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Everything posted by Sadriel_Fett

  1. Finally got this achievement tonight, myself. I thought it was bugged, as well, but I finally got it to work for me. I had to unlock the entire map on both a Rep and Imp side, though. I noticed the map was entirely unlocked with no hexagons on my Rep toon while trying to do this, but the Brakan Mesa would not go away on my Legacy achievement tracker. I logged on to an Imp toon and there were several more areas that suddenly showed up on my Legacy achievement tracker, that weren't completely explored. I went and did those real quick and the achievement for Exploring Makeb unlocked along with the Galactic Explorer achievement. This still needs to be fixed, though. Probably divided up in the Legacy system as Republic Explorer of Makeb and Imperial Explorer of Makeb, so there's no confusion.
  2. Finally, we're getting some regular Mando armor. Given, it's the noob version of Mando armor, I'm thinking the better version, with the jetpack and bigger shoulder bells, can't be far behind. http://dulfy.net/2014/03/21/swtor-hotshots-starfighter-pack-preview/#1 Enjoy all.
  3. For those that don't want to get infected on the fleet (or didn't want to spend money for vaccines), just stay on your speeder. Found out last night that I couldn't get infected if I was on my speeder for some reason. Not going to argue with that.
  4. Ah...they must have noticed it and fixed it real quick with the recent patch.
  5. I noticed that a week or so ago while running my Jedi Guardian through Tatooine. I was doing that mission up in the NW of the Dune Sea, where you have to kill 10 Mando's, then fight the final boss. I was traveling from that spot to the Sarlaac and noticed a Geonosian World Champion there that I'd not seen before; can't remember his name off the top of my head. However, when I drove through there I got a codex called "The Spike" that mentioned T.H.O.R.N. and the Rakghoul stuff. I thought it may have been a bug, though, because the picture that was included in the codex entry looked like it was on Alderaan. Anyone else get a codex entry like this in any of the other locations people have found these "craters" at?
  6. Rakghoul infected Killiks.....we're doomed.... It's an ugly planet...it's a BUG planet...
  7. I had a question about the Preferences/ Control/ Camera function in the UI. I notice that there's a setting that lets you set how far you want to zoom out. Mine's currently at 30%. I was wondering if I was missing some other setting, that let's it automatically be zoomed out to 30% whenever you switch instances or go to a different planet or do you just always have to scroll out on your mouse to max distance? Thanks for the assist.
  8. I was wondering what are the best augments to use for a lvl 55 Powertech Tank and for a lvl 55 Sith Juggernaut Tank? Thanks for the assist.
  9. Thanks for your hard work on this, dude. At my prior job, I had to work alot with computer codes and programming. I'm not a big programmer, so I had to learn a bit fairly quicky. I still think that SQL is the devil (and that was the easy part). I completely understand about patching something, then once it's running realizing it's affecting other systems it's not even supposed to. It's a real pain in the *** trying to figure out why it's doing and how, and from what string of code it's doing it from. I also sympathize with the bureaucracy that comes with it. Management wants to see if you do a quick fix or narrow it down before you completely take it offline. The average person doesn't understand how time consuming it is to troubleshoot something like that and just how many hours it takes, even with a team of people working on the problem. The problem we had at my job was that at the same time, we would have data coming in that we couldn't afford to lose, so the hours that it took to decide to shut it down, we were losing information needed to complete our mission. Overall, I think you guys have done a really decent job. The game has quirks, but every game does, I don't care what other people say. Even the longest running MMO games still around didn't start out perfect. So, to everyone ************ about the long downtime for maintenance, suck it up. Now you actually have to go outside and do something. Go see a movie. Say hi to a family member who's actually living in the same house as you. And before you gripe about how this is how you de-stress from a long busy day, what did you do before this game came out? What will you do after it's gone? I know all about how quickly this game sucks you in and before you realize it, you've spent hours on here playing. It ain't going to kill you to do something different for one day. The game will still be here when you get back. Just chill and let the programmers do their job and fix this thing so that we have a better quality game after it's done. If you've already spent some money for Cartel Coins, yeah that sucks. But lets be honest, more than likely it's not the first time you've bought Cartel Coins and it'll probably not be the last. I mean, be real here. There's nothing in the game you actually "need" to purchase cartel coins for. It's just a quick and easy way to unlock some things and to get some cool looking items, is all. Be nice to each other. It's just a game.
  10. Here's the IGN site with a bunch of the Easter Eggs in the game. I forgot about the Halo poster easter egg on Ord Mantell and the Holiday Special drink you can get on Alderaan. http://www.ign.com/wikis/star-wars-the-old-republic/Easter_Eggs There's also a protocol droid you encounter on one of the Dromund Kaas missions at Lord Grathans Estates. His name is PO-12 and he's actually voiced by Anthony Daniels. When you're speaking to him, he mentions that he's 'fluent in over 100 forms of communication and dialects.' An obvious nod to the "fluent in over six million forms of communication" that C-3PO always boasts. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/PO-12 Enjoy.
