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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by Djake

  1. Yeah, I've created 2 new characters this week and it's no big deal. If you've been in game long enough to get 30+ emails you should already have multiple account wide inventory rows unlocked, and have a stronghold you can port to, complete with a bank to store things. Processing the emails shouldn't take longer than 5 minutes. Stop whining over small stuff.
  2. I really like the Grand Chance Cubes and the chance of getting nice older gear, including FULL armor sets. Before Chance Cubes, I would usually end up with 10 or so almost useless pieces of bronze armor, mostly bracers and gloves. I'd much rather get the cube than another piece of crap armor that wont even sell for 2k on the GTN.


    That said, it does get frustrating to have the new packs yield 2 Grand Chance Cubes and a companion gift. I would support a 1 Chance Cube per pack limit.

  3. There is a large holo-terminal in the alliance commanders quarters, located inside the war-room area base. Look for the room with the C2 droid sweeping the floor. The room is just outside the Smuggler area where Hylo Vizs usually hangs out.


    The terminal doesn't light up when moused over, just right click it.

  4. Can we stop the Instant Start of chapters 11 and 12 please. As soon as you try to enter the war-room area, even if attempting to travel to one of the alliance contacts inside, you are automatically thrown into 11 or 12 if one of them is the next chapter in line for your character. I'm just trying to return to Dr Oggurobb after finishing Dr Lokin quest and don't really want to start chapter 12 at this time.
  5. YES! I have been having the same problem. I've searched and written tickets. No where can I find the actual rules used to determine what characters and names are allowed or disallowed. Yes there's that bit in the user agreement, but it doesn't give specifics about format, vowels or consonants together, when you can use <space>, single quote, or a hyphen, or not. And especially about disallowed names. I've tried so many versions of "Jake<space><2ndname>" in both the rename and character generation, that all I can figure is the name "Jake" is somehow disallowed. Even though I've had the name in the past, but taken from me when force transferred, and also the name on my server is being held by a L5 Warrior, and has been for years.
  6. Tried to rename my character "Jake<space><2nd name>" Tried over a dozen different and not very common names and words for the 2nd name. All were "unavailable" as if taken. The name "Jake" is taken of course. It seems as if the renaming system is not looking beyond the first name when checking for uniqueness.
  7. I keep getting "invalid name".


    I want to make a character with [Name] Storm, yes, I know it's lame, but whatever I plug in for [Name] doesn't work. Any ideas why, other than BioWare has turned into the lame police?


    Oh, and before anyone starts blathering about "Johnny Storm, blah blah..." please consider that the surname of Storm is Old English and has been around since the Thirteenth Century.


    Try spelling it old English style and add an E at the end. "Storme"


    Invalid Character means you are trying to use something that is blocked.

  8. Renaming does not seem to be working for me. I've tried over 20 versions of Name<space><various2ndnames> and all have been "unavailable". I've tried adding several of the attempted names to friends list on both sides of server, all were "name does not exist", so I know they are not taken. Only the first name I want is taken and has been by L2 Warrior for years. As far as I can tell the renaming tool is not looking past the first name when checking for uniqueness.
  9. You can test this by logging into a character and try adding the name you want to your friend list. Do this on pub and imp side. If you can't add the name to either side, then it must be blocked or something is wrong. If you do get the named added to friend list, then someone is probably reserving, squatting on the names, or had a character renamed.


    Darn it Ahsoka Tano is blocked XD. I was trying my luck. Great someone took Sabine Wren.


    The first name I want is taken, I know that. It's being squatted on by a L2 Warrior and has been for years.

    I tried the double name I wanted and it "does not exist" on either side. But I still get "unavailable". That's why I think the renamer is still only looking at the first name.

  10. That means some one beat you to the name. If the system gives you a message such as "Invalid name," then the name is blocked by the name filters.


    I've tried several, all with the same first name, but the second different, and this early should not have been taken. I don't think the naming system is looking past the first name. Can anyone verify having a common first name be accepted?

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