i'm surprised to find the set bonuses didn't transfer with it. is this really the case?????


    I took out my BM mods and put them in the crafted WH orange gear. I even took the mods from the same type set (vanguard combat tech BM and WH) but the set bonus did not transfer.


    Word in General chat is that in order to get the set bonus onto the crafted WH gear you have to put the mods from the pvp commendation bought WH gear in there. Same for BM. If I want to transfer my BM set bonus it will have to be to the crafted BM gear only.


    Getting the set bonus to random orange gear... Not sure if that's an option at this point.


    Edit* I just read that some people are not having any luck moving BM mods to crafted BM gear to get the set bonus. Seems it might only be WH to WH at this point.

  3. Sorry but serious thought needs to be given to tanks in PvP. That much mitigation, with their damage output is completely retarded. No way should any tank be able to kill something 1v1, sorry its just the way it should be. If their mitigation & damage output remains the same, you have to neuter their cooldowns.


    Or you can do it the easy way & just not allow any spec with an abundance of tank talent choices into PvP with the rest of us. Or maybe let them play an all tank match, they will love that.


    This made me spit my coffee onto my computer screen. The OP is funny!


    Seriously tho... if you're getting "owned" by these tanks they're probably not tanks at all. I'm willing to bet they don't have tank gear and don't have very many points in the tank tree if any.


    "That much mitigation" that you speak of just isn't true. Tank stats are almost useless. Expertise, heals and more HP are about all that makes you last longer in this game.

  4. BW needs to become alittle proactive in helping the Republic base,or just get rid of factions all together,,,oh and good job playerbase choosing Imperial like you did and killing what could have been great faction to faction fights,wars etc.


    This part is the truth, truth!

  5. Haven't got to play the new patch (out of town) so I don't have anything to complain about... yet.


    But! Ive been reading the complaints. I see this "even TANKS are dying fast11!!" all over the place.


    FINALLY are people seeing that tanks aren't tanky? We've been trying to tell you this. The reason they looked tanky before was the healing coupled with extra Hp. Not the "tank" stats. Nothing has changed with the pvp tanking mechanics... Healing and expertise ratio has taken a huge hit and the little bit of extra Hp isn't cutting it now.


    I'm not saying there aren't more problems now, but hopefully.this.shines a light on what we tanks have been complaining about pertaining to the uselessness of tanking stats in pvp.

  6. The only thing keeping most "tanks" running Ion Cell is guard and the base damage mitigation. You can taunt w/o Ion Cell.


    The only thing keeping us putting points into the shield tree is Storm, Ion Cell buffs, and the 1 base damage mitigation skill there (which is pretty low in the tree anyways)


    These, IMO, are the only reasons you see Vanguards running around that aren't full Assault or an Assault hybrid.


    The base damage mitigation (not shield, absorb, def, but x% of all damage reduced) is really the only worthwhile thing we tanks get. And the tactics tree gets 1 of those really low in it.

  7. I don't remember who said it on this thread, but there are no true "tanks" in pvp. I assume you are meaning what would be a typical tank class and spec. I see tank classes doing double my damage all the time. I see dps classes doing more damage than me as well. They typically rank below me when the WZ ends.

    I run a Jedi Shadow with a dps spec, in dps gear and roll wz's in tank stance and I consistently come in the top 3 at the end of the day.

    PVP is not all about damage or kills. It's about winning. If that means I don't get as many kills or I don't get my assassin medal because I throw a shield on the guy running the ball in Huttball and follow him instead of chasing someone half across the map to finish a kill, I did my job.

    Protect the ball carrier, harass the healers and ranged when needed, don't leave your node unguarded to go chasing someone down. Those things are not as spectacular as chasing people everywhere in my Shadow Technique and owning face with massive crits, but they win the WZ.

    Don't worry so much about damage. Just focus on what your class brings to the table to help your group win and have fun knowing that you are doing the best thing your class to do to help win. The rest will fall in place.


    This is all true.


