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Everything posted by Talsalus

  1. if the rakata machine can rebuild my inquisitors body from scratch (class story).... then bioware can use that as an excuse saying rakata technology has been found that modifies a characters body even turning them into what ever species they choose. Here's your excuse for the LORE part BW. I expect this to be in-game soon
  2. pretty sure this isn't in 1.2... am I correct????? if u think ur right.. give me a source
  3. IMO the only thing that I could ever see them doing is letting you choose more species besides human for cyborgs..... think about it.. a sith pure cyborge or even a twi'lek.. would be ch'sweet.
  4. yes they've confirmed that already.. Once you unlock something it stays unlocked. Also.. after you've lvld a couple alts through the same content over and over... it becomes the last thing you want to do while playing the game.
  5. imo the keyboard looks amazing. The apps and things you have on the LED screen is super cool. But Like you said.. You have the 12 button mouse. So actually putting any abilities on there that you would actually need would be really out of the way to press. But yea... I guess you could put mounts/pets and stuff there tho
  6. $5 would be dirt cheap.. if they copy with what wow does.. and many people do it will be $25
  7. legacy is not account wide... not what i'm suggesting ... I'm suggesting that the things you unlock in legacy 1.2... say I have a lvl 50 puresith warrior one server... go to another server and I can now make a pureblood sith republic character because the sith pureblood specie unlock has been saved to my account.
  8. ONCE again.. legacy names will not be affected at all... u still get one on each server when u finish chp 1..... I'm just talking about the benefits unlocked in 1.2
  9. i mean I don't want to pvp against my guild/friends. And it wouldn't effect creating another legacy on another server at all. It would just keep the benefits you've unlocked so far on the new server. And it will make the whole legacy thing a lot simpler... for instance you wouldn't have to start completely from scratch on a new server. I have no clue why so many people are against this.
  10. We'll.. I see where your coming from. But I think this idea will still allow those of us who want to venture to the other faction and not be penalized for changing server.
  11. More character slots is not the problem for me... as I do not want to play republic character on my empire toon pvp server. I would however.. love to play some republic characters on a different server. But then I would be leaving my legacy lvl 20 behind. Which prob isnt that high, but has taken me a while to get there.
  12. But I wanted peoples feedback.. why I posted on the gen discussion forums.
  13. The current system is forcing me to focus on one faction.... normally that wouldn't be a problem but I quickly become bored with alts now that I have 2 50's. I play on a pvp server with my main faction as Empire. To play repub on that server feels like I'm betraying my guild lol. I don't see why the things we unlock with legacies.. such as new species or w/e can't be unlocked for accounts. I understand why they chose to have separate legacies for each server. I think this would be something that Bioware should/needs to do. Does anyone agree? and what are your opinions on this matter?
  14. we'll....... this is probably the thousandth thread saying the exact same thing. But many people feel the same way as you, including myself.
  15. BE careful about complaining. BW fix for this is to remove the option from the game completely..... see what they did to twi'leks???
  16. I just think that stims shouldn't do this. Kinda of annoying actually. Anyone agree?
  17. Well.... I'm a full time college student and work about 25+ hours a week. Soooo while I'm doing all my real life stuff I build up rested so it doesn't take me as long to catch up with guildies/friends who are able to play more often.
  18. wait.. ur seriously unsubbing because of difficulty???? dude get some decent gear for whatev lvl u are lol game is easy mode
  19. I'd say average is most likely early 20's ....... But not to sure 21 myself.
  20. I'm sure if enough people complain.. or if BW feels that they overnerfed them during testing they will change it.
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