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Everything posted by Lalainnia

  1. knockbacks intterupt casting pushback is when you take damage while casting it sets the channel time back so for instance a 1.5 cast time can end up being a 1.8 ish cast time or longer. Some moves have had pushback removed all together like sorcs innervate. All healers have 70% pushback protection with sorcs having the natural highest for some unknown reason of 75%. Mercs can get the highest of 100% with powershield utility. The lack of casting mostly only applies to Arsenal mercs Corruption sorcs and Lighting Sorcs as they received the most dramatic changes concerning instant casts and mobility while casting.
  2. O i dunno might have something to do with the star wars moive maybe
  3. No don't do it the only tanky like item you can get as a healer is the reactive warding relic and honestly that isn't worth it either because its lockout is 40 seconds (36 if you count the active 6 seconds). It's funny tho because this used to be a great item when its lockout timer was shorter but hey bioware can't do anything right and instead of it splitting all incoming damage by 1600 for 6 seconds it gave invincibility for 6 secs every 14 seconds, so you end up with the crap we have now.
  4. Just un nerf the cd time same goes for cleanse and give it a better priority list. the nerf to interrupts and cleansing was the dumbest all around nerf ever
  5. juggernauts aren't fotm never will be the only spec for this class thats ever been close to fotm is tank spec and it was literally for 1 move in ranked. Even when smash monkeys were around it was most sents that ppl QQed about as smashy juggs go down fast still do. Vigilance imo is the only spec that above average for them and it used to be absolute garbage before. What it has is great opener sticking power and sustained sticking power it has the next best sticking power after AP powertechs coupled with sustained root pressure every 12 secs after oepner if u choose to ravage on leap in, they have great team utility with if taken freezing force speed boost or life saving intercede. As for the amount of juggernauts/guardians this shouldnt shock anyone its the number one iconic class in all of star wars.. The only thing that's currently overpowered on juggernauts and gaurdians is pool hatred and gather strentgh this utility either needs to be heroic or needs to be brought back down to 5% instead of 10% or lower the stack limit potential 50% damage boost on abilites that consume focus is far to strong and has insane uptime especially in 8v8 where movement imparing effects are going out left and right
  6. ^ this seems to fit the ops question the best
  7. The lack of awareness imo for some at least is that they are entirely new to A. video games and B. MMOs like for myself now when i go to different games the intial shock honestly isnt that bad and mostly comes down to me finding out skills combos items etc. However ik that when I started rift my first mmo i was on a entirely different level of clueless. In swtors case I think the game doesn't really do anything to improve that, with token lv 60s how easy and fast it is to lv without any sort of challenging content and no need to pvp at all so you can hit lv cap and then go "I feel like trying pvp" which is a iffy idea in any game.
  8. Yes, Imps are more popular is all
  9. Same thing sadly arsenal might be better I guess since it didn't suffer the surge/crit nerfs. 1v1 dps vs healer I would still put AP as number one vs all 3 healers then mara if they spec to stick on them and then imo its arsenal mercs(avoided surge nerf) then prob a sniper. Could argue for deception with its control but I personally only find that to work on mercs and in the mercs advantage in a 1v1 assuming both have cds and such.
  10. For operatives they could do what they what some ppl were poking around with and make probes require 1 stack instead of 2 only keeping the same vaules of the old. I'm not good at math but over time I could see this granting extra gcds compared to the old way and help with burst instead of spending 2 gcds to set up probes would only need 1. Another thing that would help them but I'm personally scared agasint doing is switching the cast times with kolto injection and kotlo infusion. It's very dangerous outright buffing operative heals numbers on actual moves can change the way they heal though by making it quicker.
  11. This is realistic and would go a long way to helping the spec.
  12. Omg yes i wish thats how everyone would few heals or some format in that manner instead of just plop single aoe done. and Yup its the overperforming healing ontop! of the amazing utility they provide which imo is the best.
  13. Thats really off mercs dont over perform in pve, they had a moment healing wise was when non nerfed shells went from being on 1 person to unlimited KBN got that nerfed rightfully so though it was insane in 16m. The only reason ppl used them so heavily in pve for rav and tos was to cheese the heck out of mechs straight up ignore certain mechs and it was disgusting main reason hydraulic got nerfed everything else could be healed perfectly fine by any AC it was without a doubt riskier to use double operatives though because at the start of buggy 3.0 before any sort of nerfs the damage profile was huge burst wise especially on Bulo M&B and cortanni plus u had ppl skipping sm content gear thinking they were BAs and went straight into hm with 186 gear or lower and got rekt. As for operatives being immobile they are not they just don't have a power house mobile heal anymore which used to be surgical probe spamming. What made sorc mobility so strong was the fact that healing trance is a monster of a heal not only are its base numbers high this move when buffed has a stupidly high crit chance some where around 60%+. What really pushes it though is that healing trance is on something of 4.5 second cd if you channel the whole thing with 0 alacrity and immune to pushback. Whats broken on sorcs is they are too good in all areas sustained, burst , consistency between the two, resources, utility. Operatives have a role as sustained healers now where previously they used to step into that single target burst healing role in their broken days just not as bad as sorcs now. Which is ridiculous on biowares part because they took the naturally easiest healer to work with and middle strength in both burst and sustained with the special of having absorbs and over buffed them to have outright better healing to beat the other 2 acs in their specialty without better play.
  14. Yes ik this doesn't diminish the fact that its just as effective in 8v8s only reason its viewed as a bigger issue in arena compared to 8v8 is that once you're dead you don't respawn till the round is done compared to 8v8 where u can respawn till the objectives are completed.
