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Posts posted by V-Serp

  1. Because it's more fun to play a close, competetive game than faceroll pugs all the time.

    Also, ranked comms for faster gearing up


    Obviously not, or they would queue up. MMO players really do not like competition. They are used to losing so they've internalized excuses to get cheap wins.


    The only way to get ranked going is to cut off grouping in the regular wzs. This obviously will not happen. The only reason it doesn't happen is to allow the low achievers to succeed in this game, and that's what $15 a month will buy you. Bioware's thought process is that the only people that will pay them that money consistently are these types of people, everyone else will get bored and stop paying it. They've ridden about 2.4M+ down to about 400k at best with this though process, why would they change it now?


    They even admitted the majority of players back when we were north of 1M subs were PVPing most of the time. They admitted they didn't want that and this was a PVE "story" game. So their solution? Ruin PVP as much as possible to bring PVE up. Their solution wasn't to retain the PVP players or even increase it, or improve PVE to add even more people. They have been on record emphatically stating they don't want people to PVP, and all their decision decisions evince you of this mentality. The mission has been accomplished, they have gotten rid of so many PVP players that now PVE makes up the majority, and too few people will care about PVP for it to be a justifiable focus of dev resources.


    It is actually possible that Blizzard paid these devs off to ruin this game. That is how bad the decisions have been. It looks like intentional sabotage.

  2. Ridiculous gear gaps and the premade vs pug thing. Of course if you are running a premade at 50 you ought to be fine, since the game will match you up against PUGs most of the time.


    Also at 50 most of the ACs in this game are not even viable. 10-49 skill can win out, at 50 some of the ACs become God mode and there's just not much you can really do to overcome it.


    This game is not designed for lvl 50 PVP. It's not designed for any PVP, but at lvl 50 it's just astounding how badly designed it is.


    Of course 10-49 you should be doing PVE anyway, it's a lot better and this game is designed for it. You'll level quicker, get more variety in location and what you're doing, and you can get social points (which aren't important but are nifty) and get choices in your dialogue/alignment. PVP is fun occasionally but especially at 50 you kind of have to do it exclusively to have the right gear and everything. 10-49 you don't have to commit to it or anything. Maybe they should ditch expertise. They should really ditch gear period in PVP, but too many people complain about that, so what can you do? It is what it is, it's not for competitive people or anything.

  3. I believe ranked was supposed to address that to a degree. But they made it restricted to only 8 man groups. It'd be interesting to see what would happen if they also allowed 4 man groups to run ranked.


    Same thing that's happening now. Either the 4 person group blames the other 4 person group or they realize they're not good and go back to PUG stomping.


    Also I don't buy that 8 people is too much. What is the difference between "making 3 friends" vs making 7? Premades love to defend the imbalance for pug stomping by insisting it's an MMO so solo queuers should get stomped, but then when you tell them to get 8 people they make excuses and don't even see the hypocrisy in that.


    This game's PVP is a complete joke and there is no real skill to speak of. Anybody that thinks they are really skilled at this game probably also thinks breathing and typing at the same time is a difficult, high level feat. The skill cap for this game is ridiculously low. The difference is virtually always in game imbalances, whether premade vs PUG, gear, or class imbalance. There's very little that can be done on a PUG side to overcome these imbalances, and it is hilarious that people babble these dumb anecdotes and poorly reasoned arguments.


    This is a PVE game. It's pretty damn fun in a group in PVE. I don't see how PVP even in a group can be fun since it's the same boring warzones over and over. In PVE at least you go to different areas and have stories and such, although at endgame it's pretty boring too. The main draw of this game is the PVE leveling experience however. And really it doesn't take more than a few months to get that done, hence why making this an MMO was a ridiculous plan.


    I'm subbed only until the class stories are done or my siblings get bored and want to cancel. Or until the game dies. I would stay subbed for PVP if it was solo queue by itself since it adds some randomness and can make it more fun that way, but that's not a real option, and my time is pretty limited anyway, so I know that won't be what keeps me.

  4. Shrug, I prioritize killing them too. They're so squishy and easy to kill. I've played every class pretty extensively except Shadow/Assassin and Merc/Commando (the healing BH/Trooper classes, i might be wrong on their names).


