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Everything posted by Theology

  1. Is weakening Blast any good for pvp guys? Thinking about trying it.
  2. Lol, how mad are you? You dig up a post from the launch of the game when I was looking for more effective keybind layout tips for my first character. Not to mention all the times you plainly admitted that I was far better than you when we were in mumble. When did I charge in and die? During PUGs? OH NO! The reason MVP was at the top is because Cameronz and I together were probably the best DPS duo at the time, both constantly getting ridiculous protection numbers all whilst melting any healer we saw. He was probably a better objective player than I, but I was a better DPSr and we complimented each other very well for that reason.
  3. It was so gratifying melting Hood-rat with Pyro pre 2.0. Of course, impossible now.
  4. I'd love some credits if you still have some to spare.
  5. Perpendicular for best SWTOR player life time achievement award. Undeniably true.
  6. No, but really, Nerf snipers. I'm getting hit with 9k ambushes by a level 12 sniper.
  7. For me, PVP isn't about doing the 'highest DPS' I understand thats how PvE is, obviously, DPS is everything. But Burst matters a lot in PVP. Crit is 100% needed to kill targets. Just my 2 cents, don't know if anyone shares that perspective.
  8. You must be new to this game/dev team. I don't mean that disrespectfully, but this community never really gets what it asks for, even more so for the PvP community.
  9. How is crit worthless? I understand they nerfed its values but the fact that it's still crit makes it remain viable in my eyes. Atleast from a Pyro PT perspective. Even more so now that Flame Burst has the 30% Multiplier on it. (Speaking for PVP here) Edit--Also, are the low aim, high power mods still better than the higher aim, low power mods?
  10. Never going to happen. You guys are all on drugs if you think BioWare gives a crap about PvP at this point. That night they pulled Ranked wz's from the patch they lost any motive to keep developing any PvP related content as the large majority of their PvP player base un-subbed that night.
  11. Pria and I have been using it in regs while we get some gear. Don't really care tbh, I don't like getting 3 shot by enemy snipers who use it. I personally cant wait for them to fix it. The whole thing is a sad joke and really dumb that they haven't fixed it yet. So add me to the list. I'll be doing 3 augments until i'm full partisan. I think pria is full partisan already and has stopped doing it. Edit--I don't know if this thread is specifically for Ranked or not, but yeah.
  12. Honestly, Vesper was on my original server on launch and every day we pooped on him for being the worst sniper/player in the game. To this day, Not even lying, i still make fun of him whenever i see him for being an over-all terrible player.
  13. AHAHAHAH. Now that the class takes some skill, you can't cut it. You're terrible Deft. Also, this:
  14. To be fair, BioWare truly has epicly screwed the pooch on this game. Like, royally. They had better milk this garbage for all they can because no one with a right mind would ever buy another Bioware product at this point. Their studio is kaput.
  15. Just watched some of your VoDs on YouTube, you guys truly are the worst SWTOR players I've ever seen. I never cease to be amused by your lag switching claims of Parallel and Destrukt
  16. You have probably the worst keybinds I've ever seen. Truly, just the worst. I mean, worse than Doug from Dara Mactire, and he had Sprint on his first hotbar. Doug--http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSJs5mIzy8c LMFAO
  17. Take all expertise off in warzones=Get 2x the expertise you took off from Bolster I just don't get it. How can one team fail so miserably hard. Bioware PVP team has to be the gaming industry's worst team in the world. I mean, really, there's nothing to even compare how much fail this team has conjured. Bravo, bravo.
  18. What ever will the server do without the most tryhard guild on the Badtion?
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