    But... the tanks complaining here (myself included) are pretty much saying we can do that "tanky" stuff just as well with a hybrid spec and mixed in DPS gear. It's because the tank stats don't do a lot for us in pvp. Speaking VG again here.


    Yes we'll last a tiny bit longer in full tank gear and tank spec but the tradeoff of going to a hybrid spec and gear is worth WAY more.


    I'd gladly tradeoff extra dps and wear all my tank gear if I lasted a noticeable amount longer than a medium armor wearing DPS (ahem... Sentinel) The way it is now though that's not the case.


    *edit* It might look like I'm pushing the hybrid build/gear but in truth I WISH I could be a tanky tank in this game. Right now the hybrid is more viable and I'm just trying to get that point across. Again, I wish I could be a tanky tank. That's my preference. :)

  8. OP - You must be talking about Juggs, because I often see them at the top of the WZ charts for most damage done (if the WZ isn't ladden with operatives or sorcerers). I really suck at DPS because I am a pure tank spec (Vanguard) and I use Ion Cell all the time. My goal is to last a long time in any given scenario (hi, I'm a friggin' tank), but to say all tanks out-DPS the DPS classes, that's reaching pretty far.


    For instance, today me and a guild mate went out to Ilum to collect armaments. We saw an Operative and went to kill him. I popped my Crit buff, my power relic, and my Aim stim (which also gives power). All of this stuff gives me about a 15-second ranged damage that goes over 10K. I started going through my typical PvP attack routine on the Operative only to find myself dead inside of 4 seconds. The guild mate that was with me died in about 3 seconds. Seriously, we were aghast at the speed he killed us both and that instantly became the topic for about five minutes in guild chat.


    I have 22k health (mostly BM gear...a couple pieces of Champ with 56/58 mods/enhancements from OPS drops) and over 8300 defense. My guild mate has over 17k health...not sure what his defense is. The Operator destroyed us both in under 8 seconds flat. We're not newbs. Our gear does not suck...DPS classes are working just fine, thank you. Oh, did I mention he barely lost roughly 30% of his ~16k in health before he dispatched both of us? Can someone please point me to the T7 tank gear please, because my mostly T3 gear is obviously made of paper?


    Now, how about tanks being able to mitigate and absorb damage? This Operative is wielding a friggin' knife...against my HEAVY armor and decent health/defense numbers. Does it makes sense that some knife wielder can cut through two players with a total of over 39k health in roughly 8 seconds at the same time...while only having 30% of his health stripped from two guys going full assault on him? You want to talk about class balance, start with the DPS that destroy everything in sight in seconds yet "tank" better than an actual tank.


    I am also directing my QQ at you, Marauders/Sentinels...who are apparently getting buffed in 1.2. (Really, BW...really!?) It almost makes me wonder why we should even have a "tank" class at all when the DPS classes seemingly tank better (absorb and mitigate more incoming damage) than we do and do WAY more DPS to a single target than we could every dream of.


    OK, I'm done QQing. Cheers! :)




    This is the plight of a pure vanguard tank and why I went hybrid :)


    While our defenses from tank spec/gear still mitigate some damage in pvp it's not enough to counter the dps from other classes like a "tank" should. Not enough to matter in WZs at least.


    That's why, IMO of course, the only way to go with pvp tanking is hybrid for the extra damage/utility trade off for the minimal loss of mitigation/survivability.

  9. what about our Champ comms? i have like 90+ atm...should i spend them on something?


    Should be able to buy pvp boxes, pvp medpacs, and pvp adrenals with them. That's how the PTS is right now

  10. You guys are crazy if you think pre fiddy is more fun. Id rather have a root canal than level another toon through pvp.




    And amen


    And to the OP...


    What you want is coming. It's going to be called the regular WZ queue. You can sate your desire to get good gear and play against people w/o it there... (aka TWINKING which is what you're suggesting)

  11. OH ok ok.


    So, let's say I want a crit augment slotted set of the new WH Gear on my main.


    I buy the new WH gear on my main, take out all the mods/enhances/armors, then that empty piece of WH armor will be tradable to my lvl 30 Jugg Synthweaving alt, in which he can then RE and get a schematic for the WH gear, and craft it in hopes of a crit.




