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Posts posted by Silthir

  1. Why?


    Sure the view of the back is nicer, but how can you relate?


    I don't feel comfortable playing as a female toon for the most part, but I do have a female Chiss Bounty Hunter so I can romance Torian (because surprise, surprise, I'm a homosexual who fell madly in love with that gorgeous Mandalorian :o )


    I also have a female Twi'lek Sorcerer so I can romance Andronikos, but only because I HATE Ashara. Her romance was so stupid...... :mad:

  2. I think why got booted because the main stat on the item was for sorcs/sins and he only wanted the enhancement, I think its the ops fault he got booted.


    Hey I had that happen yesterday in Hammer Station... final boss drops a piece for a Sage and had a Sentinel roll for it because he wanted the lightsaber crystal and enhancement. xD Poor Sage was pissed and I told him it wasn't a big deal. He'll get better gear from commendations, especially since it was just normal mode Hammer :p

  3. I would equal apprentice to padawan.


    I would equal Apprentice to Padawan as well, which would start a Sith class off much lower than the Jedi start off.


    Acolyte = nothing really... Sith are ******es. xD

    Apprentice = Padawan

    Lord = Knight

    Darth = Master

  4. If the main stat on the gear matches the main stat on your class, then you can hit /need on it. Full stop.


    Oh so that Sentinel yesterday who took my Guardian gear, was totally justified in taking it, even though it was heavy armor and tank gear, just because it had Str and End modifiers? Good to know that I'm the n00b that knows nothing about this game. :rolleyes:

  5. I am payable player and I pay my subscription every month. Recently however I see that the servers are being down quite often (like now - servers are down and no ETA or no explanations are given to us).


    Therefore, I want to get some form of refund as the service I pay for is not being delivered. I do not want necessary my money back but some kind of gratification for for constant screw-ups should be on place i.e. cartel money.


    If my company would treat its customers as Bioware we would be bust by now!


    You don't understand yet do you? xP You're one of the sick masochistics that enjoys the way that BioWare treats us. Everyone who pays to play TOR is... otherwise we'd all have gone F2P when that launched. :rolleyes:

  6. Well first of all, lore-wise this makes no sense. Jedi and Sith alike rely on the Force like a newborn relies on it's mother for nourishment. You'd be better off making a Bounty Hunter/Trooper and coming up with a backstory that he/she used to be a Jedi/Sith and they chose to renounce the Force. IE


    Fenrorak Danakar: Chiss Bounty Hunter


    Once a Padawan to Jedi Master Galen Erson (made up Jedi), Fenrorak witnessed the death of his master at the hands of one Darth Baras. Seeking to gain revenge upon the man who murdered the man who was like his father, Fenrorak set out to hunt down the Dark Lord. The Jedi Order, concerned for his interest in revenge, exiled him from their Order, for fear of the young man falling prey to the Darkside. Fenrorak ventured into Hutt Space, casting aside his lightsaber in favor of a blaster, for fear of the Sith discovering he was Force Sensitive. Upon arrival on Hutta, he got thrown into the fray, murdered a competitor in the Great Hunt and took his spot, pretending to be the man whom was to enter the Great Hunt.



    Blah, blah blah. You get where I'm going with this, right? :p

  7. Why would it be a spoiler ? If they told you he has defected, why would you think he is now the JK companion ?

    Same when I first played the SW storyline, they told me the emperor is dead (or something I don't remember exactly I played that class 7 month ago). I did not know that the JK killed him.


    The Emperor himself wasn't killed. It was simply one of his Voices... a lot like the Voss Mystic you kill to release his essence on Voss. The Jedi Knight storyline says that he was killed, but in truth he really wasn't. Where he is no one truly knows... except for maybe the Dark Council.

  8. Jedi can get married have families but it has to be approved by the council first and in the New Jedi Order, Luke allowed the Jedi to get married.


