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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Djake

  1. My only issue with them changing Khem, is that the others that have returned so far.

    From other classes, they return with the influence that class had with it.

    Khem being the first SI get, generally ends up having high influence due to having him all the way till tattoine.

    So switching out to a different Khem, possibly means he will return at 1 influence.

    I "hope" the new Khem returns with the influence he had, since he was my first to cap

    Also what happens if you had used the terminal to return comps, will it simply switch to the new one? Which means those using terminal to bring back the original for crew skills, or SF etc could be left having to re level the new de shade


    Even if you had Khem at max affection, it's not a big loss. Iit takes less than 80 tier 1 gifts to bring a companion up to rank 10, that's less than 10k credits.

  2. I was running on a team of 4 65's with all 4 of us having to pick loot from each corpse separately. very annoying. we werent dual boxing or anything like that.the first person to loot would area loot all of their corpses at once, the other 3 had to go from body to body. Very time consuming and redundant.


    THIS is the headache. Usually a melee player gets the first area loot, then every one else is forced to loot each body separately or miss out. I don't mind everyone having to loot once, but having to loot 3 or 4 times and going to each corpse really slows things down. Make it so everyone can area-loot, or just have it where when the first player loots it divides out who gets what and distributes it.

  3. Yep, optional content should be optional. Porting anywhere into the phase starts it automatically, and this should be one of those that you are required to talk to Shan before it triggers.


    Agreed. This has been a real pain. You can go through the conversation with Theron and land on Zakuul, then travel back to Hylo and it pauses the Chapter at that point. But it is still a pain and badly developed.

  4. Guild Mail. It's ridiculous that this feature isn't already available. i.e. The ability for guild leaders and officers, or other members to send ONE email to the whole guild. This can be set as a permission for the guildleader only, or the leader can set permissions for officers or any other rank as the leader sees fit.
  5. Sets like the Republic trooper chestguard in colors other than orange and purple. I mean just because your studio is in Austin, doesn't mean everything has to have the burnt orange of the Texas Longhorns on it. And I notice there's very little maroon and white.


    And why do all of the 'neutral' armors have cool looks for the Empire, but when you try and put it on a Republic character it looks hideous. Scoundrel Suit is one example I can think of. Looks awesome on an agent, but actually put it on a scoundrel and it turns into a long coat with an inflatable collar.

  6. I'm gathering but when I can sell the radioactve and mutagenic pastes for 65K instead of using them to make 3 exotech stims, which won't sell for more than a total of 60K, I have to ask myself why anyone would craft.


    I wouldnt mind them putting up some restrictions on how much mats could sell for. Half of the current prices would be nice, so if the average price on molecular stabs right now is 170K they would decide that we couldnt put them up for more than 85K. That would move the money flow toward the finished products and away from the mats market. Wasnt that the original intention, that the money were in finished products and not mats? People who craft might actually end up with the mats in raids this way because we currently have 8 people needing on them despite that 6 of them never craft. They just want to sell them since they know they bring in a lot of money.



    Price fixing is BAD. It's been shown historically that fixing the price of a commodity at an artificial low (or high) will discourage suppliers in the case of low fixing, and discourage crafters in the case of high supply prices.


    If you make prices artificially low, people will simply stop gathering them and move to something they can still make the most on, and you will end up with people selling them for more than the set price in person to person trades, probably for even more than before because of the lower supply and general added labor of finding sales without the GTN to act as broker.


    During the French revolution, the King of France set the price of grain at an artificial low. The farmers naturally rebelled against this and began selling their flour on the black market or using the grain to make cake flour instead of bread flour. This is perhaps the cause of Marie Antoinette's ill-fated quote, given when the people cried out "We have no bread" (because of the shortage of flour). To which she replied "Then let them eat cake" because the price of cake had fallen because of the higher supply of cake flour.

  7. Please don't change the difficulties.


    Now, I'm probably as much of a carebare as anyone. I like to be able to slaughter my enemies with scything waves of blasterfire and irresistible Force powers to make the Emperor wince and say "Dayum, he got pwn't" In other words I dont enjoy doing games on nightmare levels. This game is just about right. I can play and advance without spending all my time frustrated walking from the med center. But, I still die enough to make myself think about it.


    For those that enjoy the nightmare levels, they can always try it sans companion or bump the instance to HARD.


    Good Job BioWare. I'm havin' fun I haven't had since Pre-NGE.

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