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Everything posted by erictlewis

  1. I check torstatus.net every day and watch the numbers continue to fall. 1.3 offers nothing to fix this, other than the transfers that were waiting for an faq on.
  2. Well I look at this anouncemt and take it at face value. This is pr stunt to stim th bleeding subscriptions. Where is the info about server transfers, were is the info about mega servers. Nice to see this is comming our way before next year this time. However it does nothing to fix the current problems we have with the game.
  3. Ok when is all this going to happen. Is the new space mission still space on rails? A new planet and new level cap, whats the new level cap? All I see is a lot of glitter and no substance to anything specific.
  4. You do realize you are not going to get the choice on what server to move to. They already said select servers will have the ability to move to other select servers. They not told us what servers yet, all we have is soon. Then after that they will come up with the paid transfer service. So right now were waiting to see what they really come up with.
  5. I think tor will be like swg after the nge, by that I mean there will be a small segment of players playing because it has the star wars name. I think eventually LA will cancel the license and move onto the next product. I honestly do NOT see SWTOR lasting past the end of the year. That's funny since swg lasted 7 years, despite having low populations for many years.
  6. Damage control, wow boy howdy. 344 is the number of players on an average server??? Don't they mean the 10 servers that are constantly showing as standard I guess those are the average server. There is no way on this earth that the other 200 servers that are showing light has 344 average players on at a single time.
  7. No Im not lazy, I am jsut not interested having 4 50's in regrinding all that out and dooing all those booring side quests again.
  8. I think that what we are seeing with the numbers, are those folks who want to stick with the game, and not wait for server transfers are leaving the less populated servers for the big ones. I think most of the free 30 days have worn off and what you see now is the folks who decided to continue to play, if you can call those numbers stabilized. 2 servers heavy, 10 standard and the rest a ghost town. Kind of sad I had such high hopes for this game.
  9. A lot of folks still had 3/6 month subs, mine runs out on August 6th, So i sitll got a couple of more months to post on the forums. They way I see it they got my cash, I should be able to gripe if I want too.
  10. How exactly are the population issues affecting 1.3 and 1.4? The problem is not only population, its the buggy instances, soe anybody on how that fight can get so screwed up if one person is being tossed at the wrong time or in a mind trap. There are still a lot of things wrong with the game. Alt playability is OK for class story lines but then you get the same old boring side quests to do, how many times are you willing to do those side quests. What is in 1.3 that gives us any hope other than possible server transfers. All I keep hearing is more legacy updates, how is that playable content. I am sorry but the population problems are a disease caused by many problems other than just the few I listed. Why should anybody be forced to play the game if and when it is broken as bad as it is. Still at the end of the day you have to look at all the problems that lead to the decline, and it is a bunch, and it is different ones for each person.
  11. This entire thread is so interesting. How about this. If I don't like the direction a game is headed then why should I continue to pay them my money. I vote with my wallet, and I sent them my message. It is up to bioware to fix the problems and fix them right, if they want to win me back as well as the others. Telling those of us who have canceled its our fault the population is declining. No its not, that is bioware's fault, they had 3 months of folks telling them they needed to fix the population issue, and we still get soon.
  12. Soon is what they say, and that says nothing. Soon is a term I use with my 11 year old kid to get her to shut up. For instance she just came in the living room and asked about Christmas and what we were doing this year, I kid you not. I told her that we would discuss this soon just not right now. So when I see a company that uses the words soon, it is a stalling tactic.
  13. Ok so if folks are rerolling alts on other busy servers why are we still seing a decline in the numbers. Wow just bad news all around.
  14. One would think that it being a holiday week end the population would go up but torstatus actually is still showing a decine. At this point I think most folks have quit until they get a server merge.
  15. What are you smoking? 2 servers heavy, 8 standard the rest are light, and you call that very populated. Rofl.
  16. I call bs on that post the thread where they double the cap, they are talking about it, but not yet done it. All I have to do is log in and look at 2 heavy 8 standard and the rest are light all the time now to realize we got folks spread way to thin.
  17. You have to admit that ea/bioware is eating it up due to all the threads using the super server word. So the rumor mill is actually helping them and they have yet tried to squash it, but yet helpt to keep the thread alive. Oh well nice read with all the real info.
