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Posts posted by DarrkLore

  1. If you havent checked out their interview that came out today on gamespot about 1.1 and future updates check it out now.



    Good article. The only thing that concerns me is: "And then every single update after that will have in addiiton to new content, new game systems."


    That seems like a pretty hefty promise... I wonder if they can actually fulfill that.

  2. I know Rakghouls are part of Star Wars lore, it's just that I've always hated them. They were incredibly annoying in Kotor.


    I've actually always thought of zombie as a state of being, rather then just meaning undead.


    Yeah they were pretty annoying in KOTOR. Buuut this is a whole new ball game. And considering it's going to be a "story based" flashpoint, I bet it'll be a pretty darn good one.

  3. Sounds good to me, its gonna be a story based flashpoint so it will be another good way to farm social points as well.


    Super excited for their plans for the future.


    If you havent checked out their interview that came out today on gamespot about 1.1 and future updates check it out now.



    Same here. People complain about everything here lol. At least they're actually working to add content to the game. This can't be anything but good news for us. I'm just glad to see them add another story focused Flashpoint because I've been disappointed that most of the flashpoints have been lacking that. I can't wait to see what this game is gonna look like a year down the road...

  4. I'm a big zombie fan but this doesn't look that great. If they had to have space zombies they should have at least had interesting ones, like Dead Space's Necromorphs. Rakghouls are boring.


    The thing is, they're not just trying to add "space zombies" to appeal to zombie fans. Rakghouls are already in Star Wars lore, specifically KOTOR lore. Which is why they chose Rakghouls. Also, they're technically infected people and not actually zombies. Zombie implies that they're undead, but people don't have to die to get this disease, they're very much alive.

  5. I just wanted to show that there are real, live, level 25B mods on my GTN right now.. they are 150k each, but they are there.


    Stop complaining and let the game develop naturally.. it will come in time.


    Eh I think the complainers work out to our advantage anyway. Let them all stay in the dark and switch to Biochem while they complain about things. Meanwhile I'll focus on trying to get those schematics, then I'll have a rather nice niche of my own in the market. :D


    Unfortunately, BioWare scored very low on:


    • Enticing World Environments
    • Long-term Fun Factor


    That first one is subjective... Personally I find the game worlds to be enticing and I know others do too.


    As for the long-term fun factor the game hasn't been out long-term yet. Most, if not all, MMOs don't put much focus on end game at launch because the basics and leveling aspects are more important initially. We're looking at a barebones game right now essentially. End game gets added to games constantly over time though. And I think Bioware has a great potential to have a really good end game.

  7. Rakghouls have been part of TOR story/lore for nearly 10 years now, and are heavily part of the Taris storyline when you quest through it. Why is it bad to expand on that?


    That's the first time I encountered them anyway, KOTOR. I guess I'd have to check wookiepedia to see if it they appeared earlier.


    Agreed. I don't know why people are complaining about them being unoriginal. It's not like they're just adding in zombies to the lore because they're popular. Rakghoul disease has been around since at least the original KOTOR. It makes sense to have an outbreak like this in the game.

  8. Clearly the issue is not with biochem as much as the amount of fail in every other profession.


    Its not that biochem is really that badly op, but rather everything else is useles.


    I don't find Cybertech to be useless. Maybe it's because Biochem is OP that people feel everything else is useless. Instead of putting in the time to RE and get the good, really useful schematics everybody just gave up on all the other crafts and jumped to Biochem.


    Besides just because Biochem is the "best" craft now doesn't mean it always will be. Look what happened to slicing. I like to look to the long term. And in the long term Bioware has stated that they have plans to expand crafting.

  9. Don't get me wrong, I loved the story lines, but like any book I have been through it once recently and have no want to go through it again. At least give an option to do this, so people who want to replay the entire thing again can if they want.


    I personally would like to try leveling a toon solely through space battles or PvP (and the respective class story missions) but currently the gains for these modes are too small to make them viable.


    Like someone else mentioned, we already have the Legacy system for that. Personally trying out a new combat mechanic, seeing a different class storyline, and having a new craft are alll reasons enough for me to want to make an alt. Not to mention there are plenty of regular quests that I've skipped because you don't really need to do them all. And if you're good at PvP you can definitely gain a decent amount of xp from it so I don't see why that wouldn't be a viable option if that's what you want to do.

  10. This has NOTHING to do with being greedy or wrong. If I a Sith Inquistor need gears for my companion to help me level easier on the way up. Then so be it, if they DIDN't want me to do that they would have made companion gear drops only. The fact that they gave you companions AND let them wear regular people gears means they want you to roll for your companion gears.


    That's a bit of flawed logic there. It's not like gear is "drop only" you could very easily buy gear for your companions or use quest rewards to gear them. It's not like they need top tier gear. I don't think it's fair to roll "need" on something for your companion when someone else REALLY needs it for themselves. Your companion isn't contributing to the group when the gear dropped, so why should you be able to need for them? That's not fair to the rest of the group.


    The only case I can see it is if there's definitely nobody in the group who could use it for themselves and they agreed to let you roll need on it.

  11. It seems as though once we hit dromun kass(sp?) we cant quest together. I had to go to the Mandalorian part of town to get quests and he is going to have to go get some Sith quests... It seems like we wont be able to play together unless we do flashpoints or pvp or just wait till endgame.


    It's only your class quests that will be in different areas. There's a ton of general quests on all the planets (Dromund Kass included) that you guys will be able to do together. Just save your class quests for your solo time.

  12. For example: I play BH my brother plays Inquisitor. It seems like the quests would lead us in different directions.


    Thanks for the help.


    A majority of the quests in the game aren't restricted by class so you'll be fine. You can even help each other out with your class quests if you choose to. I'm a Bounty Hunter and my boyfriend is an Inquisitor and we play together all the time. We make a damn good team too :)

  13. I'm assuming that as you're leveling your crafting you're trying to RE higher level items... If that's the case then that's probably the difference you're noticing. The higher level the item, the harder it is to crit the RE and learn the schematic. A lof of people have had to craft 100+ items to get schematics on the lvl 49 items.
  14. >.< Ive had the same thing happen, They select GREED right? If so, They might have no clue about the PASS button. Or they just might be that greedy... and it depends on which side your playing, I found out the Republic players seem to horde more...


    If you need the item and roll "need" for it, then people selecting "greed" wouldn't stop you from getting the item. That's what the "greed" option is for... greed.

  15. When I was in my lvl 20's and outleveling places by a fair amount I was a bit concerned about rested xp because I do spend a fair amount of time on the fleet. But now that I'm over lvl 30 I realized that rested xp matters less and less the higher level you get because it takes so long to accrue. I almost always have some rested xp in my bar, I PvP occasionally, and I do space missions occasionally and I find that I'm not outleveling planets by much now. I also usually leave a few quests behind on each planet, but I actually like it that way since it leaves me with new stuff to do on an alt.
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