    My favorite class was probably Sorc/Sage and I spent the most time on that. But it's just such a waste of time and it's been boring for awhile. I left back in May, logged back into my level 75 WH Sage when FTP hit, saw 2 quickbars, spoke to a few people that told me "go back to GW2" laughed and just erased him. Rolled on another server and do mostly PVE with my siblings and occasional PVP (re-subbed again obviously, FTP kind of sucks).


    Sorc/Sage is really only fun in Huttball because that's not a kill map, it's a strategic map. If you could queue only for that you'd probably never see a Sorc/Sage in anything outside of that. Every other WZ is based entirely off TTK and is pretty braindead.


    In general this game has very, very poor class balance. I stated what would happen before 1.2 came out and it's been the same, some dumb decisions in ensuing patches and the balance is as bad as ever. The gear imbalance is also awful at 50, and having premades vs PUGs is also amateur level stuff.


    This is a PVE game, always was but they accidentally had good PVP in this game prior to 1.2. I think it bothered them that people enjoyed PVP, so they proceeded to gut it. You can see from dev comments that they really hated the PVP players. A lot of those people are now gone, but the new people won't roll back or make the intelligent changes, so it is what it is. A lot of people have stated the PVP is more fun on the forums, it probably is.

  5. Since Bioware does everything else wrong for PVP, they probably will put a penalty in for quitting. I can't believe people still play this game's PVP actually. 10-49 it's bearable but at 50 it's an absolute joke. You are better off just deleting your character at 50 and re-rolling. If you play in groups you actually only have to play through once on each side to see most of the stories in this game (you just can't see the holoterminal scenes in the ships).
  6. I am "preferred status" which means I am not subbed but yet here is my post. Did I fall threw the cracks? Add me to the bug list? Is this post just a jedi mind trick?


    I think you are just full of it. I could never post as a "preferred status" member. It is possible that it's a bug but the far more likely scenario is you are just subbed and lying.

  7. Can you please give us an update on when a Deserter debuff for leaving warzone is coming? People leave the match early in a game because a team goes down 1-0 in Huttball or get 2 capped in Alderaan. People leaving with no penalty sets the others in the group behind and IMO is a form of griefing. Can you please give the community an update on this and make it a Priority. You have it for group finder why not warzones?


    It's coming as soon as they let people choose which warzone to play and when they put in a solo only queue. i.e. Bioware "soon" i.e.: never.


    As all the premades say, make some friends it's an MMO. That way you too can roll over PUGs all day and not care about drops.

  8. Kind of weird that you bought and are still paying for a game whose biggest and most advertised feature was voice acting, then.


    You'd hope it'd have underlying gameplay and other things to draw players in beyond just the VO.


    Most games on the market have VO. Heck if all you wanted was VO why play a video game? You can watch TV, a movie, even listen to an audio book or the radio.


    I think most people start space barring the planet quest "kill 10 womprats" VO after awhile. There's really not much you can do with that, and the game seems to completely run out of ideas around level 30ish usually.

  9. This game is really simple so L2P is just used to mask and then shift attention away from what is really class imbalance, gear imbalance or team advantage (composition, premade vs PUG, etc.).


    95% of the time if you just pick a stronger class, get better gear and roll with a good premade the complaints would disappear. But people don't want to admit that because you might realize that you think that is lame game design, so to keep you playing they insult you.


    Just look at the abilities carefully, maybe watch opponents a bit, and try out a few different builds and playstyles and I am sure you'll figure out what you should do in this game. Just keep in mind all the imbalances working against you, chief of which is probably gear.

  10. I've heard this before, that Marauders are hard or harder to play, so as a Sorcerer I decided to play one...I can't figure out the 'hard' part...Its just know what to press and when just like every other class :rak_03:


    It's hard for dumb people with terrible hand-eye coordination. People with average intelligence and average reflexes and coordination however will have no problems playing any class in an MMO like this.

  11. If so many would join, they would BW not state if its an ongoing game?


    Well, a lot of people might be being dishonest, or the forums might be a minority of the player base. Most people hate being backfilled that I talk to in game.

  12. Its ok, but its too easy to counter. All you have to do is CC, KB, pacify after precision and an ataru sent is boned.


    It's actually the hardest one to kite. If you can kite Carnage you can kite the other two even easier.

