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Everything posted by Demoniceus

  1. I for one work as a chef we dont get computers at work and work is far to hectic to plan for when exactly your going to finish lol. I like to come and relax with a bit of gaming problem being is this game is not supplying that at all dont get me wrong i think it seems like an awesome and well done game which i really enjoy when i play and i love playing with my guild and friends. But the options to hop to another server are not plausible when that involves me leaving 70+ ppl i play with.
  2. Aye its a pretty ****ed up situation proper mess to solve.
  3. All the time i'm waisting? have you read anything people are saying? They start with friends they start with guildies we arnt all lone wolf ***** who decide to ditch everyone to go and play solo. I plus replaying the storyline for my char 3 times up to lvl 15? gets old bloody fast.
  4. My point exactly a game for the jobless. Your view point is coming from having plenty of time on your hands from the sounds of it or just being a blind **** not sure lol but id like to think it was the first one The majority of working ppl do not have the time to spend half their time in a game queueing or in with your idea making new chars and waisting time theyve spent on current ones.
  5. I agree to an extent its not their problem but the fact stands that this is early access and the majority of servers are getting rather long queues through most of the day. On release the game is going to probally double its current player base. My main concern at the moment was bioware allowing so many ppl to continue to create chars on over populated servers. Surely it would of made sense to stop uninformed ppl ruining other peopels expierences?
  6. To the person saying their server has no queues they truly are very lucky but i dont play an mmo to play alone on it. So sadly i'll be sticking with my guild.
  7. Ah dont get me wrong i could probally reroll on a low pop server theres 1 or mibbe 2 on standard pops. The fact being is i hit rank 14 before the insane queues hit and my guild is already established with a fair few lvl 30+ chars on it in a pretty solid alliance. how many ppl can afford to reroll everytime the servers rack up players? Its not practical to say reroll on a dif server. A new char every week lmao?
  8. Woke up for at 10 am figured id play a bit of swtor before work at 3 did some stuff hopped on swtor at 11 still in the queue to play 2 hours later at 1 pm. Gonna be lucky if i get 1 hour today. Finished work last night at half 10 spent over 2 hours in the queue till 1 am. Started Work at 10 am on wednesday finished 10 pm 2 hour queue again. Point is how the **** does bioware expect adults to play a game that does not fit itself around working hours? If these queue times at these hours of the day keep up. They are going to alienate and put off every single working person who is paying to play this game... No one is going to pay a subscription to play a game once or twice a week on their days off. It dosnt matter that we arnt paying subscriptions at the moment every single person complaining about the queue times has paid a minimum of £40 for the game i work that out at a minimum of 4 months game time and so far out of 4 days iv managed to clock a whopping 8 hours in game and about 20 hours in queues if not more... All in All We have paid for a game you let us play it for atleast a day in most cases and then you let the servers we play on get so full and let so many ppl queue we cant phsyically play? Bit of a rant but hey figured some other ppl would feel the same feel free to comment.
  9. Aye breaking guilds apart or atleast causeing members to play on different servers is a sure way to cause a huge community to have a less than huge grudge against the ppl involved.
  10. ./shrug to some extent i can even accept the 2 hour queues at peak times lmao. What pisses me off more? is an hour and a bit queue early in the morning and a 2 hour queue at night. No one with a full time job can *********** play this game on anything accept a day off work...
  11. 1h queue at 11 am when i started its now 12 and i'm halfway in rofl estimated?! **** right off estimated?!?! estimated we will **** you over lmao
  12. Queues in the morning, Queues at night! Queues in the day and Queues in the light! Queues upon Queues upon Queues upon Queues! Queues after work Queues till its lunch Queues after brunch! QQ for the Queues yet no tears are shed, we'll take all your money and shaft ye till bed.
  13. 2h 30 min wait queue on freedon naad *thumbs up bioware* error code 1002 on queue finish rejoin 2h wait error code 9000 on queue finish rejoin 1h 45 min wait *thumbs up bioware* spent 7 hours trying to log in last night... just before 5pm all the way up to 11:30 pm lol
  14. speaking of queue times my 4th queue behind 1.5k ppl is about to end. sittin at 57 wish me luck it dosnt bug again...
  15. ./sigh why do ppl keep going on about whiners and nerdrage. Being allowed to play a game then spending 90% of the time waiting to play it is hardly being allowed to play it... queue times arnt the issues its stupid queue times topped with errors that reset the queue times. You spend 2 hours waiting to log in? Fair enaugh ****** time then when that 2 hour ends and ur ment to get in it gives u an error and gives u another 2 hours? thats just ********. Give me a 4 hour *********** queue time so i know when and where i can play.
  16. getting in dosnt make it any better id imagine it being more frustrating knowing u can play but getting kicked off and given a 2 hour wait time then kicked off at the end of the 2 hour wait and given another wait. Whats more annoying being told u cant have the pie? or being told u can have the pie then the person hiding it ruining it then promising to make another one in hour burning it and offering to make another? lol i want some pie
  17. theres no problem with queues, but queues that last for 2 and a half hours then kick u on login and give you a different error code each time take the *********** piss, iv spent 6 hours today trying to log back onto my server after my game bugging out... and no bioware, move to a different server? iv spent a day and a half lvling a char on my current one i aint bloody jumping ship to burn another day and a half n get shafted again... sort the *********** queues sort the *********** server pops dont expect ppl to ditch things theyve spent time on.
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