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10 Good
  1. Consider this... if you were speced to maximize your heals and had enough damage to keep up with a dps-spec, wouldn't that be overpowered? You shouldn't be winning 1-1 fights with only your dps. You have to hit and run, kite and heal, and slowly wear your opponent down over time. But the problem is, there are so many leaps, pulls, stuns, etc in the game that it's really hard to kite. But going full heal spec, you get an extra instant cast heal that can help, esp with the 4-pc bonus that cuts its cd down. But alas, I feel your pain. When healing in pvp, I generally am in trouble when pushed, pulled, knocked away, etc to where I'm alone versus another player. There are just too many stuns in pvp to be able to heal and kite.
  2. Bootyhunter is my legacy name... goes nicely with the Homewrecker title
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