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  1. LFG and too easy raids killed WoW for me. So kuddo's Bioware for not putting it in.
  2. Why is nobody concerned over the difference in orange gear craftable by artifice/armstech and synthweaving/armortech? As of now Syntweaving/armortech have a lot more craftable orange gear, plus they can craft orange gear for multiple slots. Artifice/armstech can only craft orange gear for the mainhand/offhand slots. This would mean synthweaving/armortech would become the best crafting proffesions in the game and the others would be seriously lacking on top of the other concerns mentioned by the other posters in this topic. Hopefully Bioware has thought this through for us artificers/armstech people.
  3. I can confirm this. I acquired a melee dps relic as darkness assassin, while another assassin deception didn't get this.
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