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Everything posted by Tharag

  1. sending your companions on gathering missions is much easier, bountiful and quicker than harvesting ... submit a bug report (like i have) and await a patch fix
  2. all i can say to everyone who is having problems with these bugs is ... RELAX! the game is not even live for a month yet and everyone is crying and complaining about "bug in this" and "this doesn't work" or "this didn't update" ... for crying out loud there isn't an MMO out there that hasn't had these types of bugs in them in the history of MMOs i know its frustrating, i know you're all upset, and i know you all want to play as much as possible. but do what you have to do (which is submit a bug report) and move on. no MMO is perfect and no MMO will ever be perfect this early in its release. there's a monthly maintainence schedualed for Jan 4th, so hopefully you're problems will be corrected there. patience my young padawan patience my young apprentice
  3. as far as i have seen, Blue + Green = lightside Red = darkside Yellow + Orange = both Yellow w/Black core = both (CE) i have read/heard about other colors as well but have not seen them especially the Purple crystals ... other i have read about but have no actual proof or additional discussion are: Black White various colors w/Black cores besides Yellow
  4. i too had thought of this as well ... and even toyed with the idea or rerolling my jedi sage simply because i had chosen 1 or 2 dark side choices and also the fact that every other jedi i see running around is the same race as me (Miraluka) ... it definitely is possible (EQ2 does it for a fee), but if/when BW would decide to allow such a change is entirely up to them. as for the cosmetic changes, that would be even simpler for them to do (again EQ2 has this as well) and its a simple npc in game that would send you back to a modified character creation screen that let you change the appeance. oh and they (EQ2) also had services, for a fee, that you could change your sex, race, and also your name. so all these options are possible, IF Bioware wants to go that route ...
  5. i too, would be very much interested in this information ... if : 1. available for either side 2. available for any class
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