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Everything posted by Lalainnia

  1. Arsenal mercs better then Ap powetechs?.......lol wow some ppl.......
  2. Kill AP powertechs or carbonize for the sake of pvp and pve. A serious quick fix that would help with opening up more choices would make carbonize add more resolve.
  3. I'm not sure where people come up with this but sniper mobility is better then merc mobility when it comes to escaping while merc dps wins out when it comes to dealing damage while moving. For snipers 1 simple utility which most snipers take, seek cover 50% speed boost and movement immunity for 6 secs anytime you get out of cover while entrench is active yes. The reason snipers should hit harder imo even though some may disagree is that all 3 disciplines for the class are dps they should have the second highest attainable dps output right behind maras (melee) with effort ofc. Which is somewhat the case in pve AP techs are op over there as well.
  4. Relic procs, set bonus, raid buffs, warzone expertise boosts and debuffs from other specs so for example in arsenals case an AP powertechs thermal detonator would apply the susceptible debuff which increases damage taken by tech abilites by 5% this is the debuff arsenal benefits from but doesn't have access to. Most cases tho tend to be on targets with expertise lower then 2018 or on a sorc/shaodw that have light armor.
  5. that prob like lighting sorcs moves being counted as one or you sincerely rekted some poor soul they must have been in some kinda awful centurion/champion/battle master gear to get blown up that bad.
  6. Pretty sure the main reason comps were nerfed is that ppl were getting kicked from flashpoints in place of a companion which is pretty funny but honestly comps could single target heal better then some full geared bis players simply because of the 3 second channel heal that had no cd think my elara was healing for 6k tick crits at like 34 influence they also have no resource management it was bad for flashpoints that's literally the reason they were nerfed. The sad part is in typical bioware fashion they don't use a bat to nerf they use an atomic bomb lv 50 influence comps are weaker then 3.0 yavin legacy comp gear or raid geared comps. for me that just shows they honesty don't do that "internal testing" nonsense before pushing things to live servers.
  7. While everything is still doable and anyone dying should re think about button pressing skills and use of heroic moment, it's pretty dumb to have massive sized nerfs like this as its just discouraging and unhealthy for a game. My biggest complaint on the matter is that companions are literally weaker compared to 3.0 comps which doesn't make any sense at all. All this really shows for me is that things honestly are not tested and we have a specific group of people at bioware not doing their job I simply don't see how something like this on such a huge scale could pass and make it to live with w/e fake internal test they do.
  8. Nooo it's pretty bad the way we heal is just bad for pvp if we don't crit were done for and it's not broken up into smaller heals like operatives or have major crit buffs like sorcs. Our heat is also a big part of our lower hps coupled with our expensive filler rapid scan 20 heat once a merc goes into the 40% heat range with no vent heat cd up your playing with fire. The only way mercs will every get high numbers is from using kolto shell and kolto missile while keeping well near perfect uptime with those on multiple people similar to how op focus on primarily 4 targets even in warzones. Another thing that sucks a great deal while it really only applies to warzones is that only 1 merc can apply shells which is a massive part of our total healing. Sorc kinda suffer from this with static barrier but its not as bad and operatives don't suffer at all from having more then 1.
  9. Suggest asking in the sage/sorc forums only going to get trolled in pvp forums even tho you would honestly like to know how to do better with the spec u play.
  10. Yeah this is beautiful as much as I reallllly don't want more knowledgeable sorc heals running around the care put into making that guide is amazing thanks for sharing and it will without a doubt help the average player and beyond.
  11. Merc heals actually have the lowest healing output again and trauma messes us up big time. On top of the crazy heat management and expensive filler rapid scan low kolto shell stacks to keep up for any meaningful sustained Kolto missle only being useful when stacked or critting not to mention it has this really skewed high end low end healing value. Nothing for our threat drop and the most set in stone utility choices, our burst is also pretty much every 19-21 seconds and not sure if its going to crit or every 55-1 min with tech override otherwise your casting a crap ton. Most immobile spec in pvp thanks to no point in taking moving successive treatment because it can still be interrupted along with htl nerf being so harsh plus its cd is pretty long. So while we have the worst def cds, worst mobility, worst resource management and no alacrity booster we do have the highest possible single target burst once every 45-60 seconds and you need a utility which we don't take to make it realistic also need it to all crit. I probably missed something but w/e at this point if you play this spec for pvp it's because you love it or simply don't know how much better you can do on the other 2. As for operatives, class is more than fine people literally just need to get over how strong/broken they were before and the spam burst stupidity that used to be surgical probe which actually still works just need to have a target with 2x kotlo probes for it to be effective and it's very effective when you can insta cast a target and get up to 5-8k crits 3 times with a TA to spare. They're also the most mobile healer, the funnest thing is that they have the same DR as mercs now with the new masterful utility, mercs are able to push theirs higher but gl keeping 5 stacks of power barrier up through stuns and energy. Operatives 2 main weakness are hard stuns and single target instant burst healing on non kolto probe targets both which were lessened by increasing the duration of kolto probes and adding a instant cast Kolto infusion and Injection on stim boost. Operatives can still put up the highest hps and even ehps if targets are taking constant inc damage it's just very tedious and requires a ton of attention. As for sorcs they're just broken either far more difficult resource management or heal nerfs specially roaming mend that move is absurd.