  13. Nope. There are clearly enough people in this thread that will, or at least claim they will. I have no interest in joining something already in progress, I can win matches from the start so I don't need credit for just playing in one.
  14. Yeah its clear from all the interviews and videos that these guys no nothing about pvp. They don't play pvp themselves, they don't care about those that do.


    They are just stat geeks that believe they are smarter than everyone else and have infallible metrics.


    I've never seen that work in anything in life. Pretty much anything worth doing has a human element to it, something that always goes beyond just numbers. Sure you can find an equation for a physics problem and then figure out what you need to do.


    But you'll never figure out an equation that will win you a poker game or tell you which team is going to win in a sporting event or how to make a ton of money in the stock market. All those things have a human element so people get thrown for a loop. They keep looking for that one "holy grail" math equation that will give them the answer every time, but there just isn't an answer.


    MMO PVP isn't even that complicated. The job isn't to solve an equation. The job is to just figure out how to make things fun for people. And all you need to do for that, is to watch, listen and play for yourself. Yet these devs steadfastly refuse to take ANY of those tracks and only look at their equations. Just utterly worthless.


    And the worst part of it all is that, like most people that think they are smarter than they actually are, they're not even using the right equations and are missing things. Plenty of the players have broken the game down and figured out how the dev's math works and have indicated weaknesses and problems, problems the devs are too stupid to catch on their own, but exacerbate by having absolutely no respect or sense to take a look at the work others did.


    I don't take pleasure in the misfortunes of others, so I'm not celebrating at these people failing. It's more just shaking my head and being absolutely amazed at how people can just act that way. I've seen it happen before but for a project this big and with so many intelligent people involved in the venture, it's stunning to see it in unfold. You do see this type of arrogance in a lot of companies that fail or at least have setbacks, but usually they at least do it after a string of successes and record breaking profits.


    Like Jaime Dimon ahha.

  15. Absolutely and inarguably pure win. You sir deserve a medal. As for the Warzone and amount of active competitors problem, could not agree more. Unbearable and increasingly discouraging to the PvP audience to join a game short on players only to be outmanned by the opposing team. Although it would increase queue time, a safe lock of about 10-15 seconds should be implemented to secure fair number on both sides, the queue pop timer also needs to be reduced; too many people queue and forget about it only to abandon the queue when it pops or halfway through the countdown, leaving their team understaffed. All of these problems would more readily and easily be alleviated with Cross Realm Queues/Warzones as well as Server mergers though. :( nE3d tehms naO!


    Queue times increase far more when you constantly screw over your PVP player base. They just get up and quit. Most people simply do not enjoy being put in severely disadvantaged situations constantly. People are generally okay with losing tightly contested, fair and hard fought matches. But the 8v5 matches or getting backfilled constantly into losing matches will usually piss people off and they just won't bother with it anymore.


    I don't even know what Bioware is thinking. They really don't give a **** about PVP at all. But not only do they not give a ****, they're also the type that even if they don't care about something or understand it they feel an overwhelming need to meddle with it anyway. Which explains 1.2's balance changes and PVP imbalances. If you don't care about something and can't be bothered to actually learn about it and understand it, don't make broad changes to it. Instead add that 1 wz, add the new set of PVP armor, and then get out of the way. Don't change the balance, don't change the expertise, don't do anything else, just get the **** out of the way since you're clueless, and let the community play.


    But no, they can't do that. Their egos are so gigantic they HAVE to "fix" PVP, even though all their previous efforts should have showed them how clueless they are with it (Ilum). This type of abject incompetence is just amazing. There are varying levels of failure, but Biofail is in the epic territory with their PVP.

  16. They should make wz comms tied to legacy, and then the cap is per character you have. So if I have 4 chars, my cap is 8000wz comms and 14000 rated comms. Also valor should be tied to legacy as well, and your lower level chars should be able to buy the high end gear if you have a WH valor level, since obviously they're your alts and you've already done all the work prior.
  17. What's even worse...it's identical on both factions only flipped. Inspired.


    lol it's mirrored. Actually it's probably the only thing they mirrored correctly in the game, since the classes actually aren't mirrored that well due to resource management, animation and delay issues.


    I feel more comfortable in the Republic Fleet for whatever reason, the Imperial one feels even colder and lifeless.

