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Everything posted by V-Serp

  1. They leave because it's against premades, the warzone started with uneven numbers, or the players are awful. The first two things can and should be fixed before they dare to put in a warzone penalty.
  2. Your reasoning makes no sense to me and is completely illogical. How are you being punished if you're playing against other groups? Nobody is saying the group queue function should be removed. According to you, it is punishment to make a premade group play another premade group. So therefore it is punishment to make a solo group face a premade group. Logically it follows that you are against solo queuers facing premade groups. You probably don't even understand how you made a self defeating argument when logic is applied. Hopefully someone can point it out to you if you still don't get it after reading what I wrote.
  3. You sure it's not Shadows you're seeing? Balance isn't wonderful, it's just the only viable spec Sages have left. I don't think it's even viable against good teams and definitely won't be in rated. Against unorganized PUGs it can be fine because they don't know how to cleanse the DOTs, but good teams will always just outheal or cleanse the DOTs and kill the Sage's DPS and the Sage itself quickly. In PVP the goal is to do burst damage and take control of nodes and take enemies out of the battle. CC can help in limited times, but it's going to take longer to cap a node most of the time and by filling resolve you won't even be able to CC. Smart opponents will just heal up/get rid of the DOTs and their teams will swarm. Sure you can tab and dot up an entire team but that's not effective DPS, you're not actually assisting in a win that way. I think what will happen is the top balance talent will get a significant damage boost, as well as possibly an increased root time, and maybe mind crush will get a shortened cooldown.
  4. Are you illiterate or do you just ignore everything and make up your own world? They have the longest patch notes of any class, and they were plenty strong before 1.2. Only stupid people thought they were bad pre-1.2. Now it's obvious to even the scrubbiest players so there is just an explosion in their population. Tell a lie enough times and it becomes true right? No, wrong, no matter how many times you try to pretend the class hasn't been constantly buffed and is now stronger than the other classes it won't change anything. Prepare to be nerfed, and nerfed hard. After these next set of nerfs I doubt Mara will be viable for years, this is like a pity buff before the class gets killed for good.
  5. The class is going to be nerfed hard, deal with it. I bet you were one of the people claiming Sorc is OP and making the same arguments against them that you're making now in defense of Mara, except Sorc was never this bad. It's kind of funny to watch the same Maras that whined about Sorc turn around and swear Maras are fine but Sorc is OP.
  6. So you want all the defensive CDs Marauders already have, the gap closer, the medium armor, the high damage, the extreme damage force choke, force speed, a bubble on top of everything else, and you think Marauders would be OP? No ****. They're already OPed over everyone else, just adding more things would make it worse. "Part of the class" to have stealth, tanking, gap closer, snares, roots, extreme damage? This is why everyone will just roll this class and then it will be nerfed into the ground. You even gave Mara the talent point force speed cooldown. Most Sorc/Sage don't have 20s cooldown because it's deep into the most worthless damage tree. L2P n00b.
  7. You mean the same guy that said Sorc was fine before he nerfed it into the ground? Yeah, I wouldn't take what he says about balance seriously. The guy just makes things up as he goes along and never admits to mistakes. He just figures most of the fanbase is too stupid to ever remember anything and call him out on it. And for the most part he is right, people just remember what he most recently says and discard everything else.
  8. lol you want the bubble? Sure we'll trade. You can have our sucky bubble and force speed, and we will take all of your defensive cooldowns in return. We'll also swap armors, you can wear this crappy light armor while we take your medium. You have to really suck as a mara to whine about sorc. What's the matter, they're whittling down your HP over 18 seconds with the dots? You can't get in for 2 seconds to kill with the root ravage? Any sorc beating a mara is considerably more skilled and deserves the win. There is absolutely nothing a Sorc can do better than a Mara. If you think sorc is so good just roll one. I have a Mara that I use now and it just dominates everything. Honestly I can't believe how fast this class shaves off HP and how great the defensive cooldowns are in PVP.
  9. V-Serp