  18. It is leet speak for the inventor's. What sounds better for the investor super server, or server merge. Well super server sounds like new equipment and technology, while sever merge means dying game. So they went with super server, its all word games at this point, I been around the block long enough and can tell when a company has reached desperation, and this is it. the pulled a page out of SOE playbook that got used for DCUO. Anybody can see this what what it is. They just fired 200 folks there is no way in hades that they are going to spend money on new servers when they are trying to control cost, and profit margin.
  19. Exactly take screen shot of the bank log then make an example of him. We had a guy in eq2 who named himself after a ship that leaked oil badly, he got into the guild bank. We made sure everybody knew who he was he had to pay for a name change, to the same oil company that owned that ship, and pulled the same thing on another guild. Finally after several times he got a server transfer, last i heard he was perma banned, after pulling the same stunt over and over. The best way to deal with him is to expose his activities on the fleet.
  20. If this was eq2, they would pull the logs, find the person who took the stuff and issue a temp ban of 5 days. It would take a week to have the items restored. It just goes to show we need logs on the bank, logs of the guild. Our guild tool is non existant. In eq2 I can tell you who has logged in, the last time the logged in. Any time somebody loots something of a certain value. Each time a person leaves the guild, joins the guild, gets promoted or demoted. The should have all these in logs and it should be easy for them to give us that info. Could be the person got 14 items 1 day at the end of the week then the other 10 items at the start of the week. Just saying there is always a way to cheet the system if you know how. Also if your a small guild you should have figurd out by now who left the guild, while you cant blackball them in the forums I would make sure the comunity knows on the fleet word will get around.
  21. I just don't believe the idea they are getting new hardware. They just fired 200 folks. Do you really think that they did that, and now they are going to buy an entire new server farm just to move folks to super servers??? Right now they are looking for ways to cut cost not spend more money. Honestly lets call it like it is, it is a server merge. They will be using existing hardware just like dcuo did. Super servers looks a lot better to investors than server merge.
  22. Well I was going to add vette to my harem, but jeasa told me that I had best end it with that twi'lek or else. I did not like the sound of or else, besides jeasa wants to have kids lol, vette on the other hand got a bit miffed that I took care of her girlfriends itch on nar shaddaa.
  23. Do you honestly think they are buying new hardware?? They just fired 200 folks and sent them on their way. What is going to happen is they are going to use the current hardware, make some new server names, and try to lure folks to the new server names so they can close the current ones. Super server = merged server that's what they did in dcuo. Used the same server hardware they already had.
  24. Trust them well probably not. This is what happenes when ea gets there hands on a game. Warhammer?? The entire problem with this game is it should have been a single player game with co-op 4 player groups only, and I think it would have been much better recieved. This is what happens when somebody does not understand mmo's and tries to make one.
  25. You are the one who does not knwo what the are talking about. MOE was not a game we had a couple of smaller ares to test at that time microsoft had their hands all over the project. Turbine bought it out. I got invited to the process at Alfa A2 stage, at that time the only thing you had was archet. The only reason I got invited was at the time I was playing ddo and our guild got invited due to our size and expressing an interest in moving the entire guild to lotro. All the art for looted items was the same looked like a bag. It was not until Alafa a4 that we moved to Bree. Beta actually saw the addition of the other starting areas. Still you could not move beyond them until beta 3. Af that point some of us were testing the level 50 content, due to testing to level 10, at that point a handfull of us were allowed to test level 30 and level 50 content If you were luck you were able to select what levels to test. It was not until beta 4 that we added monster play and you to use a pool to get there. So unless you were actually testing with us you go no clue what your talking about. The alfa boards are long since gone and only a handful of those I tested with are still playing. one of those being kaffar. My wife did not get invited until beta a2. I had been testing a good long time before then. Oh and not to mention Tiggs was teting with us and at that time Extra Crunch guild on Melendor was the place to be. When the game wnet live with close beta we decided to roll on Brandywine. There were several different beta inerations along with character wipes. Oh and Leggomy if that is you from lotro you and I have tied horns before, you should really know better. I am actually surprised to see you over here, as you used to be quite the fanboy.
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