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Everything posted by Petrus

  1. Technically yes. However, you'll want to get the class quest line along the way, since it provides 1) a ship and 2) access to crafting via crew members. Currently doing this with my alt-Sorc.
  2. Yup, it can be done. Also, you're using interrupts and Overload on his main attack, correct?
  3. Did you use an AoE attack? Did your pet? Then you technically attacked him, and he can attack you back.
  4. Well you are playing with a 4 year old GPU. XP, really? =)
  5. Because BW spent all of their money on the [rights to the] IP and voice acting. We'll get hoods eventually. Eventually....
  6. This is how I did it...as an Assassin (which is even harder). Also, are you on level for this quest, and is your gear up to date for that level? (And I'm assuming that you're stimming endurance and using med packs, yes?)
  7. That was removed in a recent patch. The set is no longer available from the Dromund Kaas NPC. I know, because I only have the lvl 50 chest piece. No pants. (Patch was implemented before I finished buying the set.)
  8. Sith corruption is not a vanity bonus, it's a pain in the rear.
  9. Petrus

    Huttball Tips

    The general forums are not the place for positive, constructive posts. =) That said, it's refreshing. Great suggestion. Done this myself.
  10. An IP that would be an amzing MMO, think about the possibilities.
  11. Please re-read. Correct as originally posted. Edit: =)
  12. I find it amazing that someone would complain about this. Healers were healing the Republic base turrets one Illum when 1.1 went live. It ruined the Inside the Republic Base farming experience for many Imperials. Oh wait, wrong issue.
  13. Is that the scientific terminology for Overload?
  14. Oh, me too! Love the game. More of a commentary on some of the lore and franchise itself.
  15. Oh god, this conversation again? Alderaan was obliterated by the Death Star and SWG is no more. Move on.
  16. For anyone who’s crushed about the ret con that’s occurred in parts of the SW franchise, I suggest checking out a story by Philip K. Dick (the author of Bladerunner). The book is called The Man in the High Castle. In it, several characters are obsessed with a popular “alternative history” where America actually won the Second World War (I know, the book’s a mind trip). In the end, some meet the author and discover an important lesson about putting too much faith in one man’s vision. Now, some things I've learned from Philip K. Dick and applied to Star Wars: --A counterfeit can be better than the original (see The Phantom Edit). --Creators ply their craft for money; you are the sucker who pays them for it. --Finally, as Dick asks, “Who, and what, are the agents behind the interpenetration of true and false realities?” Answer that question for yourself, and time spent in Lucas' universe will be much less frustrating.
  17. @ OP, what, you don't want to look like a rabid chicken? Pffff....
  18. This is what I thought would happen. Nope. Just an empty bot who runs crafting missions. #wastedpotential
  19. Seriously! I thought the same thing. WTH, that's mine!
  20. Love the SI (with it's bugs and frustrations). Love the class story through Act 1. I love the class so much, I have an Assassin and a Sorc. And thanks to the magic of BW, I get to do the exact same class quest twice!
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