    I'm sorry... since when did the New Order effect the Old Order? :p This is several thousand years prior to Luke. :rolleyes:

  9. Like seriously... You pushed for it, you got it and you're whining. Bioware, stand firm!


    Not whining, I don't think. I just think he/she was a bit aggravated... I know I would be if my mains were Pub. It's kinda goofy, but we did get what we wanted, to a degree. I was hoping more for companion SGRAs so we could get married and such. (Vector and my Agent... <3 )

  10. You don't suppose what with Disney now acquiring Lucasarts, maybe we could ask them to put a bit of pressure?


    You know, just to get some information? Considering how inclusive they seem?


    I was under the impression that Disney only bought LucasFilms and not LucasArts. I may be wrong, but if they only purchased LucasFilms, then you're not gonna really get much help. They'll just blow Disney off, much the same way we have been. However. I'm taking the optimitic road and assuming SGRAs are coming out with Makeb. :)

  11. Vector is worth reroll imho, as is the IA story. It's sad you might have to do that, but I felt he was a lot of fun. Also, he was quite swoon worthy and I loved every second of it. I really really hope he's available for SGRs for those that want it. This is why I keep helping push for info. Romances like that are more than worth it and everyone should have at least the chance to experience that. They need to tell us if leveling makes a difference. To be honest, that's my biggest concern and I know it's a concern of other posters here.


    Oh don't get me wrong. I will reroll for Vector, eagerly. I just wish I could have my current Agent romance him, since he's the one I use 99% of the time, save for boss fights when I use Scorpio... or course, Vector and I are of the same alignment, so I have massive Affection with him. When I heard about Vector I was like... "eh. A bug man? What a waste..." Then I actually saw him in game and got to know him in game and I'm just like... -totally in love- haha.


    I just met Temple, so I really couldn't say if I'd romance her one way or the other. Even though I decided to do the Kira romance on my JK, Temple strikes me as just a little too much of a student. She's really nice to watch progress. Shame I won't be using her much though. As a Sniper, it's been me and Loken for quite awhile. :(


    Too bad you aren't on Shadowlands. I'd save a name for ya for when SGRs come out. ;)


    I don't really know much about Ensign Temple, to be honest, but from what I know about her, she seems more lesbianic than straight imo. I thought about going for a romance with her on my Agent, but then I was like... "ehhhh.." so I decided not to. .-. It's bad enough my Agent had to marry a Voss woman so he could progress... I decided not to traumatize him with a second female........ "companion".


    Heh. Thanks. :p I'm on The Harbinger however. xD

  12. I was hoping we would get both. Probably not going to happen, I know. I just think that if we can have multiple options for OGRs they should consider including more than a "token" SGR character of each sex for every class. I said before I liked Temple but not Kaliyo. Well, it was nice that I could choose which to romance. I hope we have some choice with SGRs too.


    Just my opinion and I've stated it elsewhere I believe, though I'm unsure if it was this thread or another, but I do not believe Kaliyo to actually be bisexual. I rather think she's the one who will do what she needs to in order to get what she wants, even if it results in a sexual nature with a woman... I do not however believe she actually enjoys it. She seems more... straight to me than Ensign Temple. :) I do hpe Vector is the SGRA for Male Agents, but I'll probably have to reroll to do that, considering I'm probably way too far in conversations to actually have him as a romance. :(

  13. You could in theory run a deception SIN and increase the melee dps output with strength, but I would be cautious about how much strength you use over willpower. You could experiment with augments first. You need a lot of main stat. I've considered running strength augments but don't have a lot of confidence you can get enough stat to boost the dps enough over the sliding scale.


    No, just no. Don't encourage him. Willpower effects a Sin's melee output.

  14. Visas Marr was a same sex romance? What? Since when? I'm sure I don't remember that. First, Saying that there were any fully developed romances at all in kotor 2 is kind of a stretch. Second, her most romantic lines are all Male Exile exclusive aren't they? Female Exiles always get Disciple in her place from what I remember.


    I thought the only same sex romance was Juhani.


    It wasn't exactly an official romance, but she showed signs of being bisexual when she wanted to "see the Exile". I always really considered it more of a romantic bond than anything else.


    And no. Visas comes either way. Brianna the Handmaiden was Male Exile only. Visas was the Sith Miraluka who joined you in order to overthrow Nihilus.

  15. ...