    Teams of Marauders

    The class is going to get nerfed to the ground. That's Bioware balancing, "overtune" a class for a few months, then nerf it to hell and just overtune somebody else. I liked pre-1.2 balance and think these changes are a little ridiculous. If you can't dominate with a lolMara you kind of suck at this game. They have so many great options and an intelligent player, and especially a couple if they're moving together as they should be, can literally shut down opponents. Ranged can't really effectively kite because Maras can leap to them, go invisible etc. Also generally range classes are squishy anyway. After the nerfs the class will probably be awful too. Most of the people playing Mara now don't care about the class and will just re-roll to the next FOTM class. People that actually are about the class though and stay with it are going to be hurt more long term by the over-nerfing that is coming.
  10. That is the same type. I had an Alderaan where we lost mid turret (which I capped) while I was defending west with another player with us being outnumbered heavily. Everyone dropped, I was the only person left. Then I dropped too, because that's obviously pointless. It happens. I hate playing with stupid people especially against premades. Actually, that includes being stuck with a crappy premade, because they start giving out orders, bungling things, and then blaming everyone else. When I queue solo I am looking for solo vs. solo play, not to be some standy to a premade or to be fodder for an opposing premade. I actually prefer to have a good solo team vs a non voice-comm premade over having a bad voice comm premade with me against a pug.
  11. I think Project and Disturbance should be switched, that way Project could be instant like the Sorcerer equivalent Shock, and Disturbance kind of sucks anyway so you'd never really use it. I like the animation for Disturbance but hate the ability, can't stand Project because it's too slow to use most of the time in PVP.
  12. It always seems to root me, actually it usually looks like I'm stunned. I don't even really mind it THAT much, what really pisses me off is the undying rage and then the invisibility. Since they can't be targeted, they can then come back after the invisible move and just slam you with ravage. I don't know a real effective way to deal with this, especially since on most WZs those precious seconds it gives the Mara to interrupt a cap is more than enough time for the rest of their team to show up. You can have a full team just standing around looking to cap and then the Mara can come and get another free interrupt on a cap. For the ranged squishy classes it's even worse, but no class can really stand up to a tough fight and then that tactical second chance.
  13. I had canceled my sub out of disgust after 1.2 dropped. I just re-subbed right now. This should never have happened in the first place, but now that things are fixed it's fun again. Well sort of. My class is still gimped to hell, my end game PVP gear looks absolutely hideous, lolMaras are kinda dumb, and there is still the occasional ridiculous premade unbalance (the 2 premades at once, ugh). But I can deal with all of that. I hope they don't bungle the next major content patch like they did this one. I'm absolutely certain my class will get buffed in the next patch and Maras will get nerfed into the ground, so I'll wait that out. I hope 1.3 gets here sooner rather than later so I can work on some alts, I really want the exp boost.
  14. You people whine too much. The only time people quit is if the players are absolutely awful or the opposing team is a geared premade using voice comm, or 2 geared voice comm premades in one WZ. If the team is good, as long as it's not the combined 2 premade team, a good PUG group isn't going to leave because it'll be competitive. But when so many PUGs are clueless, it just is too frustrating to try to carry the really bad players against very good players that are obviously geared and communicating. One good thing about Bioware's fail is that less bad players queue up now, so it's easier to win again. And the bad players tend to never to drop either, so you can avoid them entirely by dropping, taking a break, or even trying to requeue again to get into another wz. Usually if you try to requeue it just dumps you into the same wz though.
  15. The losing side can actually get gear now though, and it takes a lot longer to get to War Hero. Once you're decked out in BM you are generally competitive, and with these rates that won't take too long. You probably won't lose all your matches, because I think they also fixed the queue system and there is less premade vs PUG matches, at least there was for me today. By the time everyone has War Hero, Bioware will make War Hero really easy to get and there will be a new one that takes a long time to get, so it should be okay.
  16. There is nothing a Sorc can do better than a Mara. High level PVP teams are going to stack at least 4 Maras, and then 2 Operatives for healing, and then 2 Assassins for tank/stealth capability. That is going to be the ideal setup and there is no reason to bring anything else, unless you don't need to play at a top level. You can swap out one of the Ops for another Mara if you really want. Heck you don't really even need stealth and tanking and healing, so if you really just want to be funny you can go 8 Maras, but the 4-5 Mara team is a little less risky.
  17. V-Serp

    Nightshift PvP

    Just play single player games. I've worked a night shift in the past, a lot of great jobs are at night. Frankly I prefer it, things are quieter and you really don't have much traffic, especially on the way back. Usually you get paid night differential as well. Also it depends on the server. Pre-1.2 on Fatman queues would pop even late at night/early morning. I played until 5 AM one night. I'm not sure if that's how it usually is, as I'm generally asleep by 12-1 at the latest. Like most problems, you can solve them by rolling on The Fatman.
  18. V-Serp

