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Everything posted by Bzziki

  1. Why crossbows must be like a reward of event? I already have 2 of them and they from August 08.2012 (Grand bla-bla-bla event) Makes something new.
  2. Problem is why maul can't be mass attack, like smash?
  3. I wont more bugs and exploits:sul_tongue:
  4. The very simple answer to this question is that none
  5. wow, what a nice patch! I poured in 5000$ to get white crystal. Haha, this is a joke.
  6. 30% crit is hard cap, which mean stack more than 25% crit rating not good idea. I mean, pre 2.0 you could had about 40%+ crit chance, but crits were like gift on holiday - 1,2,3, and then 10 non crits. 5% alacrity is good idea, i noticed in this thread. 1-st of all run with stats what you have, gear up for better equipment and when you will had more then half of endgame gear you can start min/max. P.S. sry for my English.
  7. I will run for this stats with all buffs: Bonus Healing 1070+ Critical Chance 25% Critical Multiplier 74% Activation Speed 5% Pre 2.0 Diagnostic scan was so important for regen, sometime we use adrenalin probe, and stim boost every cd. So, now with 5% alacrity i just use diagnostic scan and has full energy. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/9a858d45-d504-48c8-a60c-1163d0098efa
  8. PvP in 2.0 make me sad PvE is casual Big Fail BW
  9. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/7287d184-9003-4b50-b1c2-8619f68df8c1
  10. This is old bug, started from 1.4 patch. BW didn't fix this yet.
  11. for assassin i wont Disarm - Disarm the enemy's weapons and shield for 8 sec. 1 min cd.
  12. my stats with all class buffs 1065-1267 mele dps 97.~~ accuracy 30.05 crit chance multipler 76.~~
  13. [4] must play only juggernaut/guardian tanks, all party.
  14. Nerf Operativs! http://s08.radikal.ru/i181/1301/8f/d1b6a9fa9f1f.jpg
  15. Hey, Empire TOFN! Where you planning to blow up fireworks?
  16. for this cool combo, sin must keep force shroud for any dot's and empty resolve bar on enemy. I will told u all a secret, use mass taunt and any instant mass aoe. Shocking for counter?
  17. Merc can heal, why u don't wanna play a healer? also u can reroll to a smashmonkey
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