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Everything posted by Deepmemories

  1. I plan to have one capped character. There is no way I will level another for various reasons. So does that mean I should not be allowed to heal to fill a roll in a group? Duel spec offers flexability for players without the costs and headaches. Let me ask you this, according to you it would be better for me to have two bounty hunters if I wish to fill multiple rolls? Which part of the woods you people crawl out of? This has to be a troll thread.
  2. Is life so empty that you can't see past a virtual one?
  3. Me Pete, me use pen!!! Really now and people joining guilds does'nt build community for them?
  4. Ahhh, the simple life how is it? Is it really the game that ruined it or the people in the game? Does the gun shoot people or does the pen write the story? Back in the day we rode a horse and buggy now we fly accross continents, back in the day we had to spam chat (not global chat fyi) for a group now we have LFF. Don't let evolution pass you by.
  5. This is been said many times over but I do agree. Of course you have these people who don’t want this feature for unknown reasons perhaps they fell off the evolution chain somewhere along the line but we used to ride horse and carriage now we order stuff online. These nay say’s must be Amish. There is no building a community by spamming general chat, which is not even global. Eventually people will shun out others because they do not meet their nerdy expectations. The LFF will eliminate this abuse by those who want obvious control of group makeup and hand pick the cherries isolating the others. If they don’t want LFF then they should just stick to guild runs and even if LFF is in place they can sit there spam chat for group no one is forcing them to use the LFF, but I bet none of them will. The double standards are clear accross the board but I have to say no to cross realm LFF only to realm LFF.
  6. Yes because spamming chat for 30 minutes to an hours is sooooo much fun right? Which hole do you people crawl out of?
  7. We used to walk to the nearest store then we evolved and started to drive, now we use computers at home to order stuff and have it delivered. Perhaps you been reading Ted Kaczynskis manifesto, but there is nothing great about sitting in trade chat spamming for people to join your group. There was nothing great about then or now stop kidding yourself and others because as we stand you’re nothing more then a hater.
  8. talk to me or us after 30. spamming channels is primative on a primate level. Did you notice the channel is not global it's zoned also. So when you want to run flashpoints and you're on the fleet sitting there for an hour looking for a tank you will change your tone.
  9. This game really needs a server only group finder. Last night I saw a group looking for a tank when my pvp queue popped. After I got out of a long grueling run they were still there looking, they were there for at least another half hour looking for a tank. This should not be like this, either introduce a usable people finder like the one in DDO or implement WoWs idea with a server only system. My bounty hunter is 29 and I only seen a couple heroics, I do not enjoy wasting time in general chat spamming for a specific class to fill a roll, to me that’s not quality game time. To this point in the game I have not run one flashpoint, I tried to put a group together but after 15 minutes I gave up and it wasn’t even for a full group since me and my friend already filled two spots. So Bioware needs to get something going on with this to improve the current channel spam system, which is not even global.
  10. A server only lf(f) is needed, I seen people spamming for a tank over an hour. If that's biowares idea of fun then I'm sure the sub numbers will reflect it. The alternatrive would be to give global chat channel, since I noticed they are zoned and most people doing flashpoints are on the Fleet.
  11. Guess if you're not gathering you wont know what I'm talking about.
  12. It walks too close and everytime I want to loot or scan something I have to turn my camera because I'm clicking it's head or body. Please set the companion distance back further.
  13. AoC combat is way better then any out there I will go far as saying DDO has a good combat system, much like Tera to be.
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