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Everything posted by Sorwen

  1. Theran always seemed more related to Carth than Revan. I'm sorry for those that like him, but I'm not disappointed. Honestly everything about Revan in this game was a huge disappointment for me. Like with many other things it seemed like it was doing nothing but trying to put down KotOR.
  2. People seem to be forgetting that the "current war" took years(something like 3-5 I think). I mean on the scale of things even if you topped out well about that say average around 25 so average around 40. 40 isn't old, but biologically speaking there is a lot of change there. Not as much as puberty, but there are a lot of changes. Mentally and physically(physically more so for women than men). While the game ignores those types of ramifications it just starts to pile on how much they want you to suspend disbelief. Not to mention it is getting a little redundant. SWtOR has already used that, can't they come up with something new. It is as weak as just over and over restructuring Flashpoins and Operations to keep them end content instead of creating more. Honestly I'm hearing a lot of hype from them that actually could lack as much substance as the last expansion.
  3. There was. You had to have an item or at least one credit to send. I have no clue when it went away(could have been quite a while), but I have sent emails to my other characters in the past and would forget to attach and it wouldn't send.
  4. This. Either they got rid of it or there is a way around it. They needed to up the minimum not remove it.
  5. Meh, this game shot itself in the foot for any actual growth in so man ways.
  6. Watch the twitch and see the bugs/issues that they are surprised at(some that have been in since beta). That is proof enough they don't play their own game.
  7. So what you are saying is you draw the line at dead. What is your problem with the living impaired? What if she were willing to wax her leg bone?
  8. I still want my Jedi to put up his lightsaber after destroying a glowie.
  9. When we still don't have any of the hinted updates for Legacy I can't really get upset over a little delay for Outfit Designer. I doubt it will really be what many are hoping for anyway. I'm sure any change is being pushed by the idea of Cartel Market sales. Edit: Or the Collectors Edition Vendor.
  10. This has been a part of MMOs since UO. Sometimes the over all health of the game is more important than losing a few customers that are going to take extreme advantage of the game and risk ruining it for a lot of players.
  11. Right now this grocery store is charging you to use shopping carts, bags, containers for your food, and has the littlest stock of food for any store wanting to sell you food. If they didn't let me shop with a lightsaber I would be long gone.
  12. You do know glue factories don't pay you to take them any more right?
  13. Lifetime subs make the most sense in a f2p game. As to cost in a game like this it would likely be +/- the cost for all unlocks on at least one character plus whatever they think they could get above that cost and stay enticing enough to buy. Average lifetime is 300 and then drop to 200 after a few years if they want to try and get more people to buy in. Really though TOR is so content starved I don't think they would do it. They are trying two hard to nickel and dime people on unlocks and unless it was a buy now or miss out forever then I can't see them doing it. That said I've bought 3 lifetimes in the past. Burned once, but the other two have been well worth it so if TOR did it I would buy one.
  14. Honestly knowing ahead doesn't really do anything. What I want at least is to know what content is upcoming(your "surprises" for the most part have been utter failures) and the fact you know something is a bug. I would much prefer to know that you are working on a bug rather than next week bug X might be fixed because guess what, next week bug X might be fixed and I'll find out. What I may not be able to find is that bug Y is known, but not fixed as yet. I know a comprehensive list could be hard to keep up with, but a least a sticky of the "top" known bugs per category(or those you are not waiting for more info on) would be nice.
  15. I want it. Think it should at least be Legacy 30(I'm 40 but know people that have played a lot that would want it and are sub 40),. but would be fine if it was Legacy 2. How someone else plays that doesn't affect me doesn't bother me one way or the other. Edit: How many would have been able to take advantage if 40 was required the first time? And now want it gated for others?
  16. Use to RP in UO and a few MUDs/MUSHs, but I don't any more. Many MMOs don't really support it and the more graphical they get without that support means it is more you have to suspend your disbelief of your suspending your disbelief. That and now days I'm tired and don't want to deal with that when I'm in an MMO. I still TT game(when I can) to RP. If the right MMO came out that allow fun and really supported RP then I might. The closest that is really trying their utmost IMO is Star Citizen.
  17. T7? Because what happens in the airlock stays in the airlock. Since the Kira romance is the only one I've bothered completing it would have to be the one I vote for.
  18. There are now a whole host of jokes I would love to make for both the intentional and inadvertent words used but can't. I thus refer people to the Austin Powers movies since they pretty much cover all those now appropriate.
  19. I now find it disturbing there really is a pink lightsaber in the game.
  20. As I said in another thread like this I would love a chance to get back the names I had day one and lost because of the server merge. On the off chance those that got them are no longer playing I'm all for it. Sadly we can long since now change appearance in game which would have been nice then so I wouldn't have had to recreate them.
  21. Lightsaber sizes where a hot topic in beta. It looks like someone forgot why on many of the more recent ones. I would love the Derelict sabers if they were not so huge they barely fit in the hand and the character holds it way to far down on the hilt which is a little too long on top of it. The hilt is so big that a character would drop the saber when they brained someone with the hilt because they are holding it too low. Edit: Forgot to finish my thoughts. For instance I also like Bastila's, but it suffers from the same issue that the character would be beating them with the hilt and not the blade.
  22. I think it is more the wings. Hook a hyperdrive up to that armor and he is ready to go.
  23. Alderaan, Hoth, and Rishii make the most sense to me. You could easily have a house in one faction's area. Hoth because everyone and their brother seems to have a base there. Whether it be Republic, Empire, or Pirate for a planet little known it sees a lot of traffic. Rishii is similar with all kinds of Pirate groups having bases there one more isn't going to make a difference. I don't agree with those saying Voss though. They don't like outsiders and Republic/Empire presence is tolerated only in certain areas/enclaves. Basically the Voss would have to allow both factions to have a much larger presence before it would make sense there would be strongholds to buy.
  24. This. Too many many of the last ones have been more like the original NERF hilts. They are way to big for someone to realistically wield. And that's when they are not holding the hilt so low that they are more bashing people with the hilt rather than the blade. On a standard size no hilt should extend a good 6 inches to a foot above their grip. Edit: I mean things like this are freaking ridiculous.
  25. I agree, but that is true of many things. Heck a good portion of our subs go to paying for new things we have to pay for in the cartel market. The 2 mil price tag is just in the hopes people will spend CC instead.
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