    On the side I fully understand not changing the story and dialogue after the fact, simply to add a gay/lesbian romance option. The story was made as is, and it works well, it would be a disrespect to the writers to change it all up simply to cater to something as superficial as a romance option. Another thing to keep in mind, is that it wouldn't be realistic to make everyone a potential "gay or lesbian" romance option. The fact is not everyone is actually gay or lesbian! Giving EVERY romance option a gay/lesbian possibility wouldn't be very realistic.[/Quote]


    Aye... but also to argue your statement, not everyone is straight or bisexual either. It would make sense to have at least one character per storyline to be bisexual or flat out gay.


    This is my take on the two stories I've completed (or at least mostly completed)


    Gay - Talos

    Bisexual- the only female character SIs have... so :p


    Imp Agent:

    Bisexual- Vector and Ensign Raina Temple

    (No, I'm not gonna go with the "everyone thinks Kaliyo is bisexual" I think she simply uses people to get what she wants and if she has to flirt or engage in a sexual act with a member of the same gender, she will... that doesn't neccesarily mean she enjoys doing it.)


    With that said, I don't think it would be unreasonable to add some same-sex options. We do have a somewhat sizable GLT gaming community as I understand it. One of the things I thought was brilliant about KOTOR 2, was the same sex romance option of Visas Marr, however this wasn't something overly hyped or over-played. It unfolded nicely, seemed plausible, and given the nature of her species and the nature of her connection with the Exile it seemed something that felt natural. Last thing we need in TOR is a series of poorly written forced same-sexrelationship scenarios for the sake of pleasing pushy players. When it's implemented let's hope Bioware make it seem plausible and well written. If we pressure them to pump something out, it may come out crappy. :(




    Yeah. I liked that fact about Visas, though I never really played through as a female Exile... even after I discovered canon stated her female. It was just odd to me at the time, that plus my mom freaks out if she discovers I play female characters (though I'm not quite sure why... but I do have a few female characters in both TOR and WoW now :p). I agree with you about the poorly written romances, which is one of the reasons they stated about us not having it at Launch. They don't want to simply adjust scripts and revoice a she/he to the opposite, which I think is awesome. We'll get an entirely different story, much like with Anders in Dragon Age II (though I must confess I've never actually played an Anders romance, I've just heard about a male Hawke with Anders makes him confess his first was Karl, the mage you are sent to rescue by Anders).

  16. This is how I'm justifying my Chiss Shadow when I get my Imp Agent to 50... (his name is going to be Jerdek, so I'll refer to him by name rather than "my Chiss Shadow)


    Jerdek was born on Corellia to my Lighsided Imperial Agent and an unnamed Chiss Female. However the Agent refused to see his child grow up in an Empire that he despises and contacted the Green Jedi, despite having fought against them, they agreed to take the child and train Jerdek in the ways of the Force to prevent another Sith Lord from surfacing. The Sith discovered the treachery and sought to take the Chiss child to Korriban, however the Agent sacrificed his own life to allow Jerdek to escape the planet. Jerdek was then raised by the Jedi Order and follows the way of the Light like his father before him.

  17. I don't want to reroll either. Some people claim you can get to 50 in 1 week or less. Meh... can't imagine how,but whatever


    I'm slowly leveling my trooper, but what I'm doing is holding off Elara's convos. If she becomes available, the flirts and option for the romance path should be there. Also, I'm skipping the planets' bonus series, so I'll have something to do after I hit 50. I don't want to just stream one conversation after the other with nothing in between.

    Too bad those quests won't scale to your character, but well.... that's the best I can think of to be prepared and play the game at the same time.



    Though it does suck entering to a cantina and seeing Elara's quest mark on her head, having to refrain myself :(


