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Posts posted by Djake

  1. Take picture of screen with phone, then set up other character accordingly. Or a screenshot works as well. I like using the phone so I don't have to tab back and forth. If you have two monitors screenshot would work just as well.
  2. I'd like to suggest a portable quick travel device that one could carry with them and use to setup a quick travel point for where ever they are on a planet. Using the item would place a quick travel point at that spot and you would use the quick travel to go back to that spot. Using the item again would change the quick travel spot to the new location. Leaving the planet would disconnect the device from the quick travel locations.


    Where there is a lot of back and forth to places that don't have a quick travel node nearby it would be a useful tool to carry with you. Maybe this is something that could be purchased from the VIP vendor (as he currently has a very light option of items atm.)


    Star Wars Galaxies had something similar to this 10 years or more ago. If I remember correctly, it was the Ranger class that could craft a high-level camp kit and drop it on most worlds out in the open area. While that camp was there, it acted as a temporary shuttle-port where players could shuttle to. Frankly I don't think the team currently working on SWTOR is capable of doing this without major problems.

  3. For both Augments and the Class changes coming in 5.9, those posts are in the works right now. My goal is to have both of them out next week.




    "Those posts are in the works" ? Why does it always take so long for you to distribute information? Do you simply not have the information you need to write them yet? Do you have to send them to someone for approval? Do you have to rack your brain to find some way to spin-doctor the information so it doesn't sound as lame as it usually is?


    Its like the whole SWTOR team are part-timers that work other jobs or something and just phone in the SWTOR stuff on their coffee breaks.

  4. If you wait until 5.9 drops on May 1 to make any more adjustments, then you're just wasting your time as all the conquesters will have GONE and be playing something else. They will have vested their selves in those other games and they WONT be back. Already the numbers are dropping, and this latest little bit hasn't done much to help.


    The point rewards for most of these things are insulting, and the unrepeatability of most of the objectives is unacceptable as well.


    There are quite a few cartel items and packs that I would have bought a couple months ago that I will NOT be buying. I refuse to spend anymore real money on cartel coins. I don't foresee me sticking around in this game long enough to enjoy the things that I would buy.

  5. Also if you want a really good 'ranged' tank, Shae Visla is by far the best I've found, though she is really more of a hybrid. On DPS she will do ranged, but as a tank she charges in. Even the so-called ranged tanks classes of Vanguard and Powertech are no longer 'ranged' at almost all of their abilities limited to 10m or less.
  6. Doing Belsavis heroics on a sage healer is HELL now, no matter what i do the friggin' esh-kha still kill me in seconds, no matter if i use the dumb crocodile or nadia, got no influence ranks with them whatsoever. yes, exchanging gifts would be cool, tried that, no one is interested in such transactions.

    Well, time to delete the healer, i see no viable way of doing H2 or solo fp without a good tank comp.


    You don't have to spend the whole 4.77 million to get your companion to rank 50 for them to be super effective. Half that will get them to 40, And about 1 million will get them near 30 which is still effective. What level are you trying to do those Belsavis heroics? I've done them many times on character who were just high enough to get the mission without it being red for them. If in fact you are trying to do missions which are in red text, then it wont matter what companion you use, you simply will not be able to even damage them enemies, and they will slaughter you.

  7. Tomorrow wasn't supposed to mean a few days ><, I apologize for that.


    The plan is for the missing rewards to be issued during our upcoming Tuesday maintenance. Thanks everyone.




    Will we be getting the appropriate CXP as well? I hit goal on 29 characters last week, 28 of them being L70. So at around 8k CXP for each (with a boost running), that's over 200k CXP. I ask because the last time there were retro-active rewards, CXP was not rewarded.

  8. So it's still preferable to just buy Level 5 Artifact gifts and stuff your companion with it.


    Yes, you can buy the 477 purple tier 5's for 10k and spend 4.77 million, and not have to craft 3 dark projects. All it save is the time spent giving the gifts to the companion and a little over 500k

  9. Lol! :p:D

    Thanks for these updates, it was really necessary, especially the stronghold one! :)


    Pfft, The stronghold bonus was the least needed, and seems quite petty really. The gate for those has always been the credit amount needed to unlock all the rooms. The cost of decorations to fill it with junk was nothing. But I'll have no issue with this unless it is not required to unlock all the rooms to get credits for the entire stronghold.

  10. Also, in regards to the Conquest weeks that are tied to weekly events. I have to wonder WHY these events are tied to certain conquest weeks since there seems to be little connection between the events activities and conquest points. For instance, During "Death Mark" which coincides with Bounty Week, there are no conquest objectives for actually doing bounties. Gree week only has the objective for Exogenesis. And Rakghoul week has no objectives for doing anything in the Rakghoul tunnels. So with these on a recurring schedule we seem to get these way too often and frankly many of my guild members are tired of running Alderaan and Nar Shaddaa heroics. We haven't had Hoth heroics in months.


    You should disconnect the events from conquest, or make the event objectives a big part of the conquest objectives.

  11. Hi Eric,

    While I welcome some changes I think the 150% bonus just for having 6 SH's doesn't take into account those of us with 6 strongholds "filled with chairs" spent a minimum of 50-70 million unlocking said strongholds... Why should someone who bought a stronghold & spent nothing unlocking it get the same bonus..??


    This! Totally. I care not for the hundreds of chairs, junker lights etc that were put down to fill them up. But when a stronghold costs upwards of 10 million to completely unlock, then they should only get credit for having the stronghold COMPLETELY unlocked, all rooms and areas.

  12. Heroics were weekly from launch. Then with the introduction of the Command levels with 5.0 most of the regular planets were made daily, and given CXP and an extra quest to give more CXP. The only planetary heroics that are still weekly are the starter planets; Ord Mantell, Tython, Hutta, Korriban, and then Makeb and Ilum, because they had no extra quest on the Command XP window.
  13. Oh yes yes yes! PLEASE do this. Way too many overdone special effects, globes, shields. Especially when force bubble ends and the whole screen flashes white. Even small fights with a few characters quickly overloads the screen. I've got an pretty nice new computer, so Im not lagging, I just cant SEE though all the effects.
  14. According to posts in these forums, most people are turning off chat or using ignore. So if those offensive people were banned, almost no one would notice.


    No, because many times the offenders have multiple alts, and you have to ignore every alt of theirs on every alt of yours to finally not see them all the time. And then do it again for all the other toxic players. I like being able to read and type into general chat, and to try and answer others questions and generally goof around. But there's a difference between goofing around and the vile stuff some of the players post.

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