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Everything posted by yomanaaiton

  1. I haven't played or followed Guild Wars 2 much, but if it is any good I'll be pleasantly surprised. On the other hand I'm surprised that SW:TOR with 150 million funding, EA/BW and Star Wars didn't manage to make the game incredible. It's good, but just that. Good. It could be insanely good.
  2. I still don't see your point. Let's suppose for a moment that GW2 _IS_ trash. Does that somehow make SW:TOR better? As you can see, the entire line of thinking is dumb as hell. And don't forget SW:TOR is made by the "saint" Bioware of "epic" cRPGs, not some random company nobody cares about (ArenaNet) that have only made one successful game so far, and Guild Wars 2 doesn't have a funding of 150-300 million like TOR, nor is it Star Wars. The expectations are simply not the same.
  3. Indeed, I reported the Twi'lek graphical bugs about 2-3 months ago and they're still the exact same. I guess Bioware doesn't really care.
  4. There's an option to skip cutscenes but no option to skip dialogue. Stop trying to reason with defensive fanboys dude.
  5. Didn't you know? This game is flawless and 10/10, best game ever.
  6. Yehhh, I've played far more than that champ, I'm level 30. I'm just not as easily amused as you are. 6-7/10 is fair.
  7. I agree, I found the music to be underwhelming, especially compared to other MMOs like AoC and *gasp* WoW, and considering what legacy Star Wars has with amazing music.
  8. It got what it deserved for being the same game in a stagnant series.
  9. The sit animation is same for all players? Try EVERY animation is the same for all players instead.
  10. http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/rift 7.2 =/= 5.2
  11. ...a lot of games, just not this one.
  12. That only makes you as bad as the people that give it a 0. Either give an honest review or don't bother.
  13. It's not that 'massive'. Too linear, doesn't require groups to do anything basically. I have 2 manned all dungeons with my brother. I think it's more of a co-op game than MMO. Even PvP is basically just 8v8, nothing 'massive' about it. That's why people say it's a decent game but a bad MMO.
  14. Modern Warfare 3 got a lot of bad reviews because it's a rehash, not because it's a bad game. We've already paid for the same game 4 times in a row. 5 makes it excessive.
  15. It's even easier to assume that is the case. Is it so hard to understand that there are a lot of people who don't like your beloved game and don't treat Bioware as god's gift to earth?
  16. It's really hard to communicate with people without them, most people don't pay attention to the chat.
  17. Well, yes, but sales =/= quality. Good reviews usually do mean quality, at least to an extent.
  18. This. People that give this game a 10 are just as bad as those that give it a 0.
  19. I think the correct approach would be to bring the Lekku in front, over the shoulders when wearing a hood. It would look freaking amazing. But oops Bioware too lazy for that.
  20. I reported the Lekku one in beta because I didn't play a Twi'lek but even the NPCs had that issue. It's probably more complicated to fix than the others, but still, the other two should be easy, especially the headband thing. It's as if they wanted to make us wear hoods but they kinda forgot the hood lol.
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