  12. Derpme I was way off thanks and yes Reck should work like that.
  13. Capping comms on a different toon or a copy of your main class in lowbies is nice way to help the jumping gearing wise in 65 pvp.
  14. Carnage also got the surge nerf to 10% on their spammer not just devastating and again TB is every 9 secs. From what I'm understanding you would like recklessness to become an auto crit like snipers laze target so 100% on the next 2-3 moves. Assassins have a talent that increases melee crit chance by 5% when they crit with a force ability. So 35% crit is around the geared crit rating sins can easily hit 40% crit even if reck continued to give 60% they can actually do that now its one of the reasons deception is beating out hatred. I'm all for recklessness working as a super crit I just think they really need to be careful if they re buff TBs surge and if that was to happen it would most likely mean flash chain and crushing would have to stay at 10%. For me personally I would rather they remove the rng from 25% forked lighting and darkness traits and bumped it up to 100% not only would it be a dps gain it would also reduce the cd of polarity shift consistently.
  15. Ya that can't happen with TB because while all those moves have a super crit they all aren't guaranteed crits like TB every 9 seconds. Tk and lighting should be more concerned with the critical damage bonuses lost on Flash, Chain lighting and Crushing darkness. They do need to update recklessness tho but the tricky part is do Assassins really need to benefit from this deception and darkness sins would end up doing some absurd things more so darkness sins.
  16. It's sad because while operative healing is more than fine all I see are sages and sorcs problem is literally with them. Only funny thing is when or if sages and sorc heals get nerfed guess who's going back to the throne of the eternal best healer.
  17. I wanna give you a hug for admitting and then saying thank you after the correction such a rare thing to see. /Hug /bonk
  18. Yes Ping is important in any MMO even with the gcd if you can't click a button at the same time as your enemy because of ping and not reflexes skill etc you're at a disadvantage.
  19. virulence snipers and annihilation maras have a healing debuff there you go.
  20. This isn't cool tho should honestly get a dev response simply because its fundamental that mirror classes have the same capabilities on imp or rep and it's a core issue not something like slingers dual pistols vs snipers rifle or mandos cannon vs mercs dual pistols. It's an actual discipline proc functioning differently between both mirror advanced classes.
  21. EH that's because recklessness isn't a an auto crit what they could do is change the set bonus I guess or just bump recklessness up to 100% not really sure why it isn't 100% tbh literally could just copy off of snipers laze target with the additional effects of recklessness.
  22. Bonk bye Aluvien hope you find something that keeps you truly happy you were always one of those people that loved to pvp for the sake of pvp along with being a god tier mara and always striving to get better don't lose that drive..
  23. Question though whats hitting for 20k-24k on your PT is it cell burst? If so that would make sense seeing as how long it's CD is and not a guaranteed crit outside of set bonus. Compared to TB thats pretty much a 8 sec cd or lower with polarity or extra alacrity on gear. What doesn't make sense is the surge nerf on crushing chain and flash. Imo if they want to do that they need to take the rng out of forked lighting and just make it 100% chance to proc a extra arc of lighting same goes for forked darkness
  24. Pretty sure the super crit is thundering blast it's just that it doesn't really hit hard to begin with every 9 seconds (no alacrity) lighting spec has an auto crit. Now I could see why they would nerf the critical bonus for thundering blast even tho that's dumb as well but at least there would be some reasoning behind it. What I don't understand is why Crushing darkness lighting flash and chain lighting were apart of the nerf. Game in general for each class needs some srs dev responses on certain things and even if they can't do that need an overall summary for some of these class/spec changes.
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