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Everything posted by Jederix

  1. And when it isn't free (because, face it, there is no reason they should be unless your server is really, really dead)?
  2. Which is why we need an x-server LFG tool. But that is a discussion for another thread.
  3. And when the answer is "We are not merging servers at this time", what will the response be then? The same 20 people posting in huge threads about how it is a travesty, blah blah blah. Be truthful, you only want to hear the answer you want to hear. Nothing else is going to make you happy.
  4. No, it's not. It's just people seeing yellow text and thinking it gives them a direct line to Bioware to complain about whatever the pet "hater" cause on the forums is. This was a poll to see what everyone would like of the 4 choices given. It has nothing to do with whatever personal gripe you have. So calm down.
  5. I'm sure they are working on it and will let us know as soon as they are available. I can see free transfers for the most dire straits servers in regards to population, and paid transfers for everyone else. The cons of server mergers are just too high and it waves the white flag of defeat to anyone considering playing the game, turning them away. Its funny, I saw a post yesterday asking for server mergers because the guy was mad that there was a queue on The Fatman server now; the very same cries that got the game into this mess in the first place. If it weren't so sad, it'd almost be comical.
  6. I agree, there are too many servers; Bioware should have learned from the mistakes of others and not given in to the ADD types who complained about server queues in the beginning. Mergers, however, are not the answer that Bioware is going to give. I know I wouldn't. Paid transfer, with some free transfers for the servers that are in severe dire straits, are an answer that doesn't hurt the games publicity and gives those people who really need it what they want. It will not appease some, however, who will cry that Bioware is ripping them off for having a paid transfer service. WoW suffered some for this when it first introduced the same feature. It eventually dies down. As for not saying the game is dying or dead, you are one of the few on the other side of the debate that doesn't automatically assume the game is dying because their server died. I applaud you for that, even though we disagree on the solution.
  7. Some customers aren't worth the effort to try and keep. They would be bad for publicity. I know this low pop issue seems dire, and it just might hold a bit more merit, if it weren't the same 20 people crying about it over and over in these threads (yes, it's more than 20, but you know what I mean).
  8. I think you might be taking "You" a bit literally in this case. It cannot be denied that there was a lot of crying about queue times when the game started. His claim is that these same people, who Bioware created more servers (this is the part where Bioware should have known better; they opened too many servers) to appease, are now complaining that their server is dead when those of us who said to stop complaining about queue times at launch said it would happen. I can see why server mergers appeal to some. Because they are free. They require nothing on your part and don't cost you anything. But they do cost Bioware...it costs them reputation. Few people will fault them for opening too many servers (I believe most other MMOs fell for this same temptation to appease the impatient; Bioware should have learned from their mistakes, honestly). But you cannot deny (well, shouldn't deny, were you rational) that server mergers are bad PR for any game. Just for the record, dissenting opinions are not trolling. So you may consider me trolling for saying mergers aren't coming, but we all know what happens the second they start mergers. The Internet explodes with cries of "SWTOR near death as they begin merging servers." You think any new blood is going to come play a game like that, regardless of how many subs it has. Hell no. If someone can show me some healthy MMOs that merged servers and didn't suffer for it, please do so. I'd love to see which ones they were.
  9. He quoted someone talking about Cross Server Flashpoint Finder. I was referring to the whole community garbage being thrown about to try and stop such a thing from coming into play. Had nothing to do with mergers, which I don't consider to destroy a community. They will destroy a games reputation, however. It is not my fault that you and others cannot understand this concept.
  10. The really dead ones, maybe (I had forgotten that they had done this in the past). But that will just cause more outrage because everyone and their mother thinks their server is completely dead because of a lack of people in fleet. Even if they do a limited free move, it won't be for everyone. The rest will have to pay for the transfer, just like they have to pay in WoW.
  11. I like that you always resort to the kids insult; usually means you are a kid yourself (which I most assuredly am not), but unlike you, I'm not going to generalize you based on a couple foolish comments. At least you are consistent. MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online. Where exactly does the word "Community" come into that, except in your own broad interpretation of what an MMO is. You want to know where I came up with my opinion? Why is it every time someone says that a cross server looking for group tool destroys a community they follow it up with "because we cannot blacklist people we think suck" (I'm paraphrasing, of course). Can you answer that? I stand by my reasoning. Community builders want to be able to control the play of others so they remain top dogs, with their boot lickers a close second, and the rest of the playerbase kept firmly in check by their black lists and whatnot. I'm certain that because I disagree with you, I'll be labeled a kid yet again. Seriously, get over yourself.
  12. You won't get to move for free. Count on it. It'll be paid tranfers if it will be anything.
  13. Never. The better question is: When are paid transfers coming. Answer: Soon; there is much money to be made through that service. As these forums show.
  14. Why? It's not like D3 is going to be any good. Besides, it's not even an MMO. If ME3 didn't hurt their subs, D3 isn't going to either.
  15. If they haven't already. Like most server wide channels, it would be overrun with trolls and attention whores who are bored. Basically Trade Chat 2.0 (if any of you have ever played WoW).
  16. Necro powers activate! Sandbox games are niche because people want to play a game, not live in make-believe fairy land. If you want to live a virtual "Second Life" I think that game is still around.
  17. Yes. Because it is not as many people as you think it is, nor is it as many people as you seem to wish it was (maybe not you in particular, but some of the people around here). The forums are not representative of the gaming population at large. Not here, not in WoW, not in any game that has a forum. Never has been.
  18. If only they would. They will counter with "if everyone leaves, then who you gonna play with." Newsflash: Not everyone (in fact, very few), think like they do.
  19. You are right, my analogy is as crappy as your's was. Strike it from the record. By the way, which MMO is completely finished again? I've forgotten. See, when I purchase an MMO, I go in knowing it is a work in progress that evolves over time. You seem to think that, like when you purchase a car, that you are buying a finished product. Sure, you can upgrade a car, but most people don't do that.
  20. I 2nd this guy's opinion. Or you could post over and over again how you demand server mergers or free transfers because low pop servers and population imbalances are completely the fault of Bioware. Whichever seems more appropriate (hint: a very loud group of people have chosen option #2 above).
  21. Find something worthwhile to try and be the best. Being the best at video games. Meh, most people are not impressed.
  22. It's what this debate always turns into (and I keybind, btw, so don't even go there). Clickers trying to defend the way they play (which they shouldn't have to) and self-appointed, ego-centric "MMO Pros" who insult anyone who's opinion is different than their own. Keybinding is faster (usually). Clicking is more comfortable to some. To each their own.
  23. Take nerf complaints with a grain of salt (a big grain). Nerfs are rarely ever as bad as some forum posters make them out to be. Only way to be sure is to test it for yourself.
  24. No one lied about anything, stop exaggerating things and maybe, just maybe, you might get better responses. Just out of curiosity, what did they lie about again?
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