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Everything posted by Nodulo

  1. Voting yes for dual-spec. I enjoy heavy pvp and HM's as well as Ops. With that said I enjoy healing, pve. As such I am damage 4 days and heals 3 days because of said system and my operations schedule. The flip-side of all of this is when I want to put in a few hours of pvp on the fly and don't repec damage. The valor system atm sucks for healing and I find it night and day re-spreced into dps while dps'ing versus heal spec dps'ing ...go figure. My valor gains are 20-25% higher after a night of this if I had switched. Yes, the system is broken but I am addressing it the only way I can atm enroute to valor 60. I also find mildly annoying ..as I may use the "untrainer" 2-3 times weekly is having to re-talent points and move my action bar back around each time.
  2. heh... hybrid rotation for me spam force lightning until it procs instant casts so more like: affliction(dot)>force lightning>crushing death(dot)>deathmark>force lightning>chain lightning affliction always up, rinse and repeat. Just spamming non-stop force lightning playing hybrid is bad.
  3. Unfortunate, but alas I supose too true. I'm not an exploiter in any capacity and usually don't think as such. I wish there was a way to reward the folks who are staying and suffering as a result. Giving folks deserter debuffs in my experience just doesn't deter it. On a side note the folks that leave wz's with about 2 mins. left in a loss make me laugh you just gave up whatever you were going to get for valor, coms ect. for what ..!?
  4. I'm going to attempt a whole different thought process here. How about rewarding those who complete the warzone, everyone even those whom are brought in halfway to a losing effort. So for instance if three people have left and you come in for the third person leaving you still are credited for three desertions. The folks who stay the whole match will obviously acrue the most as they would recieve all the normal perks plus the desertion bonuses. Give them additional valor, exp, credits and coms based on each player who left. Assign a value for each deserter and adjust at the end of the match. Editing: In all honesty this should have been implemented in that other game and not a deserter debuff. It's not fair to the other 7,9,12 however many OTHER players. A deserter debuff does nothing to rectify that or prevent it from happening.
  5. Not to de-rail, but that is one of the funniest statements I have ever seen on here.... until someone falls over! Priceless.
  6. Originally Posted by xanix ruin the gear , cater to the SKILLED Actually this would end up being cater to PVE gear sets. Already posted people like the carrot on a stick and if you want a straight laced everyones has the same gear it's all skill why not online console instead or the likes?
  7. Yup I enjoy both pve and pvp. I leveled a sniper up to 50 during January for ops didn't like MM for pvp. In the past month leveled an assasin up to 50, valor 54. My server didn't accomodate zerging in ilum, as even on release day we had maybe 10 republic scattered out there. I don't view it as a grind, you win you lose and eventually I'll get my BM gear. I enjoy the matches and I don't solo que maybe that's the line for some folks.
  8. There have been a few quips from dev's about an adjustment posted in earlier threads. No comfirmation, but adds to the growing pot in my eyes.
  9. Will Bioware ruin pvp gear? -maybe. Will fresh 50's get pvp gear faster than a 10 year old ripping an xmas present open? -quite possibly. Will most of the fresh 50's with all their new, shiny, pvp gear realize it didn't make them superman in wz's and they actually, come to think of it really don't even like pvp all that much? -I hope so. *morale of the story Bioware, please don't even further break a system in troubled water.
  10. If you revamp like this there has to be an "up" on mob and boss health in op's and HFp's. This equates into larger pve gear health pools which would translate into folks all of a sudden in pvp in said gear having ridiculous life totals. Yes they could spend time to rebalance of these changes but I just don't see something as profound of a change happening. I'm not dismiss you're idea I just think there is a simpler solution than totally reinventing the wheel. Rated and non-rated wz's would fit the mold imo.
  11. I approve. Just implement a rated system at 50. Give better gear/perks for rated competition. Then in turn reward non-rated with entry level gear to start rateds after enough non-rated play. Give rated players a statistical hierarchy webpage ranking something of that nature to encourage rated play.
  12. At the end of the day Bioware isn't going to completely overhaul the entire dynamic of expertise in pvp I think we all know that... I think we all can agree you can't just dismiss expertise as any raider would simply become the "OP" geared player in pvp and force folks to raid to compete. So we are left with few choices imo, rated 50 wz's with better perks than non-rated and the non-rated would introduce perks to enter rateds after individuals completed enough to gear up properly.
  13. As I scratch my head for WZ utility I do see some. CW, will mean folks might not want to leave 1 person to a turret. Never really cared for this strat myself but you do see it from time to time. Huttball, for severely diminished valor gains you could wait on ramps or platforms for ball carriers. I still don't see it as sizable a buff as it's being made out to be from a non-1v1 standpoint, but time will tell. I will enjoy the attention being taken away from one of my pvp toons adv class again.
  14. This also all seems to point towards the direction of 1 on 1 with someone which in my experience I play three toons between 35 and 50 nearly never happens in well played wz's.
  15. Why don't we actually play a few days of matches adapt if necessary and see how this hashes out before everyone draws all of the conclusions on how this is the end of balance in pvp. I mean we aren't running 1v1 arenas, wz's are still a team effort? And ganking a few people won't directly win a wz will it?
  16. Can we have 8 man groups of ops/scounds now in wz's? I think we will in a few weeks. Now leave the sages and sorc's alone!
  17. So out of curiosity what nerf would you (the reader) impose? Attempting to un-derail this thread possibly into something constructive.
  18. I am amazed how many people are afraid to die in pvp. I have seen people run so far away to stay alive they took themselves out of play much longer than just dying. ^ this, exactly.
  19. Curious how the 10-49 bolster system treats orange/modable items when they are moded to the players level. Example, orange chest piece full mods to bring item to ilvl31 and character is lvl31. Where does the priority lie for bolster? Below an artifact (purple) and above a blue?
  20. It bothers me because of the instant gratification everyone expects. Well I dinged 50, I should just be able to 1v1 someone that spent the last month at 50 grinding, do dailys and any open world killing possible to get the best possible gear for pvp. It takes time and you have to adapt to the system that is in place. With that said I think there will be so many (casual) 50's running pvp it will all even out. Patience. To digress to my original point folks aren't up in arms that a geared out pvp'er really isn't equiped (properly) for nightmare mode encounters in ops nevermind learning the scripted fights. Time pve vs. time pvp. It's really not that appley and orangey if you ask me.
  21. So the beaten, dead horse comes back to life in thread 103476zillion.... Notice the pvp community dosen't attack the "hardcore raiders" about how it's unfair that a person who pvp's exclusively and has nothing but expertise gear isn't invited to nightmare mode ops because of insufficient gear. No, because the raider spent the time to gear and learn appropriately for the harder encounters of said NM mode raiding. p.s. Many (ahem) do both pvp/raid with great sucsess, both doing hard-modes and rocking BM pvp duds.
  22. So as title indicates, I play imperial side on a low population server. My concerns are if the rolled back illum valor idea went through would this be a universal thing. I.e. all valor accrued during pvp in Ilum yesterday or is there a way to differentiate the "as intended" pvp? As such on my server, there hasn't been the camping valor fiasco and quite frankly I played around 4 hours (in Ilum) during our "peak" hours yesterday and it was between 12-25 Imp. vs. 5-10 rep. roughly ..changing out probably every half hour or so. So in short my beef with a rollback would be if they did it to all servers would I lose the valor I accrued in "as intended" game play?
  23. "You do not, however, have any talents that increase your accuracy. You can see where I'm going with this." Check the teir 1 marks talent out: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#400.1
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