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Everything posted by NummSaul

  1. So.... Bioware messed up by thinking what we the consumers want according to this... they did not sell what most people wanted.
  2. I keep that in mind, and i agree with you It just made me laugh that there are so many people with the ''Give me more attitude'' Play the game enjoy yourself, Do you actually ''need'' this stuff? nah Every game developer makes promises but they never deliver in the end. Thats why i never buy de special editions., or semi special editions, it's not worth the money.
  3. This thread makes me laugh haha... ''I paid mooaarr i deserve mooaarr.... moooar mooaar moaar. '' ''It better be good....'' Or else? you wil leave? probably not since you paid mooaar than everyone else
  4. Nice post This sith lord you are talking about.. i think you are talking about maul but was he not just an aprentice at the time Obi killed him? My knowledge of the lore is not really good atm and i forgot alot of things.. so forgive me if i am wrong
  5. I find it funny people always refer to canon.. The x vs y threads/battles are just speculation don't take it too seriously with canon and non-canon. GL allowed them to make galen and revan or any other character the way they were/are in the game. And when fans start to scream murder.. about some things, uncle georgie must make it canon or non canon to make em happy
  6. How will the people that don't have a creditcard to use for the subscription But use an pre paid game card every time to extend their subscribtion be treated? Is Bioware still going to produce these cards when it goes f2p, and will these still count as a subsrciption?
  7. Galen took down a destroyer so......... Anyway i think the advantage starkiller has over Revan is that when he rages... he gets insanely powerful and will overpower Revan eventually. And he has a couple of years on Revan
  8. :^ this And also The other day a level 50 made it impossible for me to complete my objective because he kept killing the mobs i needed to kill.. i ran around for 30 mins to find a new mob and he followed me i was playing on my level 20 alt. It didn't really bother me but come on... don't be an *** lol...
  9. Am i the only bothered by the fact that they use an Inquisitor with a hood and mask picture on the main page of the site to share this news? And we cant get it :
  10. SOON TM. I am curious whats next though...
  11. ^ I agree. The people inbetween are the ones that suffer the most.
  12. Why do you even care how many post there are about ''no end game'' ''im bored'' go play the game how you want to play it and ignore those people You are mad because you had to do it the hard way ?
  13. I lolled so hard but seriously the costs are too high per alt.
  14. ^ This. Best quote from the prequels : The ability to speak doesn't make you intelligent
  15. Goku will win because Palpatine has died of boredom. Because Goku will take 10 years to finish his ''spirit bomb''
  16. ^ This, Reminds me of the first fable game when you progressed trough the story your character got older. It would be awesome is they can put this feature in the game in some way.
  17. Lotr has Legolas so... end of discussion And what about the army of ghosts Aragorn commanded
  18. I'm holding my breath for this one.. Just have to wait and see how it unfolds.
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