  18. The problem is 95% of this game is meaningless sidequests and planet stories. None of those stories are actually integrated to your character, and they never come up again at all the rest of the game, outside of brief mentions in maybe a bonus series. Also I think they are very generic and poor on top of that, for the most part.


    For anybody that has watched TV or maybe an anime before, you know that sometimes for shows they pad the content to make it seem longer. When that happens, it is generally called "filler" and it's usually pretty bad. Well the design decision for this game was to make the game 95% filler, which is a ridiculous amount for anything.


    Instead of making the game 95% filler and having to repeat it for every alt, they should have split up that material and concentrated on shorter but unique content for the classes, then combined stories at the end game. They probably thought classes needed to overlap, but I don't think so at all since half the classes can play pretty much every role with different ACs, as well as companions, and there is very little faction overlap so you don't PVP against people anyway. All the FPs are at the fleet so you could get groups that way as well, and most people don't do heroics on planets regularly while leveling.

  19. I was in a group full of the same douchebag guild. They said during prep time that they were going to VK me. It didn't happen because I was participating.


    Why would you even want to play with those people? I would just leave. They probably suck and will blame you for their loss, if you carry them to a win they will pretend they did it.


    I absolutely hate having premades in a group when you solo queue. The point of solo queue is to not have a group. At least when you're in a premade even if you get grouped with another premade and they're douchebags, you have 3 people backing you up against them. As a solo queue you are just outnumbered.

  20. IGN: First off, what was the reaction like to 1.2? Did you find a lot of players returned to check out the content? Did more players check out the high level dungeon content or go back and create additional characters to take advantage of the Legacy updates?


    Daniel Erickson: Although there were the expected small stumbles that go hand in hand with a content release this large the reaction was extremely positive. We saw a huge uptick in concurrent players as people rushed around to see all that had changed since launch. Legacy was the biggest hit by far and Tython specifically saw a large influx of Sith Pureblood Jedi recruits.


    Haha what, extremely positive? Is that why the game is hemorrhaging subs and my PVP guild died? The huge influx of Jedi recruits incidentally was all the Sentinel re-rollers because your class balance is so bad.


    The Legacy updates don't even do anything aside from give you a class buff. That buff is good but not that big of a deal. You can get most of them by simply playing a WZ every hour.


    All the XP modifiers are "coming soon" for some reason. I don't know why they couldn't just code that in, seems like it would be a simple change.


    I would have more faith in these devs if they admitted that the patch was a mistake and they told us they were working around the clock to fix it. Instead all we get is nonsense about how great the patch was and how everyone loves it, and that they feel absolutely no panic or sense of urgency at all towards making any changes. They literally just go in, get coffee, and sit around relaxing. That's the impression they give us from these interviews or have flat out told us.

  21. Over about forty or so huttball matches, I've won about 35 of them, I've scored or assisted on at least 80 goals, either receiving a pass, throwing a pass, or by far the most often: by using my Sage to pull the ball carrier to the goal line. As a Marauder I tend to score by force camoing through and appearing at the goal line. I get to the goal line usually with a force charge to the ramp where the ball carrier is, if there are no enemies around at all then I don't even need to do that as they have a free score.


    If you're not a class designed to carry the ball, and you as a team can't figure out how to position, yes it will be tough to score as it should be. Why should a score be completely free just because you're near the goal line and have a medpac and CC break up? It's like real hockey and soccer, you usually only score when you have a numbers advantage and/or are outmaneuvering at the goal line.

  22. I think the issue is partly that the stealth classes in this game aren't squishy. In most games if you manage to catch a stealth class out of stealth, you can usually take them down quickly. That's the tradeoff, and that's where the skill comes in. In this game taking them out of stealth doesn't even really mean much, now it's just a regular fight and they can still restealth easily enough with a fairly low cooldown.


    But according to these forums Sage/Sorc beats everyone through kiting, so I think we should nerf Sage/Sorc some more.

  23. Before 1.2 it was all sorcs, the most overplayed AC in swtor. Bad casters started to reroll melee after the patch because knockback/CL spam doesn't work anymore.


    I don't think it was ever this bad. But I don't know. Maybe it was. I just know from personal experience the team compositions I saw were more varied pre-1.2 than what I am seeing now. And I also know for a fact that this game is bleeding subs.

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