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Everything posted by Neeton

  1. I agree, there has to be a change in pvp. The endgame pvp right now is NOT addicting, and there has to be something new and exciting to SWTOR pvp, even if that means bringing back Ilum.
  2. Hey guys, I'm looking for a highly populated repub PvP server to make an operative on. I just want to experience a lot of open world PvP and get a good star wars feel
  3. Neeton

    Arenas yet?

    I would highly appreciate arenas. This game's PvP needs more excitement.
  4. Neeton

    Open world pvp

    More events on more planets would be really fun and exciting... How much does it cost to server xfer? Also, how many players of your faction are usually on a planet? myne is around 9 people so yea server population is propably a factor of no open world PvP.
  5. Neeton

    Open world pvp

    One of the most fun things in any MMO is open world Pvp and randomly finding someone and killing them. Excluding the fail planet Ilum I find a lack of this in every planet. Whenever i'm on any of my toons and questing I never seem to find any of the opposite faction. It seems that there are not enough neutral territories. Anyone else feel the same way, what can they do?
  6. I would be so happy if this actually happened.
  7. Neeton


    I know this is a weird concern but in Pvp, don't you guys think it would be nice to have corpses when they go back to med center in WoW? Whenever i see someone die they fall to the ground then their body just disappears which is kind of strange in my mind.
  8. Neeton

    PvP Gameflow

    hello, whenever i que for warzones and i start playing, no matter what warzone it is, the gameflow is very choppy. I know it can't be my connection cause of my FPS and friends have this issue. Anyone else having the same problem? Are they planning on fixing this in 1.2? I hope so.
  9. HAHAHAHAHAHA this is great! i'm dying! ahahahaha
  10. Cool, i really like the video. I have an assault vanguard right now and i'm wondering if it will get more fun past lvl. 20.
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