    Sick of 3 vs 8

    It may be awhile. I think that's why the 30 days free thing is happening.
  19. It's absolutely stunning how bad it is. It's like they purposely tried to make the ugliest gear possible. I don't even really get it. I really wish I could get inside the head of the designers. I want to know what type of person comes up with something like this. I don't know how anyone could approve it either. It shows you just how inept this team is. They just really, honestly, are completely out of touch with everything. It's probably a complete surprise to them that people think the armor looks terrible. I'm pretty sure Star Wars has a very rich history and lore. They could have come up with something else, if they needed to have a theme they could have picked some random planet and made gear that looks like it'd be in style for that planet. Maybe a Hoth based gear, a Tattooine style gear etc. Instead we get space samurai...what is the thinking behind it?
  20. MMOs have to have a carrot on a stick design philosophy in order to justify their cost and make money from subscribers. So there is always a competing consideration of how to best make money by making things take long, and to at the same time provide enjoyment to players. Some players really enjoy the MMO quest system. I personally don't enjoy it, and none of my friends do either. A few tried them out but currently none of my friends play any MMOs. I could probably get them to play swtor, but then I also probably lose all my credibility and respect after they find out it's just a mediocre MMO at best. The only thing I can get in an MMO that I can't get better in a single player RPG is the online multiplayer/massive world aspect. For me that is primarily in the PVP arena. MMOs do a great job of creating a world and giving you ways to interact with and talk to other people, if only by providing essentially a chat room and some warzones to play in. There are other multiplayer games out there that you can play, but none of them give you things to do while waiting for other people to play a game with. In an MMO you are in the world as soon as you log in. In other games, such as say strategy games, RTS or FPS, you're really only in the game when there are enough players to play with, and then you only interact with them during the match, you are not in the game world at any other time just to talk or anything else. But I'm beginning to think most of the MMO player base isn't really worth interacting with, so I don't know how much it matters.
  21. Funny thing about that, in previous patches I could run around/through Maras so that they couldn't hit me, and also space them so that I was out of melee range. Nowadays, it seems like no matter what I do, if I am anywhere near them, they can hit me with their melee attacks. Only force scream and saber throw should be hitting me at a distance afaik. Rooting them is pointless most of the time because if I'm close they just hit me anyway, if I am further away they just jump at me. They also of course have the snares to keep me close. I think something changed with the targeting so that it auto-targets very leniently now, both for distance and facing. Which of course makes playing Mara even easier.
  22. So what do you do on Novarre Coast and Voidstar?
  23. Haha I think it's funny that you believe this solution would solve anything. Without fixing the underlying reasons, all that would happen is people wouldn't bother queuing up for warzones. When you'd finally get a warzone, people would leave and just accept the 30 minute or whatever warzone ban, and then try again since it'll take longer than that for a new warzone anyway. Then when they realize the same problems still exist, they'll stop queuing altogether, and warzones will pop maybe 3 times a day with whoever is left. Meanwhile everyone else either PVEs or just quits the game, making it a ghost town. Like most of the servers are. Already there are less and less people queuing most of the time. I play on the biggest server for the game, we used to have instant queues, several warzones going on at once, and you usually would play with a very wide group of teammates and opponents. Now I only ever have 2 different opponents usually, depending on time of the day, and half the time both of the premades are in the same warzone too. Very rarely there's a PUG match, but usually one side won't even have the full team. It sucks now. If I get my other 30 days I will just level my Mara alt just to get through the story. If I do eventually choose to PVP, at least it'll be with the only class worth PVPing with now I guess. I don't really want to level up again though, it's just too boring.
  24. No, Pubs use grass and snow too because they're retarded. I love when someone yells out help for grass and everyone either heads east or doesn't go anywhere. I used to put people that use grass or snow on ignore, but my ignore list started becoming too long and I gave up. East/West is the best, and you can always look at your minimap, which you should be looking at, to know where it is. The other, even better reason, especially for pugs, is you can then start putting in 3W or 2E which takes very little time to type in and gives your team a better idea as to the amount to send and how quickly. It's of course also helpful on Novarre Coast. Voidstar actually people should be watching the door anyway so it's not a big deal, your team in general should be playing the middle on defense and when you have a 7v2 situation it should be obvious that at least 3 people need to peel off and look at the other door. But it seems basic, simple ideas like this are very difficult for the average MMO player to grasp.
  25. I've suggested this a thousand times, but the people you're arguing with get really angry, start calling you names, and then ignore that point as much as they can. They are little children that can't stand getting called on what they're doing. PVP gear should be entirely cosmetic. As I've said before, you set your mods from a pool of mods and when you enter a WZ you will be in that gear. The reward points you get simply unlock different cosmetic gear, that you can also mix and match any way you choose to give yourself customization and individuality. You will also have titles you can unlock just as in the current system. No amount of PVP will actually give you an in-game advantage under my system. If the best player in the world starts a PVP game for the first time, he'll have crappy default clothing but he will faceroll you because he's more skilled than you are. You won't get to mitigate that with time played. This should also free up solo queues and premade queues, I would unlock special premade outfits and titles for that queue when they queue together that solos can't unlock by themselves. You'd get a shared team title and team outfit. Also maybe it's time to go back to the 12 man WZs we had in beta for awhile. Alderaan is much more fun with 12 people. The others might be better at 8, but it'd be nice to get a little variety. For rated I'd even suggest having 4v4 for something like huttball.
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