    It's called they have no life and stay up all week til they hit 50. :p


    Haha, sounds like a good idea. :p I need to work on my male trooper... >_>

  18. Quick straw poll. Do you think BioWare is doing an adequate job of addressing same-gender content in SWTOR?


    [ ] Yes

    [ X ] No


    I don't really post here as much as I used to and I probably should... but I've been stalking this thread since the day it began... the thread and the Devs. And I must say that I'm incredibly disappointed. It would be one thing if they'd held off romances until SGRAs were ready... hell it'd be okay if they gave us semi-frequent updates... but instead we all just sit here for half a year, hoping some new news comes along, but all we get is a... "SGRs? Oh yeah... I forgot we even were gonna put that in there, but I'm gonna make a quick cover up and say that we're working on it because I don't wanna offend people who want it." (And no, I don't mean that in a snide or rude way, that's just how I see what they've said... I mean you could tell about 6 months ago when we brought it up at the Guild Summit that the question had caught them off guard.) I'm just really disappointed in BioWare and EA for launching the game with such a... hetero-esentric attitude that it really makes me disappointed to call them BioWare... with KotOR, Dragon Age, Dragon Age 2, Jade Empire and a few other games that I can't recall their names, this is just something I expected from a BioWare game and to be honest, I was content with them saying "well we can't put it in now, but we're gonna get to it this year," though anymore I can honestly say I don't know what they meant by "this year" and I don't think they do either. However, I'm not going to be one of those to rage quit should something happen and they decided not to put it in... I won't play it that often, that's for sure, but I enjoy the storylines (save for companions) and I find it interesting, but disenhartening. I hope they put it in soon, I truly do, otherwise my faith in BioWare will be shot and I doubt that I'll ever buy a game they release again, save for Dragon Age 3 should they ever make it.

  19. As far as I'm aware there are few companions which openly start approaching the character (I believe Doc and Corso are the exceptions to this, but I've not played either associated class to tell) so having someone flirt with you won't be much of an issue (unless of course Bioware manage to repeat the existing. bug wherein characters can become locked in the romance conversations without having actually started the dialogue at any point).


    Hmmm... actually I know of very few companions that actually do, though I tend to avoid the Republic, myself. Regardless, that issue has been brought up in the past where people have said "I don't a same gendered NPC flirting with my character." Of course.... I don't see why that "issue" even came up, because it'd be no different as to if someone came up and flirted with him/her in real life, imo. I've flirted with a few straight guys and they gracefully declined, without it being a big deal.........

  20. Tactically, isolating this topic in one thread is helpful for ease of moderation – fewer trolls find it and, when they do, the mess is contained in a small area. Strategically, however, I think it is short-sighted as players will be taken by this broadside when it comes, because the subject isn't visible, and then there will be no containing it at all. But I suppose they will deal with that when it happens.


    Assuming, of course, it ever does.


    Hmmm. I'm not so sure. I'm sure there will be an inital outbreak and there will be people raging all over the game. However, considering Bioware/EA's previous games, I think they'll realize that they're acting stupid.


    Look at Dragon Age 2, while it wasn't exactly what it was cracked up to be, Fenris and Anders openly flirted with a Male Hawke. (I never played a Fem Hawke so I don't know how Merril reacted to her, but I I'm almost 100% sure that Isabella openly flirted with her.) That's just one example, though and it also excuses the "I don't want a same gender companion flirting with me." Because I'm sure in DA2, they just told the companion that they weren't interested and moved on, just like what should happen in SWTOR.

  21. This game is dying. Miserably. C'mon.. superservers? I doubt they care one iota about SGRA, Open space, or anything like that. I think they care only about monetization of the game. It doesn't look good and that makes me upset.


    Dude. The game is not dying. I've recruited several people to come play with me because it's going F2P. F2P will definitely save this game. Regardless, this post is rather off topic.


    However, I will say that a reminder for patience isn't a bad idea. :D Just far easier said than done right now. We'll see how 1.4 turns out.


    If 1.4 doesn't see this implemented, I think I'll be severely ticked off, because I figure 1.4... Makeb... whatever you wanna call it... is the last major thing we'll see this year and according to Devs, which would mean that SGRAs should be coming out with Makeb... the next "story" expansion, that things haven't changed thus far. Just my personal take on this haha.

  22. Now that Daniel Erickson is leaving (See this thread) are his comments still valid? It feels like BW/EA is using this thread as a "carrot on a stick", dangling hope in front of us, saying "just a little further keep giving us your money". I'm losing my hope for the future of SGRAs and my trust in BW.


    We actually addressed this already. The Devs have already stated that things have not changed, even after we heard about Erikson, so I assume things are remaining the same.

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