  15. "Honestly a good merc healer can do 90% the hps of a sorc healer" say what now..... even in prime conditions of standing still in pve and being able to refresh the shells and getting to use kolto missile on cd a merc would still lose out the only way that remark could make sense is if the sorc was dead or healing like 2 ppl the entire game or the merc is that much better then the sorc player. Who knows though maybe it's troll bait and I got hooked.
  16. Healing in general for pve is above average and fine because you always go in with the assumption of having a co healer unlike arena to cover your shortfalls. Operatives need no hps buff this is getting really overextended and silly they can still dish out the most hps its just tedious and has a lengthy ramp up time. The main thing that makes operatives look weaker these days is the game shifted to a more bursty instant damage profile all around and ops finally and rightful lost when surgical probe lost base values. The reason op hots got nerfed in 3.3 was the healing from the hots were literally to strong and was borderline passive play especially with surgical force ticking the hot component on application, people seem to forget operatives were still the go to healer for pvp before 3.3 when they buffed every single move for sorc heals excluding unnatural preservation On that note though they fit into any operation group perfectly fine I would however still take a sorc (obvious reasons) and a merc big single target heals with enough downtime to not overheat and the best aoe heals in the game if stacked which is common in pve especially with most of all the old ops being lv 65, mercs also don't have to worry about pushback in pve. For 16m would personally take 2 sages or 2 mandos and 1 operatives big whoop though for the longest of times ppl were using 3+ operatives in 16m because probes stack unlike sorc bubbles and merc shells. This point in the game though imo at least pve wise pick sorcs for carrying stuff and can heal through a great deal of mistakes. Mercs primarily for cheesing certain mechs in rav and tos and specific timed burst healing. Operatives for spreading kolto cloud buff and dirty rezzing someone that might have died also some limited cheesy in various fights . Those are the most important things I feel each of those acs do in the current state of pve for healing.
  17. its a prob in all pvp works just as well in 8v8 its target cap is 8 ppl since the aoe changes to most aoe moves
  18. double carb doesnt white bar thats what makes it so strong on top of the fact that its a hardstun needs a sorc static barrier lockout debuff and needs to buuild more resolve
  19. ikr so cute and green and its fun to just watch them wobble around snapping turtles kinda suck tho look and give u this evil death stare.
  20. Please stop stop stop this about fluffy damage THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS FLUFFY DAMAGE in this game anymore sense the introduction of uncleanseable dots. As for ven pressure it's great single target pressure and aoe spread, ppl keep assuming its dot are weak which they aren't, short duration dots baked into decent hitting moves that tick every second and with the new lv 64 talent if you have all up they do even more damage. It's burst isn't bad either rage just has higher peak damage with cascading power and force crush delay damage potential.
  21. Is this really a take the matchmaking challenge? Because It doesn't make any sense a healer is at a disadvantage in 3dps +1 healer vs 3dps plus 1 healer games its always been that way nothing new its why u used to have "skank tanks" still do, really just guardians though and funny enough sorcs were offenders back then 2 with "skank heals" going primarily balance spec but high enough to grab healing trance. Sage heals excel in all 3 areas that I personally look at on a broad scale between the 3 healers. Overall healing, Utility, Resources they need to drop down in 1 of those. Personally if i had to choose one it would be the healing, they were always the balance between sustained and burst healing in terms of consistency unless your going to count 1.0 when pvp was abysmal and the squish was beyond real for sages. Utility I personally wouldn't want anything taken away because over the years they had multiple things built into them to help get rid of that mind numbing painful "squish" with no counter. Resources idc tbh just always viewed sorcs as the class with easy to use resources. At the same time if any of that were to happen they would need to nerf AP pts co efficient for their damaging abilities and carbonize to get some sort of static barrier lockout so it wouldn't be so strong. O and arsenals surge needs to go not sure how they dodged that Thing is if any of this were to even happen cleanse needs to be fing fixed its priority system and its cd lowered especially since all dots are uncleanseable this would go a long way in fighting this new up and down mobility race with 4.0. Things need to be nerfed just a matter of will it happen across the board and at the same time
  22. Nope don't need a power creep that doesn't fit the current Hp values will just blow apart TTK. Sorcs and Ap pts ,Sorcs need to lose 1 thing out of there triple package healing,utility, resource one of those things needs to be NERFED they not only excel in those 3 areas but dominate. Pts in general need a static barrier like debuff for carbonize and AP pts need to have their massive co efficient damage values brought down. O and arsenal mercs surge not sure how they dodged the previous stuff. As for sorcs still dying that's suppose to happen to any healer without team support from opposing focus fire. So many times have I seen some type of warrior and maybe a op or sin open up on a healer while other teammates do meaningless damage on non marked targets no healer can do anything about that they should die. If any sorc is currently being 1v1ed by anything other then an AP pt there is a great deal of room for improving. A tank can greatly reduce that inc damage with guard+taunt(aoe) and well timed cc but those combos will still die from great dps and well timed use of cc to separate and interrupts For the weak classes if anything imo the only spec that needs a damage bump are pyro pts and primarily with the aoe immolate and scorch these . If anything these "weak" specs need better def cds imo. One thing Iv'e always felt like bioware went wrong with was sharing what used to be tree specific talents instead of making all new ones. I feel a great example are lighting sorcs while their damage could be better and recklessness needs to work on TB they are honestly squishy and are less self sufficient compared to madness in the past it was only lighting that had access to the bubble stun and knockback root. If this was still the case and lighting could pick up 2 completely new utilities that would be great. And sure you would have some ppl complain that A B and C spec couldn't function without this utility but guess what they never had it to begin with. Ultimately tho not only do you even need bioware tto actually act any sort of balance change needs to go out that will take into consideration of when nerfing have to look at all areas being talked about like nerfing burst dps but not touching sorcs or arsenal and failing to change the values of AP pts it makes no sense.
  23. Thanks for taking the time to make and share.
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