    Thanks so much for already clearing up some of the things I wrongly thought.


    Kind of right... I think once you take out mods the piece is bound to you. Not 100% on that.


    If things stay the same as on the PTS tho you will be able to buy a crate with schematics for WH pieces. This way you don't have to keep RE'n pieces to get the schem.


    So what would happen is you buy the crate with schematics on your alt. Learn the schem and start crafting until you get a crit. It looks like these pieces are BOE now (thanks for that update ShadowofVey) so you send it to your main who puts the mods in it from the WH piece they had to buy from the vendor with comms.


    It should be noted tho... these pieces that are crafted from the bought schem have a valor rank associated with them. Only pieces that will still require a certain valor rank to wear. This is so that fresh 50s aren't buying the schems and running around in WH skinned gear.

  12. I think there may be a little confusion.


    As far as Vanguards go, the full DPS does a lot more damage than a tank hybrid. What is probably confusing people is a good Assault VG (full dps) still uses taunts and can show up as having a chunk of "protection" at the end of a match even though he's full DPS. That's just how the class is set up. You don't have to run Ion Cell to use taunts at this time.


    Your hybrids should show up as having decent damage (good bit less than full dps) and decent protection (more than full dps due to guard)


    Your full tanks... Useless in pvp imo, but that's another debate


    This is all VG/PT. I don't know about Jugg/Guardian or sin/shadow taunts n stuff.

  13. So... it seems like they get it that a huge faction imbalance makes everything worse.


    But... on the other hand they continue to move forward with same faction WZs and such that are killing the sole reason left in the game that makes people think twice about rolling Empire.



  14. Transfers are going to destroy servers, every one will transfer to 2-3 heavy pop servers...


    Yeah great idea!!! Hey as long as $$ is involved...


    And what am I spinning? that's a direct quote.


    I have faith that BW isn't going to let happen what happened in Rift... Surely we won't see full open transfers available.


    Transfers from/to certain servers, or better yet maybe they'll merge servers by population to try to even things out.

  15. Alright so my silly *** didn't have class today and I managed to finished all my PvP weeklies. What's the deal here? Should we turn them in before server down for 1.2 or save them for after? Considering 1.2 comes out in between weeklies this is a legitimate question so I was curious if anyone actually knew what to do?



    PS - If this was asked earlier then I'm sorry, my goofy *** has been awake for way too long to use the search function.


    If I'm able to finish my weekly today I'm going to turn them in. Better to get something than the possibility of losing it all together.


    Another thing to mull over is the weeklies may reset (especially if there are "new" ones) with the big patch. So turning in will be worth it even more in that case.

  16. I play both an operative on empire side and scoundrel on republic side. I average 200k+ healing with both of them pretty easily, and 150k+ damage in the same games.


    I actually group with a few very good smugglers sometimes. It just seems there are a lot of good agents out there. Grass is greener and all that jazz probably :)

  17. I have a bum finger on my left hand. I manage to be competitive w/o macros.


    Just because you come from that other game that has made everything easymode doesn't mean it's "mandatory" "essential" or "gamebreaking" like many are complaining here.


    L2P has never been more applicable than it is to this conversation...

  18. gear is part of progression for the game, macros are not progression they are to make difficult things simpler.


    the people who complain about not having macros think that they should be just as good as the people who dont use them and still kick their ***. you want a non level playing field that u can show people and tell them how level it is.


    if you cant keybind your abilities and use them intelligently you deserve to lose, you dont deserve to have the game start playing for you.


    to the person who said that they have so many abilites that they cant pay attention to the action cuz they are always looking at their bars:




    i have a multiple level 50 toons, being not stupid i set up their keybinds exactly the same and then put like abilities in the corresponding keybind. ie. i use the letter R for snare, irregardless of toon R is always snare so i dont have to hunt for my snare.


    people who want macros need to use their brains a little more and their mouths (typing fingers) less.


    this whole issue is a L2P one



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