  11. I believe you're thinking of Dorn Base on Hoth. Michael Dorn played Worf on ST:TNG.
  12. Then it wouldn't be Canderous Ordo's helmet then, would it? That would defeat the purpose. Although, I still want to know when they'll just make a regular basic set of Mandalorian Neo-Crusader armor you can dye, like the Mandalorians wear in the enclave on Dromund Kaas.
  13. I found the SKU number for the Gamestop Cartel Coins on a couple of sites online for those that still were having problems getting the Game Stop pet. GameStop seems to have a SKU of 608001 060/000, according to a receipt from a TORWars guildie Kurtulmak, and it nets you the Lobelode. The GameStop codes are a sequence of 16 characters. Just tell the teller that this is NOT and physical game card like the one you get from Wal-Mart. The code for the cartel coins should be on the printed receipt that you get from the teller. Found it on the following website: http://torwars.com/buying-cartel-coins-from-retailers/ and in comments section on this website: Hope this helps you guys.
  14. I found the SKU number for the Gamestop Cartel Coins on a couple of sites online for those that still were having problems getting the Game Stop pet. GameStop seems to have a SKU of 608001 060/000, according to a receipt from a TORWars guildie Kurtulmak, and it nets you the Lobelode. The GameStop codes are a sequence of 16 characters. Just tell the teller that this is NOT and physical game card like the one you get from Wal-Mart. The code for the cartel coins should be on the printed receipt that you get from the teller. Found it on the following website: http://torwars.com/buying-cartel-coins-from-retailers/ and in comments section on this website: Hope this helps you guys.
  15. I've put in a couple tickets before with no real help of any kind. This has been like this, since patch 2.1 update. Whenever I have Ashara Zavros equipped with the Ashara Zavros Customization #1 she ends up looking entirely neon purple/pink with no detail at all on her. I've tried a couple other customizations and they seem to work fine. It's only doing it for the customization #1. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.
  16. There isn't key-bind to summon companion, as of yet. I was hoping this thread would bring it to Bioware's attention that it's something gamers would like to have added.
  17. Not the same. I don't need to open a bunch of windows, I just need to summon the current companion I have selected. The companion window is only good for summoning a different companion.
  18. Bumping this up again for the Devs. Can we get a Mandalorian, Supercommando, or Neo-Crusader title guys?
  19. Since it seems they're never going to fix the bug where your companion doesn't appear when you dismount, they should have a hot-key or something we can keybind that would allow us to summon our companions, instead of having to click that little bitty button down on the side.
  20. Got a question for you, Bioware? When are we going to get a decent set of actual Mandalorian armor? Whatever happened to that Crimson Mandalorian Armor that was in the Beta version of the game? They ever going to make that a Cartel pack set? Heck, just making one entire set available, then have some different colored chest pieces that we can unify colors with would be awesome. Still waiting.......
  21. I don't think they're taking into consideration that not everyone runs with a "traditional" setup for their character type. For instance, I've seen more and more Mercenaries and Commando's run with mods that are all high Aim/Endurance/Power instead of Aim/Endurance/Critical. Since most of the armor sets are set up for a particular "type," like say the Eliminator sets for the Mercenary/ Commando, you're going to get pieces of armor in those sets that have Endurance/Crit or Endurance/Surge mixed in with them. I tried running one of my new toons that way and I've noticed a very distinct improvement that lets you play a little more aggressively. Your Crit percentage is obviously lower than it would be normally, but between my "traditionally" modded up Mercenary and the non-traditional modded up Mercenary, I seem to do considerably better with the one that has a lower crit percentage, but can deal out consistently more higher damage. I still crit every 1/5 to 1/7 attacks and when I do it's alot of damage because since I have all power mods my crit multiplyer is pretty high. It used to be the only way to get some of the higher level mods for an entire Aim/Endurance/Power set-up was to rip them from the only items that had those already in them, ie, boots and the like. The fact you made these the lower cost items of a set wasn't our fault. Some of us don't care about having an armor set that has alot of the inherent perks of that particular set. We just want to have some higher level (54,56,58,61) mods to put in the armor we like to wear on our character. Since you can't make mods that high, the only way to get them is to rip them out of the high level armor sets. The mod mods and enhancement mods are still relatively easy to get when you find an armor piece that has them, however, the armoring/barrel mods (the ones that will actually raise your armor rating) are usually on pieces that have mod modifications and enhancement modifications that have attributes you don't want. So, we essentially have to pay out of the *** for a piece of armor that we're only going to take one of the mods out of. It wouldn't be so bad if the other mods could be ripped out and be bind on equip or to legacy. Then you could send them to toons you may have that can use that attribute. You would think since it costs so much to rip out those high end mods that they'd make it so it'd be bind on equip or to legacy, after they're out. I can see not doing BOE, since people would just likely sell the mods on the GTN. But a bind to legacy would be considerably more helpful. I'd rather pay the same price for all the pieces of armor in a high-end level set, and not have to deal with the restriction that it can only be used on another chest piece, or another head piece, etc.
  22. I really like the look of the speeder bike, but it's only a level 1? Seriously? Now maybe if that was a bind to legacy instead of the weapons, it'd be worth the price. But I have to agree with most people on here. Not worth jumping through all these hoops for what the vendor is selling right now.
  23. Just found this out, too. Why bother getting all the damn shards, if you can't use them all?
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